FullBlownWitch's Tama-Go Log


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OH MY GOODNESS - HEY! Fourth page!! :D

Use this site ... it works


then choose one of the languages, then choose which version (3,4,5,6) and it will work

Hope i helped!
YAY!! It worked on the first go!! I'm on it now and am ecstatic that I've got a way to have fun on the website again!! :D

Try it out guys!!

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Haha, here is a picture of me, the 23 year old ginger kid who has an undying love of Tamagotchi!! :D


This was just after Angel had fallen asleep!! I think sometime tomorrow she'll end up growing into a teen, which will be nice, as I'm excited to see how well I looked after her, as well as what beautiful little Tama she's going to sprout into! Weeooo!!

I wish I could have gotten more pictures before we take off for the evening, but oh well. Tomorrow is available! ;)

Goooood morning, my fabulous friends! :)

I apologize for the lack of pictures, again, last night. Angel went to bed sooner than I expected, even after having looked at that sleep time chart. And I stayed up for a quite a bit anyway, and seeing that the v4 is very unlike the Tm-Go in terms of not being able to wake them unless turning back the time, I decided against that - I don't like stunting their growth in any way.

Now, I do have a picture of Angel career stats, before I went to bed, so I'll show you those.



She's snoozing away!! I forgot that she turns her own lights off, not even the Tama-Go does that. They just take off upstairs into their bed and leave the lights on. Talk about not being a power saver!!

And then here is a picture of just the back casing removed - a couple people have messaged me and asked for a picture of that, though j'ne sais pas qoui.



Now, I want to address something else that has been flooding my inbox here, and at my regular email address.

I am fine with people that use their logs as a role playing board and vice for themselves, their readers and their Tamagotchis. I am, I think it's wonderful that they have the time and are at liberty to do what they want. It is their log.

I also appreciate the feedback as to my log being "One of the best". But please don't constantly ask me to make my Log a Role Play log. I don't do RP, outside of an MMO (LOTRO) that I play occasionally and of course, being married.. yeah. :p

I do not want to report anyone for asking if they can speak to my Tamagotchi, but I just don't do that. This is in regards to alllllll the people that have asked me since I started my log. As I've told you through private message, I do not raise my Tamas like that. They do not speak to others, they barely even speak to me. We just have our little adventures and I take care of them, and they give me lip because they want something. Other than that, no. I'm sorry if this seems harsh, and I know I welcomed feedback to my log, but this is now how I write my log, otherwise I'd have started off my log in a role playing manner.

I just want you guys to watch how my Tama grows and hear about the adventures we have from my perspective, with a little bit of the Tama thrown in for good measure. If I lose all my readers because of this, well.. I'm sorry :(

I just had to make this clear, because the private messages, stating the exact same thing, aren't working.


On a happier, more hilarious note - Angel fell asleep at 8pm. According to the sleep/wake times guide, she won't wake until 9am... *twitch*

I can't handle that, hahaha. I slept for like 5 hours and am raring to go, she's gonna have a go at 13 hours and I'm BORED OUT OF MY MIND, especially when I know she should be growing into a Teen today!! :) Not to mention I wanna take her school over and over like I did yesterday because it was so frigin cute! :)

Well, I'll be off for now. have to go feed my cat, who won't stop trying to flick my Tama across the room, or licking my glasses...

I'll be back in a little bit :D

I'm so pathetic! hahaha. Wrapped it in plastic because I didn't want to get any more scratches on it, because I have yet to figure a way to get the scratches (though tiny) in the screen out. :'(



Hey guys!!

So, my Angel is only 1 year old today, and she received a letter about 10 minutes ago, [!] where she moved from Pre-School to regular school. Moving rather quickly I though, but whatever. I chose the little sun teacher thing. Which is apparently the little stars, so it's going off what I have right now anyway.

I went into the school and played the little game, looking for the stars in the right box. Rather cute. And it brought my points up in that area more.

So apparently Angel is hugely for the Arts, because even while playing the jump rope game with gives everything BUT arts and fashion, I should see if I can get anything else when she has a baby :)

Does anyone know how often you have to make them go into school during the day? Is it just the once? Or many times, because almost every hour that she is awake, I'm shipping her off to school so that she can learn.


Now, for a quick stats update

* * * * Hunger

* * * * Happy

| | | | Training

Intelligence - 33

Arts - 46

Social - 25

1 YR

21 LBS

Name : ANGEL

POINT - 340GP (I bought a ticket to NYC earlier haha, it cost a small fortune at 5000gp)

Hey guys!

My Angel is really independent! She doesn't make a lot of fuss. It's lovely.

She did however, get a letter and a visit from the King! He gave Angel a big jar of Honey!!

Which reminds me, first thing this morning, that frigin robber came in and stole 300 points from Angel!! -.- How DARE he, right??


