Funny Moments at School


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OK so on my tote, I have a moose (it's Abercrombie) and it's FUZZY.
So me and my friend made up this joke that the moose is my "special spot". My friend, Tyler, was feeling it and we CRACKED UP. We're all "OMG YOUR FEELING MY SPECIAL SPOT!" And he's like Whut?

It was hilarious at the time xD
xDD I get it! xD



Michelangelo walked past me, and I kinda touched his sweater [Not like a grab, like a quick touch. xD] and I smelled my hand, and it smelled like Axe/Tag, and I told Thora. xDD


The teachers were having a party, and there was this GROSS apple juice.


We played with Baby Z. =3

Baby Z tried taking Amanda's glasses. xD


Steve got his cellphone taken away because it went off in class, and he had to give it to the office, and now he can't get it back until after break. xD


I saw Michelangelo run, and Thora was copying him. xD

I was walking down the hallway and my guy friend ran up to me, hugged me, and stuck his nose in my hair, then said, "So it's true! You do smell the best!" Then he kissed my cheek and ran away XDDD

For the winter break party the teachers got a karaoke machine, but the only songs it had were Disney, so me and one of my other guy friend sang High school musical, complete with dance moves. It was really funny if you were there.

In English the other day, we were looking at acceptable responses for the short answer questions on our pretest. And we were looking at the non acceptable answer and the last sentence of it said "He did to Jimmy what his father did to him when he was younger." And I was like "Wow, that sounds reeeeeally wrong." and the boys in my class started cracking up. XD

// :3
[quote name== :eek: =kawaii= ^_^ =' date='December 22, 2008 05:11 pm]

Well today I heard this roomer about Jay at gym breaking a scooter so them Nicolas was like telling everybody. XD

I wasn;t there for gym. [in got sent to the office for not having my sneakers. e_e]


I have this t-shirt that has a flying dinosaur with birds && bolts. and I showed it to Amanda, and she thought it was awesome. x3


I totally spazzed out, thinking we had Jazz band. Because this morning, I saw a KING trombone [That's the brand that Scott + Andy play], and FREAKED out, because me and Andy share a band locker. OwO So to be safe, I asked Scott, and there was no Jazz band. *Phew* Scott just put his instrument in there. :ichigotchi:


Amanda got a letter from Mrs.Larkin, and she said "MAIL!!!!" like Steve from Blue's Clues does. xD Me: Don't you mean

"MAIL! Makes me wanna wag my tail, makes me wanna wail MAIL!"?" xD

Hallway :

Michelangelo got a hair cut. D:

Amanda was singing the mail song. xD

[PS: I couldn't go to lessons because my stupid gym teacher wanted me to do Gym instead of lessons.

And Amanda dropped her lock on her big toe. xDD]


Everett was always looking at Thora. xD


We were doing ecoharmonic something.. And it was George's turn.. George: G# is between.. A AND Z! Mr.H: Okay.. Now seriously.. xD

Scott forgot his music. *headdesk*

George took my music and threw it on the floor. O_O Scott: That's Skadi's you know.. Right? George: *Looks at me*


Mr.H told us that we would be playing for the 8th grade graduation. Mr.H: Were playing Pomp and Circumstance. Billy [Who played in the 8th grade grad. as a 6th grader] : NO!! NOT POMP AND CIRCUMSTANCE!! D:


Hallway 2:

Scott said "YO WHATS UP" to this kid... Named Rashawn, and Rashawn.. Looks like he could be in a gang [but in a chubby version].. Rashawn: WHAT'D YOU SAY? Scott: Oh, nothing.. ~


[Thora's health class:

Scott got a puppy for Christmas. :3 And he almost cried. xDD]

Hallway 3:

I told Mr.Scaturo that I had lessons, and he asked me what instrument I played, and as I was about to leave, he said "There's 76 trombones in one parade. WE NEED YOU!" O_______O

8th period lessons:

I was with Kyle and George. D:

Mr.Hanna told us to take out "Prelude to a festival", and Kyle was practicing, and George RANDOMLY starts playing Mission Impossible theme. O_O

George was using these big words, and Kyle says "George, you must have a good grade in LA!" George: Do I look like the kind of guy who has a good grade in LA? I dun think so..


