Funny Moments at School


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I was SO happy that we had health! xDD


Me and Amanda were fighting over a seat.


Mr.Leto said rape. o_o


I made Amanda happy because I was eatting.

I sat behind Everett,and I thought him and Andy[Trombone Andy] were talking about Yu GTo Oh cards... o_o


I thought Mr.Hanna said "Hell". ._.

Brian was sining "Head in the game" from HSM... Or sdomething from Diseny Then he said "WHAT?! D:< I'm only trying to sing. Akward.."

Brian and Ryan were upset because Scott wasn't here[He was at a ol people's place for RedBird singers].. Brian: I wish he was here.. I like to insult him... ;_; xDD

Horns had to play their part in Amazing Grace and Brain was crying . xDDD


We wer eplaying Pass the Duck, and Steve passed it to me and it hurt. Dx


Mr.Hanna made the trumpets go in the back row, and trombones and Clarinets in the front. SO RACHEL CAN'T TOUCH DREW!!! Drew: Yay. Rachel can't touch my hair. :] Rachel: Your such a baby. :)

Rachel screamed into her trumpet. O_O

Marcus,Drew and George were talking into their saxophones, and telling each other to shut up. xDD

Scott called Marcus a retard.

I sit next to Scott. ;_; And he was so dang close, I was scared he would hug me.. Or something. O_O [coughormurdermejkcough]

Marcus & George look funny while playing their saxophones. xD

George made the stupidest face in the hisory of stupid faces. Pull your lower lip on the lower part of your teeth. Squint. Tada, you got a George face!

We were listening to the recording of Besame Mucho, Rachel was singing into her trumpet [Obviously..] and Johannes was SINGING. Rachel... Also kinda pee'd herself. O_O Markus was blushing, because he was playing during the recording. xDD

Mr.Hanna asked us what we thought of it... And Miller started singing! O_O He sounded as if he was drunk. O_O Miller:Besame Mucho... *Fail at Spanish* Johannes: MELENCOLY! D:

Rachel was pi**ed because Miller got to use the bathroom. O_O

We had this super GAY rythmn study. Mr.Hanna made it up. Mr.Hanna: *Claps in 1/7 beats* Turkey and Pie. Class: *Claps* Turkey and Pie. Mr.H: Gravy and Pudding. Class: Gravy and Pudding. It was so stupid, I couldn't keep a straight face. xD

Scott and Andy had to agree on something, and they were nodding their heads at the same time. Andy looked so cute while nodding. <3

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Ok. Today the teacher asked us if we knew any games 2nd graders could play for DS. So I jump out of my seat and yell, "TRAUMA CENTER: UNDER THE KNIFE 2!" Then like, half the class yells, "NO!" then someone said, "It's rated T!" And I say, "So?"


I threw a pikachu toy in a random toilet that someone forgot to flush. Teehee.
This kid at my cousin's old school did something like that, but with a jacket. He flushed it down, and somehow, it came back up a while later.


I was happy that Mr.Hanna was back. He was sick. Thora *Cheezy like, by sccident* I'm happy your better. Me: ._.

I SAW DREW!! <3 He wore this scarf and this kyoot jean jacket. <3

Lunch: Thora "PROVED" she didn't care about Johannes.. -____-


Byrce got sent to the office. >:]


We did this review game, and we had these things called "iClicker". So whenever the question just asked for "A,B,C or D" somebody pressed "E". xDD


We did this thing... Er. Can't explain.

This is how it went...

I __________, am a Democratic Republican.

I believe/want: etc,.

Peter's was Pickles[before it was Patrica...]Thomas's was "Superman". xD

I was about to write for the second one...

I, Mr.Hanna, am a fedralist.. But I didn't xDD

After School Rehearsal:

Me, Amanda and Thora were laughing at Scott. He was dancing with these girls, and I nearly DIED. xDD

Stage for 7th grade Band:

Brian forgot his music[What else is new...] so he asked me to share. Me:Okay. Brian:Thanks. Me:But please, next time, can you please have your music? Brian: *In a uber girly voice* Ok! =]

Hallway :

The 7th grade band was lining up to go on the stage, and me, Brian and Scott were fighting over the tuning note. Happy Bb. Scott: It's low. Me: I heard that it's high. Brian:...I don't know. I was RIGHT! Mr.Hanna: Low Bb is for sixth graders. Brian: WERE NOT SIXTH GRADERS! WERE BIG KIDS! xDD


Scott finally brought his own copy of Caribbean Christmas. *Worships*

Brian... Forgot that I was in band last year. ._.

