She means her period...
"lady with red hair" = blood
"cotton undercarraige" = pad
Correct me if I am wrong repeat_offender!
"lady with red hair" = blood
"cotton undercarraige" = pad
Correct me if I am wrong repeat_offender!
To the second part: XDBLAHHH.I've been feeling really awful lately... Stupid hormones... -.-
Also, what do I do if my mom thinks I'm too young to shave my armpits and won't buy anything like Nair for me? -.-'''''''''
OMG, the other day, my friend and I were working on something and I was drinking fruit punch, and all of a sudden I'm like, "Look down..." and she does and there's blood all over her pants! So she gets my fruit punch and pours it all over herself to disguise it. xD It was the most hilarious thing I'd ever seen...
Hmmm, I don't know. It would seem kinda weird if I went shopping with a friend or something and was like "Oh by the way, I need to get myself a razor." DxTo the first part: I don't recommend this, but I'll say it anyway <.<
*wewt stealth* If you're good at hiding things, you could try getting the little disposable razors from a store. They're pretty cheap. My mom was against me shaving at first. It was annoying.
There's not really an easy way to convince parents that you're old enough for something, unless they're like my mom where just bugging her to death with get it.
yea i see were ur going with that,...You can look at it one of two ways.
1. It IS gross...but if you really think about it, the natural processes of the human body are just gross. Period. There's no way to get around it, so you just have to accept it.
2. It isn't gross, it's something nearly every girl has to go through at some point in her life. It is a part of growing up...becoming a woman. That isn't gross at all, it is a pretty neat thing.
OoOoOoOBoys do have puberty, but they do not have periods. They have other physical changes instead.
XD nice message!The little old red haired lady from the country has come again in her car with a cotton undercarrige. Needless to say, she is an unwelcome house guest.![]()
you're right it just....surprised me....Correct me if I am wrong repeat_offender!
Sorry to hear that.. Maybe don't tell your dad, do you have a sister, or grandma or aunt or a women of some sort that you have a close relationship with to help you?My mom is deadso when i get it should I tell my dad? Also what physsical changes do boys go through?
What a great Day!!! *Sarcasum(sp?)*I [SIZE=30pt]HATE[/SIZE] hormones... This is an overview of my day:
- Got up at 6 A.M. to do math on a Saturday.
- Was really flirty.
- Was really hyper on coffee!
- Was kinda irritated. ^_^
- Fell in love...
- Was really, really, REALLY nervous.
- Was dissapointed :kusatchi:
- Was REALLY depressed.
- Was not so depressed.
- Was just really sleepy.
- Has no apetite.