FullBlownWitch's Tama-Go Log


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EDIT - PAGE 11!!!! :) Fantastic!! And 200-201th post!! Brilliant.

Round Two for pictures!!

Lots and lots of pictures, holy cow. I still have about 6 more "rounds" to go, if not more haha.

Hope none of you get BORED with all of it!! D:


Yay! A trip to the park to visit the green triplets!!

And then a trip outside to play with petty before bed! :) Not too eventful but it makes me smile :)


Oh goodness! YAY TaMaToMo/Happy stamps!! :D Time for the dating place!! Jasper was soooo antsy to go find love. He's a bad-punk tama but he's actually really full of love! :)


Oooo! What a choice!!


That's the end of this one! :)

I will be right back with more pictures ;)

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Whee! Playing with his little baby girl, Little Em (Lem for short) before he moves away with Petty outside.


After an hour of relatively good care on my part >.>, Lem has grown into Rolutchi! bwaha, little Onion.


The renovations I was talking about because her fathers' taste was a little too loud for her. Literally.


The workers are gone, and Lem wanted to go outside for a quick minute; get some fresh air despite the rain after all of the excitement of renovations! :)

Alright, last round for now; made sure to cut out some pictures for your sake and my poor computers >.<

These last 9 pictures are of Lem as her Toddler form, of a little cactus. :p


She decided that she needed something more cutting edge; just as her father had done when he was a branch and brought out his more adventurous, down to nature side.


As they hammer and work away! Yay!


Hopefully she approves of their work!


She loves it!

I'm so glad for her.

Seems the weather is actually matching ours today!!

It's nice and sunny, bright outside for Lem, and even more so bright, warm and sunny here in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada!


I'm glad that our weather is finally matching up; it's cute and makes everything a little more real ;)

I've let Lem fall ill :(

Not entirely intentionally, but between getting some things done, focusing, and getting all of these pictures taken care of finally, she's fallen ill all of about 3 minutes ago after calling out for me. I am terrible.

It happens though, eek.

I will be immensely busy over the next 8 days, so I may have to just take pictures, and then update when I get a moment, like I did the past couple of days. :) Be patient, dear readers, I will make sure to make it worth the wait! :)

Hope you enjoyed all the pictures, even though they were a little behind!




Just some stats for the fun of it :)


Teehee, managed to grab a shot of her using the little toilet; didn't even mean to, which is why it's so fuzzy, but it made me laugh all the same. Oh Lem. haha.


To replenish that little empty bowl slot since her little poo xD


Heading out to the park!!




Little green pet!! :eek:


She's thoroughly enjoying her time with the little park pet!! How adorable. Maybe once she grows up, we can head back to the park again and get the little green piece of fluff! :p


Here she is, all caught up in happiness :)

Aaaand at 7pm, exactly an hour and 16 minutes ago, Lem fell asleep for the evening.

So now here I go all night with focusing, work, etc, without the little Lem. :( UBERSADFACE, GUYS!

Tomorrow, she will grow up into her adult form too!! How thrilling and scary!!

She will probably become the little cupcake - Perotchi. Which will be soooo cute!!

When I first started my iD-L, I had about 12 generations stacked up; then had to restart because my Goz-ninja left me. I was horrid to him, I know :(

Now I am back up to my 12th generation, but randomly stopped at gen 4, gen 8 and gen 9. I don't know why, but I wanted to start something different, or became bored.

Mostly lack of the logging, and the noticing that I didn't have anyone to partake in my excitement.

Sometimes I wish that comments were allowed within a log, instead of PMs or comments because then to come back day after day, post after post, and see all the interactions and such... It's quite the motivator.

Really, it is.

I enjoy it; I certainly enjoy going around and commenting on peoples' profiles and such. :)

Anyway, I don't suppose there will be much more to comment on until tomorrow morning when she's got me up at 7am and before I take off out the door for the next 7 days of rush and fuss!

Ciao for now loves! I hope you have an amazing evening, and day for those that are down under. ;)




*Yawns heavily*

So at 7:05am, I woke naturally, with no beeping, no alarms, nothing, urgh.

I checked on Lem, and she was perfectly happy. No cleaning of messes or rooms. I am shocked, surprised and content about that.


First things first, I didn't get pictures, because I was too tired and operating on an auto-pilot type thing; forgive me.