Jake dropped his valve oil [He plays Trumpet] and George picked it up. Marcus: Is.... That... CRACK?! George: YES! *Pretends to drink* xDD

Brian offered to get my Blue Book... And I showed him that I already HAD Joyeuk Noel, and Brian was all "ZOMGBBQSAUCE! Thats so COOL!"... Me: I do that when we have songs in the book. I did that last year. Brian:Did you scan or draw that? Me: I scanned it. :3

Mr.Sulyok said we were the best trombone section. *Worships section*


We were doing sleigh ride, and Drew has this clapper thing.. And he held it between his legs. Not saying any more. xDD

Drew's dad came in, and I thought it was my dad! O_O

Okay. Here are some random things that happened to me last week....


It was after History (4th period) and before Science (5th period), and for some reason, we have 5 minutes between 4th and 5th period instead of 3. I sat down in my seat at Science, and looked at the clock. I had about 4 minutes until the class started, and I was starting to get bored out of my mind, so I started to walk to my locker. Once I got to my locker, I got out my doodle book and started heading back to class. My History teacher was standing outside of his class room and he was giving me a thumbs up. o_O And I pointed to my doodle book and said, "This is my doodle book..." Then I flipped through the pages quickly so he could see it.

Then he stopped me and said, "Are those South Park characters?"

"Yep," I said.

"I love that show! It is so funny!" my teacher said.

I must of said Kenny was my favorite 4 times

before he actually listened. Then I started heading back to class. "Hey! You shouldn't be watching shows like that!" he told me as I was walking back to class.

It was really, really wierd having a conversation about South Park with a teacher. xD

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I was at Lunch yesterday, and Angelina was asking Nick what shampoo he used, and he said something, just as I took a drink out of my juice, and he asked Angelina if she wanted to know what Cologne he used, and she said sure, and I started cracking up with my drink in my mouth, so I am trying to swallow, and choking. I hear Michael say, "Nick! Look! She's choking, give her mouth-to-mouth!" so I start laughing HARDER. Nick's like, "Oh my god, You're turning red!" and like, spazzing. So I manage to swallow some of my drink, and pit the rest out on Angelina's hand... xD

We got our *coughSexcough* Science book today, and everyone was spazzing.

Hunter sat next to me, and while reading suddenly said, 'Don't you LOVE reading about this stuff?!" all girly. O_O


At lunch, Sophia gave Nick her Hoho's and he left, (I was whining because I didn't get a hug.) and all of a sudden he came back and hugged everyone :3

My hoodie smells like him.


I had to REMIND my teacher that my birthday is tomorrow. o_o


We had this sub who was ranting about Jazz band and Marching Band. xDD


I was late for math, and I saw Manny. DDG. <3


Steven made a dirty joke. "She's like a doorknob, everyone gets a turn." ;D


I wanted to barf, knowing I had a concert this evening. But Manny would make it all better. <3


Mr.S's room:

The chorus was rehearsing, and Zamin came, and said "Oh! You guys look stunning! If only I had a camera!!" xD It was fuuny because he said it in a plain ol' voice.


OH MAH FACKIN GAWD!! I saw MANNY! And he looked ADORABLE!!!! He had side bangs... OwO I just wantred to hug him.

Scott was looking when I was lookin at Manny. -.-

Scott has redbird singers, and he needed a "FRIEND"to hold his instrument... Scott:ALEX! Can you help?! Alex: NO! ask Skadi! O___________O

Somebody farted. xP

Ryan[Horn] was having PCS[Pre-concert syndrome.]. He was yelling and attacking his fellow horns. O_O

I watched this gay battle. It was Sarah against Jackie, and Alex againist Ryan.

