Funny Moments at School


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OMG!! OMG!! OMG!! This is more embarssing than funny, but I don't care. (Maybe you'll find it funny somehow.)

OK, This guy @ school likes me, (Even more than 1 guy likes me) and his name is Tai Knight. He looks sort of like a girl!!!!!! He sometimes goes on out of helping Mrs.K, and stops 2 get a drink of water on the 2ond grade hallway! (OK, heres the scary/maybe funny part) Then, when Mrs. Lynch (L-inch) (my class) leaves, he is a perfect timer!! He ALMOST ALWAYS sees me!!! Eek!!! (Hes in 3rd grade) Some1 plz help me!



How do u get the pix in the top right corner of ur post?

For example, the Pichu smacking it's butt?

I just remembered something funny..

In third grade, me and my /now/ best friend had just met in the beginning of the year.. We were learning the fifty states in the US through song, then had to get up and sing it with a group in front of the class.. Well, of course every time we looked at eachother while one of us was singing we'd have to keep from cracking up in the middle of the song. "Alabama, Alaska, Arizo.. HAHAHAHAHAHA" xDD

Yesterday we had to play bad minten in gym.. We were supposed to see how many times we could hit the birdy in a row between partners. I ended up with a boy who seems to enjoy picking on me somehow, or just annoying me, and he was goofing off.. He couldn't even serve it. So we ended up with a total high score of... One. xD

In my language arts class, a group of guys who sit around me are calling eachother beached whales and naughty fruitcakes. xD

Ok these all happened this past week:

1 In Media class,we have to learn about the presidents and the teacher was telling us about all of 'em. The group of funny guys in my class were all sittin together and this one guy John just said "Barack Obama" (sp) and they all started cracking up!!

2 Also in that same class,Mrs.S (Media teacher) was talking about Herbert Hoover and John leaned back to me and my bud Kristen and whispered while trying not to crack up," Pervert Hoover" XD

3 ALSO in that same class,there's this other little classroom that the Media room leads right into where the special ed kids go,and there's this one retarded kid in 1st grade (I mean,seriously retarded,autism) and it (can't tell if it's a boy or girl!!!! D:) went "ERAAAAHAHG!!!" and everyone in the Media room kinda curled up their legs and whispered "OhMyGod." XD That retarded kid friggin scares me!! It's a 1st grader scaring 5th graders!!!

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in spanish class, we had a substitute and watched the movie... but it was an ADULT movie.

there was like, a sex scene in it O-o and i don't think the teacher had watched the movie. In the beginning, there was this lady.. and when my friend (he's a guy) just started laughing histarically. And then me and my other friends that are guys started laughing too.

When the little scene came up... my friend screams.. "EWWWW!!! COODIES?!" it was so funny. The substitute didn;t turn the movie off though, so my other friend decides to be funny and whisperes.. "i think he's enjoying it.." lol i nearly died.

And then there is a make out scene, lol.. and then when the guy pulled away from her and said 'this is wrong' my friend, the one that started laughing first.. was like.

atleast SOMEBODY has commen sense!" XDDDDDD

that was so funny

This happened a few weeks ago, I dunno, anyway, it was raining at lunch, so we had to stay in class, without the teacher, but, I had a bag of Weeetos with me[i eat them like a snack] and everyone else was monitoring the youngers. So, it was, me, M, R and C[all boys except me], but, me, R, M and C were having a contest, we had to throw a Weeto up and then catch it in our mouth. Anyway, I threw one up and M ran to it, so, we opened our mouths and tried to grab it, so, we were pressed against each other, staring at the weeto, that was still, pretty high. So, R was like, "OMG YOU LOOK LIKE YOU'RE GONNA KISS!", and C said, "I'M TELLING L!!!"[My boyfriend] And we were all, "You're so funny." And stared at R and C, then, the Weeto fell down my top.



You kinda had to be there to get it, but one time Andrew had to stay in from lunch for a little while, and we were talking about him, so he walks up and I'm like, "There goes the neighborhood"

Sometime last year, we had a really old teacher (I'd say 80 ;) ), and she was off for ages. So me and my friend, we started spread rumors around the school she was dead!


Also, when it was the day before easter half term, we had a supply teacher. We did simple math problems.

Teacher: Children, what is 6+7?

My friend Tom: 13.

Teacher: No it isn't. I'll show you on the board...

Class: XDDD

Teacher: Therefore the answer is...oh, you're right.