Anyway, that was all I wanted to update - she just about squeed her face off when the King gave her that Honey! :)

Hey guys!! I think it was around 530pm that Angel crawled into the tub, as I didn't hear anything go off, like the Tama-Go flips out at you when it needs to brush its' teeth, or get a bath, etc. So I happened to pick her up and the cute surprise of seeing her in the tub.

*WOW that sounded pervy on my end - SORRY!!! :( )

So I snapped a couple pictures, because honestly, just too cute hahahaha. I love Young Mimitchi, too cute for words. And I'm assuming as per most Tamagotchi, she will finish up in another 9 minutes, bringing the bath to a total of 30 minutes. I'm assuming.

Anyway, after that, I'll have to try and catch her brushing her teeth, which might be difficult because I am getting ready to make a rather lovely feast for supper tonight. Italian sausages, honey garlic rice, with fresh corn and cut string beans! :) I love cooking! :) And my Angel can hang around and watch while I do it, as we watch Futurama, or The Big Bang Theory in the background for giggles and hilarity!

I will log after supper, even if I don't get any pictures from Angel brushing her teeth.

Also - quick update as I was on the phone for a little bit just then; bathing takes 30 minutes, it just rolled to 6pm and she hopped out of the bath with suns dancing around her head.




EDIT - HOLY CROW!! - over one thousand views. Thank you SO MUCH guys. I didn't realize that I had such a good read. I appreciate any feedback and questions, so much, you're all so lovely :)

Hey guys!!

Supper is fantastic!! And while making it, I DID catch Angel brushing her teeth and I SQUEEEEED :D


I also have some other pictures that I took while just waiting for the rice to come to a boil!



Having a look out the window! ;) Kinda.




There's Angel chilling in the Mint Chocolate plant that I raised from a little seed :) yumyumyum.


Brushing those little pearly whites!


And again!


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My Tama went to bed at 8pm, just like last night, and now I'm going to be relatively bored until 9am when she wakes again, although I do need to cast circle tonight around 10pm. Google if needed.

Oh well. I am excited to see if Angel grows up tomorrow into an Adult. Judging by the guide and what I've heard, she should when she hits 2 years old. But it's a little confusing when the actual guide says she goes to preschool from 0-2, then legit school from 2-5. And yet she went to school today just after she woke, as I logged.

I will be surprised if Angel doesn't have a full on job by the time she's 3, let alone the quoted 5 the guide says!

So just after she laid her head down to sleep ( :'( ) I snapped a picture of her little snores haha.

Again, because I am a loser.

Now, looking at her stats, I'll give you a quick stat check before posted picture.

Hungry - * * * *

Happy - * * * *

Training - | | | | | | (6/10?)

Intelligence - 49

Arts/Fashion - 71

Social/Kindness - 46

Age - 1 yr

LBS - 20

Name : Angel

Point - 1470

:) Lovely.


Morning guys! :) How are you all doing?

I came on and got caught up with all the other logs, as my Angel is still sound asleep til about 9am. What a lazy little bugger eh? Sleeping 13 hours, while I only sleep about 4-8 hahaha. Oh well. I'll have her for the rest of the day until 8pm tonight, and hopefully today will be a busy day? Perhaps?!

It is SO gross out though, especially compared to yesterday when it bright and crisp and beautiful. Now it's overcast, foggy and downright chilly. Grrr :(

Anyway, I shant waste your time on something like this, I just did a few edits of one of my favourite abstract pictures that I took of Angel yesterday, and I am going to show them to you; I'm a nerd like that. Nerdizzle.




Hey again,

So my Angel just woke up, eh. 9am, as per usual. Very adorable. As far as I know, she's going to be evolving today, into her adult character as she hits 2yrs. Or at least that's what I think, since she's growing faster than I expected and the schooling has been rushed through as well.

So, don't knowwww. I always thought that the adult came at age 3, so that it left you with your teen for at least two days. But, again, this Tama is proving me wrong all over, hahaha.

Even though it's really cold and muggy this morning, I think I might go for a bit of a walk, maybe. Just down the road there is a play-park, with swings and slides and such. I think I might take a run down there and just relax


it reminds me of a story that I have, in regards to my first ever Tamagotchi experience. Or rather, my friend Tara's Tamagotchi, and she took it to school with us so often. All the time, actually. Which was great, but she had both a Nano baby, and a Tamagotchi P1. She was all of 6, I was 8. She came flying through the doors at school, bawling her face off because she was letting her Tamagotchi go down the slide, and she had another friend stand at the bottom of the slide while she gingerly huffed her Tamagotchi down the slide. I guess, the friend ran off because someone called his name, and the Tamagotchi went flying down the slide and straight into a puddle!

:( How said is that. She came into the school, bawling her face off and trying to figure out how to make it work again. One of the teachers removed the screw with a glasses screwdriver, and the entire thing was soaked from the inside out. She put it in a bag of white grain rice from the cafeteria and told Tara to leave it in there for THREE DAYS, to let all the moisture get soaked up by the rice.