Manny ish famous. :3

Kyle called Isaac a feminine man. xDD

Kyle poked Isaac, and Isaac squealed.

Kyle and Peter were doing something retarded. Kyle was playing his sax, and peter was playing his clarinet, and they put their bells together. o_o


Somebody farted again. xP

I saw Hanna Jr.Mr.Hanna'sy. >w<

Brian asked if he could go pee-pee. Brian: CAN I GO PEE-PEE?! Mr.Hanna:...You gonna be quick? Brian: YES!

O_O Very mature for a 12 year old. ._.

I say Ryan's little brother Dylan was coming to the concert, and I was creeped out because they looked alike. O_O

[i forgot this:

Yesterday, during band rehearsal, Isaac was playing these... shakers... things... and while he was going there, he said "HAI!!".]

After the concert:

I learned:

1] Manny's real name is NOT Manny, it's Emmanuel. O_O

2] Drew needs more sleep. [He has dark circles under his eyes..]

3] Michelangelo srsly is hawt. and I'm happy he didn't put his bangs up. O_O

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I was attacking Amanda with books while making ninja moves. =]


I had to write about my band concert, my teacher made me. ._.


Me and Amanda have a special way of saying WalMart. "WAHMART'. o_o


Amanda was telling Lexi about when I had to carry scott's instrument. ._.


I had to ask a 6th grader for Slide Oil. xD

Brian forgot his instrument. .____. Alex: Where's your instrument? Brian: Oh! You wanna see my instrument? [is about to unbutton pants] xDDD

We were doing the Bb scale, and since Brian forgot his trombone, he was pretending to play, including buzzing his lips. xD

Brian was pretending to play throughout all the songs. xD

Hallway 2:

I was shoving Amanda, while making ninja noises. xD

I saw Miller. O_O Johannes too.



While doing a quiz, I had Joyeuk Noel stuck in my head, and I forgot the title. o_O


We were doing skits of the Whiskey Rebelion. Amanda's group's was funny. Amanda: TO ARMY. STOP THESE PEOPLE FROM REBELING! Love, George.



I sat far too close to Scott for comfort. o_O

Manny has crutches when his leg isn't broken.

Andy stole a stand from Miller for Everett.

When Drew [and the other saxes] had their break, he picked up this singing snow-man, and pressed the button, and it danced in his hand. xDD Manny: DREW'S HOLDING A NUDE SNOWMAN! D:

Lauren was gonna push Marcus in the lost and found locker. xD

Mr.Hanna made this rhythm thing, and he said that if anyone could do that, he woul pay them $1,000,000,000,000. xDD And Drew got it right. George: If you gave him that much, you couldn't be a teacher. xDD

Hallway for break:


Miller went to the staff lounge, and got a Snapple, and his friends had this thing, and they threw it, and it hit Miller's drink, and the ice tea looked as if somebody peed poop. O_O

Manny is smart at combination's. He opened this one that wasn't his, somebody else. xDD Manny: I know a kid with the locker combo of 0,0 0. Miller: Retarded kids have that combo so it's easier for them. xD

Manny tried opening Amanda's locker. xD

Johannes opened Jay's locker, and said it stunk. xD And he banged it. xD

Manny put himself in the lost and found locker. O_O

While Manny was cracking a combo, Everett shoved his[ Manny's] face in the locker. xD Then Manny nearly fell[ he was laughing so hard] , he regained strength and shoved Everett's face in a locker. xD And Megan said it was disgusting because it looked kinda as if they were humping each other.

Manny has this creepy awesome laugh, it sounds like a kid from the Simpsons. xDD Scott tried it, and it was so stupid.

Andy pushed Scott into a wall. O_O

Ms.Tengood came and kinda yelled at us. ;_;

Jaymir said we'd be fired if we didn't report to the band room in a minute. xD

[i forgot this.. For that review game, Amanda was pressing the E button, and yelled in the hallways "E IS NOT A LOGICAL ANSWER!" :] ]


Andy was infront of the CD player, and it wouldn't go through him.

