1. Caterpillars: Me and my friends created a caterpillar daycare. (Cee bought this mini dome thing) and we were catching caterpillars and she attempted to fling one into my hair off a stick and she whooped the stick down in my direction but guess what? The amazing acrobat flew straight up! It was hilairious and then we named one Earl and he jumped off a stick onto me and i threw him and the other one away and we tried to find him but then a gull came down and cee saw a caterpillar in its mouth and we knew earl had comitted suicide. xD we also had funerals.
2. Indiana: We would sometimes try to avoid recess coz it was funner inside so we joined library club and always got into the class first so the one time, i sat in a random desk with cee and a couple other people and mr boyechko (or b-hizzle LOL) walked in and loooked at us cause we were smiling "innocently" creepy and then he turned to go to his desk and i'm like "INDIANA!!!!" and he's just like "what?" and i'm like "nothing!"
3. Tornadoes: LA clas with mrs haesch was in computers one day typing up some stories or w/e they were and me and cee finished and were playing on art rage and i made something and started to play around with it making it look like tornadoes and i was going to whisper-yell to cee but i accidentally yelled out loud "TORNADOES!"
4. British Mice: We wer FORCED to watch flushed away at skool for music thingy and me and cee were talking and i randomly said in a british accent: "Stupid British and their British mice." but that wasnt meant as an offence to teh british. just real randomnes coming from an idiot who ODed on sugar.
5. Verbal: It was health class with mrs herbert (aka the dead lady) and she was telling us about verbal and non verbal communication and told us to make a chart with 'Verbal' and 'Non-Verbal' and while Cee was making her chart she was thinking the words as she wrote them but accidentally turned her thoughts into words when she yelled, "Verbal!" (Yes, we realy do blurt out a lot)
6. New names: Me and Cee (or Kataluka and Oksana) were looking at a condom found layin in the middle of the field and randomly nicknamed our friend Adam 'Condom' and then gave new names to ppl. Like Nkosi became 'Jesus Ezekiel Jesus'.
7. Robot: Adam (not Condom there are four adams) was acting like a robot and he was just fooling around while the teacher was out and he said loud enuff for the whole class to hear: "I...touch...my...self."
8. Randomness: Mrs Haesch was always late for LA cuz she was teh vice principal so we started talking (we as in the whole right side of the room) and somehow and innocent convo turned into a conversation about something like pubic hair and water.
9. I'm Falling, I'm Falling: Cee was fooling around at the top of the slide and Adam came (condom) and she was gonna pretend to push him but acidentaly did it for real. ow.
10. 256: Miss Gluwchynski (aka the big mouth lady) was teaching us math in gr 5 and she was helping us answer this problem solving thing and she's like ''the answer is 256'' and then when cee wrote that down she's like: "256!" in this creepy sily voice.
11. Bite: Cee bit our friend Shania at recess while playing football (Shania tackled her and she accidentaly bit her hand) and then the big mouth lady (tis grade 5 again) gave her a purple form (real bad. u get three ur suspended) just for that. wow. but it was funny cause shes like "I bit Shania" happily.
12. Clay: We were doing Book Club and were working on our final projects and there was my group (hegberg (chris), adam (robot), danielle, braedan and me) and christina's group were working in the library with out supervision ad christina chucked a piece of clay and it stuck on the wall, looking like a piece of stuck crap. we eventually took it off like two weeks later only to have braedan chuck it even higher on the wall.
13. Evil Monkey: I was always saying evil things to danisha and creeped her out so she started to call me the evil monkey in chris griffins closet. Twas real funny, grade six i mean.
Hmph.... seems like we did more idiotic stuff than homework.

I'll think of the rest latahs. yup there is more.