Ghosts? Aliens?


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Do you believe in ghosts or aliens?

  • I believe in ghosts, but not aliens

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  • I believe in aliens, but not ghosts

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  • I believe in both aliens and ghosts

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't believe in either of them

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  • ...POMEGRANATE! (I don't know)

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I believe In ghosts Because I see my dead Nannas face on my ceiling when Im in bed, and when I went to Conwy with my school, I was really upset because Callum rang me and told me Carrot had suddenly died (My Rabbit) So I sat in the room Crying and my Nanna sat on the bed next to me and whispered "Ill look after Her". :rolleyes:

I dont believe in Aliens because all the Video's ive watched look like fakes and until I see a U.F.O with my own eyes I dont believe.


I believe In ghosts Because I see my dead Nannas face on my ceiling when Im in bed, and when I went to Conwy with my school, I was really upset because Callum rang me and told me Carrot had suddenly died (My Rabbit) So I sat in the room Crying and my Nanna sat on the bed next to me and whispered "Ill look after Her". :lol:
I dont believe in Aliens because all the Video's ive watched look like fakes and until I see a U.F.O with my own eyes I dont believe.

now that is weird WOW

*any ways i believe in both...

I believe in aliens. here are my reasons:

1) we live in an infintately large universe

2) which is creepier, aliens or being alone in the universe? (I'd go with being alone)

3) area 52 and all that FBI stuff. And this thing here

as for ghosts... well... I believe because I do.

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Ok lets just make one tiny point clear. There is no proof that Ghosts exsist and there is no proof that Aliens exsist! Belive in what you want but just remember what people can do with technolgy now! They can pretend things!
Actually there's a LOT of proof that ghosts/spirits exist. But aliens...I don't think so! But definately ghosts. My old house was haunted with some kind of evil spirit hat made us fight all the time and could almost always be seen in my brother's doorway. From the shadow it looked like it was wearing a suit and a hat. It was scary but cool!

I'd like to see someone prove that there are alien though! :D

Well, I totally believe in ghosts. I have seen them... We have one in our house. Luckily, he's nice and he looks after me! =) I was making mini pancakes once, and I went to butter them. I looked over at the wall and I saw a face... It had a yellow-ish tint to it. He simply winked at me and disappeared.

I sleep with my TV on, which totally messes up my sleep. One time I went to bed when I was REALLY tired and needed a lot of rest. My mom was in bed (when she's asleep, she's asleep!), and my stepdad was traveling. My remote was on my sidetable where I couldn't reach it. I left my TV on at night, but when I woke up, it was off. There was nothing wrong with the cable or anything. The cable box was OFF. We didn't have a power outage (I would have noticed, whenever we have a power outage there's a loud, weird noise that I always wake up to). I figured it was the ghost. I went to have breakfast (My mom was still asleep) and I saw the ghost! He was walking by my pantry. He smiled at me, winked, and disappeared. It was rather creepy, but it was nice to know that he was looking out for me instead of torturing me xD


I don't believe in that kind of super natural.
Unless you mean the Holy Ghost refering to the Holy Spirit.

Then I would say yes, but only that kind.

But you weren't.... so oh well. xD
Yes i completely agree =)

The holy ghost is the only ghost

that I believe in.

Yes i completely agree =)The holy ghost is the only ghost

that I believe in.
are you LDS? I AM! I beleive in the Holy Ghost. (which is NOT evil. quite the opposite.

YES TOTALY der scarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyy

Ghosts: We might be living in h-e-l-l-! And those who don't rest peacefully will stay here, and haunt us ..untill they do.


Aliens: It's hard to believe but oh, I do.

-pp :lol:

There is no obviously about it! None of these rocket scientist have actually seen an alien, and the psyhcics say they can make you see ghosts! But it may just be a simple hologram! Technology is well advanced in today's world.

Either way

Someone explain this to me:

When I'm doing homework, I sometimes drop my pencil. I stand up and look all the way round the room but it isn't there so I sit down. The next time I get up it just comes from nowhere! I think I don't look hard enough!

Well, I know there was a topic like this already, but it was old. So I made a new one! Sorry if there's already a newer topic like this, but I haven't seen it on "New Posts," so it's probably not THAT new... Anyways!
I believe in ghosts, but not aliens. If the earth was, like, .001 degrees off of its axis, we wouldn't be here! So imagine how precise another planet would have to be to have life. I'm not saying there's not, but I'm leaning on the "Aliens do not exist" side =)

I really don't want this topic to have lots of flame wars over beliefs, so please stay civilized! Thank you in advance!

maybe aliens can withstand a little more intense environment than humans can, so that's why I balieve in aliens. After all, we could only really consider them aliens if they are not human-like, meaning that they can do other things. :D

People might say this is fake but its not i can hear voices and see things in my house that anybody else can't see..... 0 _0

But i heard on the news thats they found a planet just like earth 0_o

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I do believe in ghosts, But I believe that they like to be called Spirits. After all they are lost souls of the deceased. They nice xD
Sure they are, but I have heard stories about people being 'out of body' so their spirit is actually somewhere else, while their physical body is still fully functional :D

But i heard on the news thats they found a planet just like earth 0_o
I highly doubt that "It was just like earth"

Maybe a little similar but never the same. Nobody

has ever found a planet like Earth.

And I of course don't believe in Aliens. I don't

really see how they could ever exist...But for

some reason i love to watch Alien movies, so i can

point out all the stuff that doesn't make sense =D

I love to do that. xD

The new planet had the smae temperuature as earth, the right amount of gravity, the right amount of oxygen and everything else people need. (No plants or anything yet though!) The problem is it would take 20 years to communicate with the planet to see if anyone/thing was on the planet. And it would take 1000 years to get there. Unless it moves closer we will never know if there is anyone else out in the universe, and if anyone could live on it. We can't even send a rocket away to see what qualities it has.

plz no argumentsd here but the univerase is collosal and is growninbg all the time so if the universe is MASSIVE then there must be aleins and theres not a chance ghousts exist

p.s. the news a week ago stated a alien planet with water and possible life has been found and mars has proof that micro-organisms lived there once!

p.s.s For more information on my opinion please read the origin of mars

p.s.s.s it stats how well its extremaly complex only really smart ppl understand it (time and space is easy for me :huh: :huh: :huh: )

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