We had a dance on Friday! :-D

I was in the B-room my friend Carrie followed( stood outside of course!) she pretended she was Mrs.K (she's like 90) and she knocked like twice then the third time, she said "Okay!~ No one's in! I'm comin' in!" I'm like "HOSHIT!"

Me and my friend were hanging out at the dance (me and Amanda) It was a slow-dance song, so she's like "Wanna slow-dance?" I'm like "Um,Okay..." We slow danced in front of 7th & 8th graders they stared. Then I chased Amanda around screaming "SLOW DANCE!!!!!"

I said to Carrie "Hey Carrie, if Mr.G can afford a REAL DJ why can't he buy lights?" We have a key system that urns on/of lights so he was turn them off and on! XD

The person that sits beside me has a Rubiks Cube in his desk, and he's like a nerd at it xD Someone peeled off the stickers and that during lunch. He was like "ALLIE! YOU KILL MY RUBIKS CUBE! D:" And blamed it on me. And I'm just like "We will now mourn the death of your Rubiks Cube D:" Five minutes later he found out who actually peeled the stickers off and he was like "...BFFs?" xD

During a Math quiz, it was total silence and the person beside me started singing 'My Humps' out of nowhere xD

1. A kid in the hallway screamed "IM A DUCKY!" out of no where. A Girl in my class was laughing so hard she turned red.

2. My friend said her shirt made her look like she was pregnet. I showed her Ex-Boyfriend. Then, I stuffed her hoodie up her shirt. She "had a baby" and named it Walter.


In english class, my teacher keeps bringing in the stories..

and lol, one had people getting stoned to death in it.. and the little boy was throwing pebbles at his own mom! so me, i go.. "omg mommy! you didn'r let me have icecream *throws pebbles* hahah

and then we were reading stories, and she braught one in that scored a low grade.. hahahah

this lady was eating a perfect breakfast in it, and then walked out of the restaurant.. and gets shot by a guy with dred locks in a semi truck, he used an K-47XDDDD i nearly died. it was so funny and random

and then today we read a story, with the old itailan man trying to steal this dudes finger! WTF?

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During lunch, a teacher walked in and said "Hi" then my friend got the crap scared out of her and she SCREAMED.

The person who sits beside me thinks that Fall Out Boy is gay, so he randomly started singing Dance Dance o_O

We had a chorus/band rehersal (sp)

1. I took C's Flute! I said here C, you can borrow my pencil as I put your flute into my backpack!

2. When we on the risers, people who weren't in Chorus sat in the seats. so when we were singing, they started dinco dancing and bashing their heads, and doing that lighter thing, they didn't do it when the soloists were singing...

3. (lets call him P) P kissed his Claranet.

4. Today me and C were talking about band, she said "I'LL BEG MR.H FOR US TO BE TOGETHER!" Then she asked him, he said we could be in our personal group :lol:

5.All the sudden when me and C were walking in I said "I'm a Squid!"

6. At the end I said "RAWR >:3 " for no reason....

7. Mr.N's assistant's name is Mr.Porta so I thought "Portapotty!

8. In LA I said to Amanda: "Amanda, if my Oboe dies will we have a funeral? And Mourning too...." She said "Yes..."

9. At the end of the chorus R. C said "Whatzup Homecat" I said "You can't say that word; I INVENTED IT!" She said "Homedog." I said thats used! She said "FINE, HOMEHAMSTTER." I'm like "Aw, c'mon! T_T"

In math class, my friend was dared to stand on his desk and do the chicken dance, along with saying: Cockadoodle DOO! The cow says MOO!"

He did it. Things weren't to bright for him afterwards.

We were supposed to go skiing on a field trip, but it got cancelled. Only nine people came to my class, and 5 people in the grade 8 class. We were on the computers during recess, and one person kept saying 'voot' (Like w00t with a V) And he kept saying that, for some reason we were all laughing. Our teacher told him to calm down and stuff. Five minutes later, we were getting ready for class and he was like "VOOT!!!!! > ;) " And threw a chair at someone xDDD

During Computers, me and someone else (I'll call him S to keep the story shorter) were having an arguement. I was listening to Fall Out Boy on YouTube while playing a game. S was all "Fall Out Boy sucks! You probably have a crush on Pete Wentz!" (Lol, ew) The funny part is that he was across the room from me. We were yelling back and forth like "FALL OUT BOY SUCKS! FALL OUT BOY OWNS! THEY SUCK! THEY OWN! SUCK! OWN! SUCK! OWN!" xD

S was talking about last nights episode of House while I was playing online games. Then someone else came up and was like "Oh! I saw that episode yesterday! The patient was all *in a squeaky voice* DR. HOUSE! DR. HOUSE! I CAN'T BREATHE! I NEED DOCTOR HOUSE!!! DDOOCCTTOORR HHOOUUSSEE" xD And according to S I have a fettish (sp?) for old people o__o Ew.