End of lessons:

I got to try out Tuba, once again, which Jake + George were watching me. O_O

Mr.H let me take a Tuba MP home, and possibly, next week or possibly this week I can take the Tuba home. >w<

After school:

Amanda was at her locker, and I hung out with her for a while. Amanda: I'm sad . Me: WHY? D: Amanda: Pigs won't fly. Me: :hitodetchi: Amanda: Will you help me make pigs fly? Me: I have better things to do after school.. Amanda: LIKE WHAT? Me: Jazz band. xD

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Uhh, can't remember, but we did have a sub that let us do ANYTHING we wanted, no joke!!!! :p :p :p
Oh yeah and a few days ago, there was this guy, he was starring at my 'u-know-wats' while reading out loud my shirt. Then he added the part in green below:

Girls Rock My But!

Every1 including me says eewwwwwwwww! Groooooooooss! So i walked away and he was all like, ". . ."!

AHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!(even though it was sick) :D ;) :D

Once my friend had dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets for lunch, and she said, "I'm gonna play with them." Then she started shaking them around and making roar sounds, ate the head off one of them and dipped the headless dinosaur in ketchup, and shoved them in my face and was all, "IT'S BLOOOOOOD. 8DDDD"

Yeah, I can't think of anything else.


Drew [Not Saxophone Drew] wrote a letter to the 2 Kings, and he asked for a iPod Touch, and he got one. O________O


Me,Taylor and Carrie got into a agruement about if Flute is a woodwind or a brass. [Taylor thought it was brass. e_e] So. We went into Mr.Hanna's office, and asked him. I pwn'd Taylor. >:3


Today Everett was looking at ME. OwO

Hallway 2:

Amanda found Colby's pencil case, and she kicked it to Colby and fell. xDD

Me and Amanda were pushing each other, and I pushed Amanda REALLY hard into a wall, and I apologized. xDD

When me && Amanda were talking, Scott walked RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF US! D:<


I shoved Amanda into Dr.B's door. x3

Thomas and Amanda were singing the Pokemon Theme song. xD


Mr.Scaturo was upset because I had to leave early. Mr.S: FIRST IT'S LESSONS! NOW IT'S GOING HOME! D:<


We were learning about organelles in Science class. For those who don't know, it the parts of a cell that help it work. xD

One of them is a lysosome, and if there is a dead cell the lysosomes will eat up the dead cell, and sometimes the dead cell will be eaten by it's own lysosomes. Which is why they're sometimes call 'Suicide Sacs'. Or it will attack bad cells, like viruses, with lysosomes. We had to come up with a nickname for it, to help us remember it better.

Wyatt named it 'emo' because of the 'suicide sac' name, and the last three letters backwards spells it.

Jacob said a cannibal janitor, because it cleans things up, but eats other cells.

Our teacher said suicide bomber, because it will sacrifice itself to kill a bad cell, like a virus. Which then lead to Achmed The Dead Terrorist.

So I created the emo cannibal janitor named Achmed. xD

Ok. Today the teacher asked us if we knew any games 2nd graders could play for DS. So I jump out of my seat and yell, "TRAUMA CENTER: UNDER THE KNIFE 2!" Then like, half the class yells, "NO!" then someone said, "It's rated T!" And I say, "So?"

Ohmygawd. I was reading some of the earlier posts, and I realised I failed to mention what was possibly the most amazing thing ever.

We were practicing our serving in PE class (Volleyball.), and we would have to just serve it at the wall. Skylar was my partner, and we were standing at the portion of the wall right in front of the fire alarm because there was nowhere else to go. Skylar served the ball, and hit the fire alarm. I dropped the the floor and litterally ROFL'd. Everyone started at me lying on the ground laughing, and Skylar staring blankly at the frie alarm going "OH s**t!" xDD

So we were the class walking out of the school laughing our ***** off when the fire department is at our school, and our principal had the most priceless look un his face. He was in complete spazz mode.