Peter told me Thora left her notebook in this room. Scott: I DO NOT HAVE A SISTER! D:< Peter: I wasn't talking to you. Me: Okay, I'll get it. Lauren: You such a good sister! Me: Um... Thanks? Lauren: I know, I'm weird... HEY EVERYONE! Besame Mucho is on! Start dancing! O_O'

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I was telling Amanda about Manny trying to open her locker.

I told Thomas too. XD


I wouldn't stop talking about Manny. :3

Me,Amanda and Thora were talking about the Wonder pets.. xD Me: YOU CAN'T BE SWEIOUS! Amanda: The phone. The phone is ringing. xD

I told Amanda that Diego and Dora taught me more spanish than Ms.VanArsdale can. xD


Michelangelo wasn't here today. ;_;

I was pretending to be Ming-Ming. ._.


We can't play Lacrosse, Team Handball, Dodge Ball. >:[

Just because people make plans to hurt one another.


Amanda gave me a book for my b-day. :3


Peter had a stuffy nose, and he started sniffing... Then he was pretending to be that vacuum cleaner from Teletubies, the one that eats all the cupscakes... Peter: *Makes noise* HAHA! IMMA STEAL YOUR CUPCAKES *Slurping noise* No! Don't eat my cupcakes! D:


I was looking at Stephen. Stephen: SHUT UP! Peter:...She didn't say anything. xDD

Stephen was minding Steve's beeswax. xD Mr.Scaturo: Your name [to Stephen] is NOT STEVEN. Stephen:...Yes it is. Mr.Scaturo: Yeah... It is!

Hallway 2:

I was walking down to my locker, and I took the path where Lauren's locker is. Lauren: HEY GIRL IN JAZZ BAND!! :] XD

Hallway 3 [At my locker] :

Taylor forgot about my birthday. Taylor: Oh sorry Skadi.. I forgot you were 5. Me:Sorry Taylor, I forgot you were 2. Taylor: I forgot you were 6... Me: I FORGOT YOU WERE 12 MONTHS! xDD

HR:I was attacking Amanda with books while making ninja moves. =]


I had to write about my band concert, my teacher made me. ._.


Me and Amanda have a special way of saying WalMart. "WAHMART'. o_o


Amanda was telling Lexi about when I had to carry scott's instrument. ._.


I had to ask a 6th grader for Slide Oil. xD

Brian forgot his instrument. .____. Alex: Where's your instrument? Brian: Oh! You wanna see my instrument? [is about to unbutton pants] xDDD

We were doing the Bb scale, and since Brian forgot his trombone, he was pretending to play, including buzzing his lips. xD

Brian was pretending to play throughout all the songs. xD

Hallway 2:

I was shoving Amanda, while making ninja noises. xD

I saw Miller. O_O Johannes too.



While doing a quiz, I had Joyeuk Noel stuck in my head, and I forgot the title. o_O


We were doing skits of the Whiskey Rebelion. Amanda's group's was funny. Amanda: TO ARMY. STOP THESE PEOPLE FROM REBELING! Love, George.



I sat far too close to Scott for comfort. o_O

Manny has crutches when his leg isn't broken.

Andy stole a stand from Miller for Everett.

When Drew [and the other saxes] had their break, he picked up this singing snow-man, and pressed the button, and it danced in his hand. xDD Manny: DREW'S HOLDING A NUDE SNOWMAN! D:

Lauren was gonna push Marcus in the lost and found locker. xD

Mr.Hanna made this rhythm thing, and he said that if anyone could do that, he woul pay them $1,000,000,000,000. xDD And Drew got it right. George: If you gave him that much, you couldn't be a teacher. xDD

Hallway for break:


Miller went to the staff lounge, and got a Snapple, and his friends had this thing, and they threw it, and it hit Miller's drink, and the ice tea looked as if somebody peed poop. O_O

Manny is smart at combination's. He opened this one that wasn't his, somebody else. xDD Manny: I know a kid with the locker combo of 0,0  0. Miller: Retarded kids have that combo so it's easier for them. xD

Manny tried opening Amanda's locker. xD

Johannes opened Jay's locker, and said it stunk. xD And he banged it. xD

Manny put himself in the lost and found locker. O_O

While Manny was cracking a combo, Everett shoved his[ Manny's] face in the locker. xD Then Manny nearly fell[ he was laughing so hard] , he regained strength and shoved Everett's face in a locker. xD And Megan said it was disgusting because it looked kinda as if they were humping each other.