The first thing we did was go outside and giggle over the rain again (-.-), and watch as a delightful little strawberry came crawling up from the earth within the plant that was awaiting us :)

How adorable.

We did go to the market at the park so that we could sell that little strawberry; Very adorable. It sold for 150GP, which wasn't much, but it made Lem laugh and smile.

After that, she said that she feels a change coming on (as at 12:40 noon she will be evolving into her adult form), and wants to go to the interior designers and rearrange the living room. She didn't want to change any of the other rooms, she said they already have their own pleasant feel that can carry throughout any evolution and stage; so we took a look at the living room choices, and she said very clearly that she wants to purchase one that cost 2000GP, which was the busy pink and white one, with a lot of sparkles, a fireplace, and a yellow floor. It makes me think of cake and prissy things. hahaha.

She's bouncing happily around that at the moment. I am thinking of taking Lem to the cafe for something for breakfast, while I have some tea and toast.

I will be back later, possibly, as I am very busy today.

Enjoy the amazing day!



Hey guys

Posting from my phone again as I'm busy elsewhere.

I've got some pictures to upload tomorrow night/Friday to show what all happened.

It was a very uneventful morning until about 12:40 past noon; Lem evolved into her adult form!! The little Perotchi- cupcake! Bwahaha.

We had a blast; took her down to the midday bistro before I had to leave downtown. I didn't grab any pictures of us at the bistro picking up a salad and clubhouse sandwich for mother. But she was with me while I ate the salad and she begged me to go to the restaurant to have some fish and chips.

Unfortunately, she hated them, and we had to complain to the chef who was very saddened to hear that she didn't enjoy the fish and chips.

We went to the park after that, with my salad in tow haha, and played with this adorable little pink puppy, a few different times and then she decided to come home with us!!

Lem acknowledged that it most certainly made up for the horrid meal :/ and we went home.

She played outside with the puppy while I finished my amazingly delicious Midday Bistro salad.

After that, she started asking me about her history.

With the history book in hand, we went to her fathers place! She reminisced as they hadn't spoken since he left two years (days) ago.

They had some food, his favourites, and spent the better part of an hour talking. Lots to catch up on I suppose :)

After that, we went to see her great, great, great grandmother!!! 0.0

Amazingly long life eh? Holy moly.

They didn't spend nearly as much time together as her G-G-G-grandmother Lovelitchi became tired but demanded that we come back soon for another visit and some more heart cake :3

Since then, she has asked me to go around with her to get her happy symbols.

She found these adorable little pink ears, on a headband, in our storage trunk in the attic, and as she put them on; DUNDUNDUN.... She received her first happy symbol!!

She found something that her grandmother had GROWN as well! A little T-bar toy with a red ball hanging from it on a string!!

She took it outside to play with Mimitchi and didn't they EVER have a ball!! Oh goodness it was so fun to see them have such joyous fun!

Alas, that brought her the second happy symbol and she was super excited!

Finally, after all the playing, she asked me to take her to the bakery for a pastry!

She decided upon the fruit sandwich from the bakery, and we had a ball with that as that gave her the third symbol!!!

Since then, we've gone to the park a little bit and we've been pretty pooped!!

She's just chilling around the house, occasionally going outside to play with puppup, but it's going to be a slow night, after an eventful day!!

Hope you all had AMAZING day with your wonderful Tamas!!

Love you all!


Hey guys!!

Been super busy, and will continue to be busy all weekend, until about Tuesday evening, Wednesday morning.

So, I don't have time to upload all the pictures I have for you, but I will definitely post them at a later date like before, to at least catch you up on the album portion of the log.

I have Fuchsia, baby girl # 13!!

Lem hatched her after marrying some little nut with a hat type Tamagotchi. All today :)

She got her last happy symbol when we were out and about today, and when I was relatively free on a break, I was able to take her to the dating place and she got married, then had a baby :)

She's a little all pink blob with a pink bow. Around 640pm, Fuchsia turned into Rolutchi; following directly in the shoes of her mother!! :)


She fell asleep at 7pm, and won't be up until 7am, which will have me up at around 730am, before a very long 44 hours of constant work of the next 4 days. By then she will have had a baby BUT we shant get ahead of ourselves just yet eh? ;)

Anyway, it's boring, and there aren't any pictures, I'm just a big fail - I apologize.

I hope you all have an amazing weekend!!