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one time, at my lunch table, my friend found a mutant froot loop. it was like brown and had stuff growing on it. I took it out of his hand and ate it.

one time, in band, we were comparing shoe sizes. I told my friends, I have bigger feet than all of you! (size nine womens) then a boy sitting nearby said i have bigger feet thatn you! so i threw my shoe at him.

a boy was standing in front of my locker, so i shoved him out of the way, he ran into another guy , then both of them fell on the ground. it was SO funny! you had to be there. (as you can see, i have anger issues)

well i guess i should mention the time in gym when we were square dancing......

well square dancing is a pretty confusing thing. But this was so funny. my bff, actully got paired up with her crush. there's this thing called the 'swing', where you put your left hand out in front of the guy, and your other hand behind your back, he grabs your hands and you well.. swing. but when she put her left hand out, she whacked the guy in the chest by accident! he had to sit down for the rest of class! i dont think things are gonna work out between them....

OK so on my tote, I have a moose (it's Abercrombie) and it's FUZZY.
So me and my friend made up this joke that the moose is my "special spot". My friend, Tyler, was feeling it and we CRACKED UP. We're all "OMG YOUR FEELING MY SPECIAL SPOT!" And he's like Whut?

It was hilarious at the time xD
omg, my friend has an Abercrombie moose too! she keeps it in her tote. Our group named it wilfred. i guess our teacher heard, cuz he was like put wilfred away for class, so she put wilfred back in her tote, but had him peeking out a bit. our teacher gave her the look. "He wanted to watch!" she said. it was really funny when she said it.

I was once doing my work in school... and then one boy shouted "WHAT THE F****** IS GOING ON?" Then my teacher just look at him... and he went to the office. then we all started cracking up!


George came into our classroom to give Mrs.Larkin a project. x3


Me & Amanda were having a Radda convo. xD


Oh lawd. D:

Our health unit is on Alcohol, and Mr.Leto asked the class if they ever seen a person drunk. Kate: Once, I was ta this resturant, and this old lady came up to me and hugged me and said I was a handsome boy.. ._. xDD

Mr.Leto was talking about the things that may happen when your drunk. Oh Lawd. Mr.Leto: Sometimes, when a girl is drunk she may force herslef on her boyfriend. [SIZE=14pt]D:[/SIZE]


We are singing this song in Spanish,and we heard the recording, and it sounded like CRAP. No offence to Spanish people.

Then we are singing this sad song called "I have but a little voice." I wanted to cry. ;_;

Mr.Hanna's office:

I asked Mr.H about bringing the Tuba home, and he said he had to find this slip that says I am responslible for ANYTHING that happens to this Tuba.


Mr.Scaturo was happy that I stayed for one period. xD


George had Sussical Rehearsal [This play were doing] and he had to bring chairs out, so I said to Thora "Look! It's your husband.. Doin' his job." xD

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Hahaha. I got the elaborate on my 'Emo Cannibal Janitor named Achmed.'

We had to pick a slip of paper with part of a cell written on it, and your group would have to make up a skit explaining it's use. I picked out lysosome, and started freaking out. xDDD

So the skit was pretty much Katelyn and Kaitlyn doing a normal skit to explain the use, then me and Jacob push them our of the way and go "We're the emo cannibal janitors named Achmed!" -pretend to shoot self-

And the French-English dictionary I was given during French taught me how to say "penis" "HIV-positive" and "sanitary napkin" in French. XDDD

And I wasn't even looking for them, I was looking for a completely normal word that happened to be on the same page.


When I was going up the stairs and Drew was next to me. <3

Scott was nearby too. OwO


I had to stand, because there wasn't a chair for me. ;_;

Drew did the announcements. <3


Amanda called me SpongeBob because I was wearing this light yellow shirt w/ dark yellow hearts on it. xD


Nothing happened much.. ;w;

Except Scott was kicking George.