Manny has this creepy awesome laugh, it sounds like a kid from the Simpsons. xDD Scott tried it, and it was so stupid.

Andy pushed Scott into a wall. O_O

Ms.Tengood came and kinda yelled at us. ;_;

Jaymir said we'd be fired if we didn't report to the band room in a minute. xD

[i forgot this.. For that review game, Amanda was pressing the E button, and  yelled in the hallways "E IS NOT A LOGICAL ANSWER!" :] ]


Andy was infront of the CD player, and it wouldn't go through him.

Peter told me Thora left her notebook in this room. Scott: I DO NOT HAVE A SISTER! D:< Peter: I wasn't talking to you. Me: Okay, I'll get it. Lauren: You such a good sister! Me: Um... Thanks? Lauren: I know, I'm weird... HEY EVERYONE! Besame Mucho is on! Start dancing! O_O'
Also, in band, Scott said he "MEMORIZED" Joyeuk Noel. Brian: *Sneezes* SHOW OFF! Jake: Fine...Scott... Try playing Joyeu Noel with out looking at it... Scott: NO!

And since Tom couldn't lift his bongos, he had to play for the kids. Ryan and Brian: Ok Tom! Quit showing off! Tom:I'M NOT! Brian:Yesh, you play 3 notes and liked it. O_O

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In the lunch line, my friend, Jess, and my other friend, Andy, were close to me. Andy was in front of me and Jess was in front of Andy.

Me: Hi, Jess!

Jess: Hi, SLA!

Andy: Hi, Jess!

Jess: Hi, Andy!

Andy: Hi, SLA!

Me: Hi, Andy!

Then my one of Jess's and mine's classmates, Henry, came into the line and stood behind me.

Jess: Hi, Henry!

Henry: Hi.

It was funny. =]


I found my DS in my purse and spazzed out because it was on. [i had Animal Crossing DS, if you were wondering]


I had Besame Mucho, and Brian was sitting next to me and started pronouncing "Kiss me much" [Which means Besame Mucho in English] in spanish. o_o

Ryan and Brian were sining Yankee Doodle... o_o

Mr.H: Ok boys.. Quit singing... xD

There's this song in our Blue book called "Academic Festival March". It's a song for a trio. Scott: The genius plasy part A. Mr.Hanna: As me? That sounded sarcasitc... Scott: I DIDN'T MEAN TO!! D: Brian: *Sneezes* LIAR!! xD

We were still playing that song... Mr.Hanna: The Scotti's[ me and scott] play B, and the "Ans[ Ryan and Brian] can play C! O_O

Scott was talking about Manny.. Scott: Everett shoved Manny in a locker~! =D Mr.H: *Doesn't look amused* I hate it when people put themselves in lockers... Scott: I did NOT influence it! Brian: People claim they see Narnia when they put their selves in lockers.. xDD


We had to rate our performance.. Mine was like this:

As the dawn breaks:

1] What was good about the performance? It sounded as if everyone was together, especially percussion.

2] What needed improvement?

The flutes, trombones and saxophones need to be louder.

3] Rating? 9.

4]What did you think as you watched this? I think it sounded good for a 7th grade band.

American Hymntune:

1]The horns were loud enough, which is good.

2]The flutes need to be louder, trombones need to be MUCH louder.

3] 10.

4] [i forgot what I put down... :furawatchi: ; ]

Joyeuk Noel:

1] It sounded nice.

2]Saxophones needed to be louder.


4] [i was ABOUT to put down "While playing, I was think about a war going on.." But I didn't want Mr.Hanna to think I'm insane.]

Caribbean Christmas:

1]The percussion did well. We did good on our gliss.

2] My section needed to work on our last gliss... We didn't do that great on the last one..


4]It was good, but wasn't very Caribbean. [unlike Caribbean Carnival]

And the bells shall ring:

1]The percussion was good.