Wowww... xD

We spent a whole lunch period making up a song about the bouncy cheese that come off of the grilled cheese, until Michael was a meany and threw it across teh room. xD

I was watching Michael play soccer and her was kicking it at a wall neext to me and he hit me in teh wrong place. xD I was on the ground in hysterics.

I was in Mr.E's class and he was like "Why did they put the slaves in teh front?" and I yelled out "BECAUSE THEY SUCK!!!" xDD

I found a stick onteh ground and named it george... He is now better than plastic toys as Morgan and Sam's Infomertial says... xD

Today in Language Arts class, we were writing letters to people. I'd gone up to the teacher's desk to turn mine in, and suddenly the guy who sits behind me knocked over his water bottle and water spilled all over the floor and my backpack. Water went everywhere, and some drops hit a girl in the leg. "Oh my God!!" she screamed. Everyone started freaking out, and one guy asked: "Did someone die back there?". The girl realized it was just water but everyone was laughing and panicking. The teacher walked back there with paper towels and said: "Honestly, it's a little water, not the flooding of the Titanic!" which got everybody laughing all over again. The water got in my backpack, and on my pencil case. I have little smiling flowers I drew on there with a Sharpie, and now they had water all over them!

"Hey," I said, "You got water on my precocious smiley flowers!" :marumimitchi:

In Social Studies, there's this guy who always makes comments and disrupts everything. Our teacher asked him, "Why did you say that? Did you want attention?" The guy (we'll call him L) said: "I don't know." The teacher said, "When I went to teaching school, they told us that if someone makes comments all the time they either have "problems" or they want attention..." Before he could finish, everyone started laughing and yelling out things like: "Good one Mr. (teacher's name)" "Burn!" "It's definitely the first one!" The teacher explained that he meant the first one, but everyone still was laughing. :kuribotchi:

The same teacher told us about another funny thing. "I have a story," he said. "I was driving to practice (he coaches a basketball team) yesterday, when suddenly I saw this guy dressed as the statue of liberty-"

"Hey!" this girl (let's call her J) interrupted. "That's the guy who was holding up the sign that said "It's Tax Time", right?"

It was dead silence, and then we laughed. "Nooo...." said the teacher. "I believe you...but this is a different guy. Anyway, there were these two teen-age girls coming towards him, and suddenly he started doing this weird dance and waved his arms like this *waves arms*. And I thought...there is no other country but America where I could have witnessed something like that."

Our class just couldn't stop laughing. :ichigotchi:

lol you guys are idiots lol but compared to me...

1. I walked into a wall (this true) singing PUURRRPEELLLLL EVERYTHING! coz my school is purrpell lol thats how i say purpel.

2.I turned around once and smashed into a locker

3.A girl in my class (shudders) snogged the wall for a dare!!

4.This guy in my class called Daniel was staring at this guy called Marshall during science and my teacher told him to get on with his work and stop staring adoringly in Marshalls eyes :huh: :D :angry: :wub:


Me and my mates was walking down to the science lab and one of the doors was kinda hard to open i shouted OPEN SECIMIE or whatever... cant spell any way i shouted it out really loud :ph34r: and my friend pulled it open and i was like IT WORKED! then i was like o... and every one was looking at me i dont no why i did it it was like a random thing.

Every one was going round saying it was wear weird cloths day for day n i cam ein dressed up weird and every one was in iniform and i was Like WHAT!? they had canceld it :) i ran home as fast as i could :p

we had a spot cheack and the teachers was cheking my bag and i said you wont find anythink then she pilled out a bunch of love notes n read them out loud i didnt no wether to laugh or cry Lol ..

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Well I found the catfight between India and Lozza terribly funny this lunch time.

Poor me and Josh were trying to look shocked at them but it wasn't working.

And I told Louis that I was going to read him a bedtime story, so I pulled him onto my lap and picked up "High School Musical: The Book of the Movie". He started screaming "anything but high school musical!" and hitting me over the head with a book on the first world war.

Then Miss Lester told me to get out of the library unless I wanted her nagging voice in my ear all lunch, and I told her that she had a beautiful nagging voice and therefore I would stay and annoy people, while Louis was lol-ing at me.

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