And Scott was chilaxin his feet on Marcus's chair. :3

Taylor + Jackie left early [Taylor broke her Leg. 5th time. >_>] and Jason had to get some music, and he said "Noboyd cares excpet me.." Mr.H: Skadi sure does care.


Amanda made this song.. "Nitogen and Oxygen need a friend. SO ADD THE 2!" xD

Amanda stepped on my big toe. D: And Amanda told Thomas. xD


Me and Amanda were talking and talking, then Scott came, and walked in the middle of us. -_-


Mr.Hanna was explaining a Dorain Scale, and Miller yelled "SNOW!". It was snowing, and Rachel said "When we have our break, Imma go out a DANCE!"


Miller asked to use the bathroom,and I thought he'd go outside. xD

Mr.Hanna told Trombones to play softer, and Scott was chewing his nail, and he said Soccer instead of Softer. xD Saxophones: Soccer? WTF? George: You play Soccer Scott. Sott [still chewing nail] : Shut up.

George threw Scott's music.

Trombones had to play somethin in Ain't Misbehavin, and it was FUNNY! Scott forgot to empty his spit valve, and it made his tone, srsly crappy, and everyone laughed. xDD And then Scott pressed the spit valve, and it went all over the carpet[We have carpet in our band room yo. So ghetto.] and everyone was all "EW!! xDD" xD

Rachel came in, and was mimicking Mr.H. xD

I learned that Scott FAILS on Piano. xD


I was with Scott,Andy,Marcus,George,Melanie,Lauren, and Drew. [Oh GREAT..] Oh yeah, and Everret.

George + Scott shoved Marcus in the lost + found.

George shoved Scott in, and planned on locking him in the locker! xDD [i was surprised he fit in, because hes like.. TALL]

Melanie had her iPod, and she had this dancing banana that went "PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TME!" xDD

Lauren took Melanie's iPod.

Melanie gave George her neck strap, and Marcus gave his to George, and George put them all together, and did tug of war with Marcus. xD


Melanie made this noise on Bari sax, and it sounded GROSS. xD

Mr.Hanna wanted Trumpets, Piano and Drums to play in Besame Mucho, and he left out Manny. Manny: ME?! D: -Waves arms as if stuck on a island and sees a plane- xD

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Travis and Andrew were beating on each other for the whole French class. It was like -smack- "Hey! It's not nice to hit!" -smacks back- For 30 minutes.

At recess, there was some guy sitting in his car looking at all the kids on the playground, and his window was down, so I yelled "HEY GUYS! LET'S GO GET CANDY FROM THAT KIDDIE CREEPER OVER THERE!" While taking a picture of the car with my phone, and he drove away. xDD


I learned that Tom has more blood than Kelly. xD


We had to play this weird game called BachiBall. ._.

Me & Amanda were playing soccer, and we were talking like Snitzel from Chowder. xD Then I started talking like Blue from Blue's Clues. Then I asked Amanda why Periwinkle[That cat] , Pink dog w/ dark pink spots and that dog who's green w/ dark green spots aren't on Blue's Clues anymore. xD

I was singing the Mail song, and then I found out, I was justing singing the mail song t myself. ._.


I saw Manny. >w<


We just talked about liquidation + unemployment. O_O

Okay, heres how it went:

Me: CCCC, your jacket is gigantisaurous!

CCCC: Yes, it is, just like one other amazingly gigantisaurous appendage on my body.

Then I started giggling, and he smirked. Then, he said:

CCCC: I was talking about my feet. Now tell me, what were YOU thinking of, Barbie?

Then I burst into laughter. Gawd I love him. He calls me Barbie. All of the "emo" cliche does, at my school. He started petting my head.

In science, the sub was very.... naive.... And me and KKKK passed notes the whole time. We were talking about what was sexy. We agreed that strollers, dinosaurs, strawberries, and pillows were the sexiest. XD I love my guy friends. Tomorrow me, CHCH, CAMC, and JJJJ are going to the park. So much fun.


Phobo-x.addicted.x-x.N e o n

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