Tara, unfortunately, was too desperate for her Tamagotchi. When we got back to the after-school centre around 2pm, she took it out of the bag and got the caretaker to put it back together. He put it together and it wouldn't work, naturally. So upsetting. She cried for days, and her mother refused to buy her a new one because of how careless she was with it. I honestly, can't say I blame her, now that I'm an adult, haha, but during that time, when I was little as well, I thought it to be unfair and cruel. hahaha


So yeah, that's the story for me right now.

I just fed my Angel, as she was a tad hungry, I gave her some nommy cereal. Yay.

And now I'm gonna have to go and feed my actual CAT, because he's doing the same thing he was doing yesterday, trying to get at my Tamagotchi and flick it out of my grasp, bahaha. silly kitty.

I'll be back later guys!!


Oh my GOD.

I am such a horrible mother!!

Angel apparently brushes her teeth at 930am, right after she's woken up, and I didn't see that when I went to check her stats and stopped her brushing her teeth. Now she'll probably get sick or get a toothache or something, all because I interrupted her brushing, BOOOO :(

So, it's 1030am, and I get a letter in the post!

It's the KING. Coming to visit Angel again!!

I got so excited.

he gave her 1000 GP!! :D She danced around and went absolutely ape. haha, it made me giggle but I didn't get a chance to get a picture of it, I'm sorry!! <3

I'll have pictures soon though, because somehow the weather went from gross to GORGEOUS!! :D So I think Angel and I are going to go for a walk soon, definitely down to that park. Might even get the hubby to come with me :)

Heya guys,

just saying - Angel turned 2 years old. :) I wonder if she's going to turn into an Adult today, like the guide and other things have said. I need to try and find that chart again, because it made sense at the time, and now it doesn't seem to. Grrr.

Anyone have any ideas as to how you know for certain that your Tama will grow up, without having paused them whatsoever? :)

She only grew into a teen yesterday, and I DO know that unlike the Tama-Go, their life cycle is slower than the T-Go, because they hit Adult stages even before they're frigin 2 years so.. Anyway, I'm off for now. Gonna finish up my episode of Supernatural, one of the more recent ones, and then I think I'll hit the park :)

EDIT - I finally found the little chart

V4, V4.5

Egg - Baby = 1 or 2 minutes

Baby - Toddler = 1 hour

Toddler - Teen = 2 days (48 hours) **I don't think this is true, as my Angel grew up yesterday just after she turned 1**

Teen - Adult = 2 days (48 hours)

Matchmaker Visits = After 2 days

Oldtimer = Age 9+

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Hey guys, it's 1230 noon, and Angel just got another visit - FROM THE KING!! :D He's so active with us today!! Wow!

He gave Angel another jar of honey!! Full of big hearts. I think he might be trying to get her to connect with another Tama, but unfortunately there aren't any that are available.

So I'll have to save it for a go-around with the Matchmaker or something.

Just wanted to update you on that. She's so busy today! Has to go to class here soon and then get some exercise in! on the gogogogo!

Good afternoon guys!!

So Angel got some mail around 1pm, and someone gave her a SNAKE! :( It emptied all of her happy hearts, and she cried and cried. I was so unimpressed. I don't know WHO is sending her hate mail, but grrr -.-

I've got some pictures of us out and about but for some reason tinypic and photobucket hate me and aren't allowing me to upload, so I'll have to do that as a follow up later, if it's working.

Angel is also having difficulty with the game she's playing at school. We both keep track of where the little stars are, as best we can of course, and yet she mostly winds up with poo on her head. She gets so upset, and I feel so bad. But I know that we're both trying out hardest, so that is all that matters, really, and I think that the Flowery teacher understands that. :)

I feel so impatient, guys. hahahaa. It's only been 2 days since I started my Angel (tama v4) but with all the logs I've noted, as well as all the things I've done with her, you'd think that I'd be ready for the second generation she could bring on - once she hits 6-7 years old mind. And that's still another 4-5 days away. It makes me go ape, thinking I won't have the patience for it. I can't wait to see how far I can get this entire Tama, as well as the characters and such.

But I know that I have to take the best care of Angel and I also know that I will miss her when she heads back to TamaTown, leaving her (eventual) child with me.

Also - quick stats check!

Hungry - * * * *

Happy - * * * *

Training - 10/10

Intelligence - 55

Arts/Fashion - 88

Social/Kindness - 68

(Quick hey - I just got a letter in the mail. 330pm, and it was a little heart)

Age - 2yr

LBS- 20

Points - 4080

Soon! I am sorry I'm being impatient, haha :)

I'll log again soon!! Just wanted to update that the King had come to see us again, and then she got a letter full of SNAKE! See you soon!