2]My section wasn't loud enough. The Bari Sax was WAY too loud [seriously! You couldn't hear any of the other woodwinds... O_O]


4]It was a pretty piece.

Me: HOLY TREE! Taylor, look how small our 7th grade band is! O_O Taylor: Holy crap. [ 31 members]

We saw our Spring concert. :lol: It was when we were in 6th grade. Me: Taylor! It's you! Taylor: That's 8th grad eband.. Me:Sarah, tell her it's us... Sarah: Taylor.. It's us.. OH! Air and Caprice is coming! Taylor: You talk fast, Mr.Hanna! Me: Shut up.. :ph34r:

Taylor was making this obnoxious cough, and I was laughing...

Taylor was whining because somebody kept shutting the balcony light off, and the auditorium was dark. ._.


I saw Michel. :3


We had to label a page in our notebook, "Scaturo's weekend"... O_O And he has a friend named "Siko". xD


Drew didn't get his dark circles from less sleep, he got it from wrestling. On his first day. xDD

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Amanda said she might do percussion. [she has a crush on Thomas]


Amanda ran up to me and said "I love Thomas"... O_O


Tom threw the ball like a sloppy-ar*e and I didn't catch it. D:<

ISLU,Tom. :3


Amanda told me I should give my muffin to Carrie. I stared at her with a black expression. Amanda: Are you okay? Me: NO!!! I'M NOT ALRIGHT!! D:< Just joking. ;3 xD


We were planning on making rock candy, but it was a failed expriment. ;_;


Peter made a song about stuffy noses. Peter: I have a stuffy nose, a stuffy nose. [To me} Do you have a stuffy nose? I have a stuffy nose. [To Kelly] Do you have a stuffy nose? I have a stuffy nose.. xD

Ok.. this was weird:

My teacher was talking to one of me & my friend after school. He spilled his coffee and he was like " oh Sh*t!" My friend and I were like oooh!!! And then he said "you didn't here that". We just smiled XD on the way out of the room he said :" you wanna know a secret? I love to cuss ^^; love it love it love it!!" So, yeah.. weird, o_O

I was working in a group, and someone in my group, Jay, was trying to make me mad by taking my paper away. (I was copying something down)


Jay: *takes paper*

Me: *takes paper back* DON'T TOUCH IT OR I'LL BITE YOUR HAND!!

Jay: ._. Okay.

Jess(who was in my group, also) said something, but I forgot what she said. Then someone else in my group, Larson, was like, "Did you say you *insert what Jess said here, but not all of it* sex?!" We started cracking up, "No! I said *insert what she said here*!"

Larson said something else, but I don't think I should say it here. It was disturbing but hilarious at the same time. =x

We all know we have one of those insanely hilarious moments at school we can't forget...Share them here!
1. Once, the person in the locker beside me saw the pic of the cast of House in my locker (It was just an avatar I printed off lol) and he was all "House sucks!" Then he said House makes out with himself xDDD

2. This one happened just today...we were lining up to come in from recess and one person in my class came up to me and was like "HOUSE!!! HOUSE!!!! HUGH LAURIE!!!! I LOVE HOUSE!!! CAN I BE ON AN EPISODE????!!!! HOUSEEEE!!!!!!!" Then I backed away from him slowly, but I can't stop laughing! Thne he was just like "...I'll go to the back of the line now" In a calm voice xD Then during computers we have to do a favourite TV show survey and the same person said "You're probably all like OMG! HOUSE!!!!! MY FAVOURITE SHOW IS HOUSE!!!!!! I LOVE YOU HOUSE!!!!!" o_O

3. Once at a field trip, me and my friends were climbing in a pile of wood chips xD

4. At math, someone wrote "Chase Rules" on the board and my teacher wrote "Pooh!" under it xD Then the girl that saits beside me turned around and started a conversation and he was like "Can you stop flirting with him during class?" and stuff like that, then the guy took his pencil case far from the corner of the desk and was like "NEVER TALK TO ME AGAIN!!" xD
Uhh, can't remember, but we did have a sub that let us do ANYTHING we wanted, no joke!!!! :) :D :D

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