FullBlownWitch's Tama-Go Log


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Hey all,

I know it's only been a little bit since I said I was off to bed, but I just updated myself on a few other people's logs, as well as have read things over the other parts de l'interwebs, and it really, really bothers me that people can go out and about, in hugely populated public, with their Tamagotchis, of any kind/version. Including the Tama-Go, and the large ID L/Colours as well. It kills me. I don't know how they can do it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not bagging them out. At all. I'm in such awe and envy towards them. I want to be able to do that, but I can't. I'm 23 years old, and I know that should I be spotted out and about, as well as just seen in general with a Tamagotchi, regardless of what version, etc... I would be judged.

I'm already being judged, by a few friends and acquaintances that I have. I get ridiculed and told that I'm acting like a child.

I may be, yes, but... I don't see it that way, entirely. I enjoy the Tamagotchi toys. They actually DO teach respect and responsibility; many friends of mine and some of my younger family members have proven that to me and the people who have purchased the Tamas for them. They teach them how to show love, affection and the ability to provide well-being towards something that deserve the care. :D

It's lovely, and even though I am an adult, and married, and have a cat that depends on me, something like a Tama is a refreshing way of looking at responsibility and such. I love it; however, I cannot bring myself to take pictures with my Tama in public, I cannot bring myself to bring it out in public period without a large pocket, a large purse flap/pocket, or something like a baby/toddler sock that would fit well in a purse, etc. It's well nice.

Anyway, I think it's flippin' awesome that those people can be so brave and not giving a rat's about what other people might say, or what they might be thinking, or the looks they might be giving... I can't help but think about that stuff, so I could never, and probably wouldn't ever be able to bring my Tama about and out with me, showing with it and taking pictures of it while we're out somewhere. Couldn't ever. I'm just too foolish and unfortunately it kind of stops me from enjoying the motherhood-ing of a Tama!! Boooo face.

Thoughts, concerns?

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How are you all?? :)

I am freaking fabulous! I woke to a little Kinotchi on my screen between its' parents and just about squeed my face right off before getting out of bed.

YAY! I was hoping for a boy for the 2nd Gen, so I can see how far I can get it on either perfect care, or also even to see what other characters I can acquire! Looking at the growth charts for the Tama-Go is just mind boggling, as they've got so many different characters, and only a few that I've seen in previous versions.

I am hoping that I get Ahirukutchi, because he's so ugly that he's cute, but Mattaritchi is just... ******* ugly.
then any Teen is okay, really... They all look adorable and I'm sure they all have their good points. And for Adults, honestly, I don't care which I get when it comes to looks.

The only adults I've ever had before were the 3 in the second row - Tarakotchi (Weird front on duck), Kuchipatchu (Everyones' fave green duckish guy), Gozarutchi (The ninja with that pimpin' throwing star).

So here's hoping right? :D Anyway, I'll give you some pictures that I took first thing this morning; I'm rather thrilled.


See? The little baby with his parents!! :) So cute. You can also see that I picked up one of the rare wallpaper backgrounds, of the palace/pillar style. It will be interesting to see what it's like when they go dancing off to the bath and brushing their teeth, then of course when they head off to bed. Lots of pictures will take place today, I imagine. :)


I'm having a ball, I can barely put my Tama down because I keep watching the little dance they're getting into. I am such a NERD!! hahaha, love it.

Alright lovelies, I'm off for now!! I'll keep you up to date in regards to this little new one, even with parental care :)

Heya guys,

I've been playing games like mad and getting things sorted on my Tama-Go. And I took another look at my points and just about had a heart attack, again.


Wow. I can't believe how quickly they rack up when you're having a blast playing with your little ones.

6,431,260 gp. goodness.

What shocks me is that I've played like mad, then fed like mad, in a vicious circle, but they've not pooed ALL DAY so far...

I've been catching up on the other logs today, seems like everyone is having both a light and quiet day, but also a very exciting day in regards to marriage, babies and journeys! Yay!! :)

Anyway, I'm off for now, take care!! I'll update later when I can, and of course as best I can when the parents leave this evening!

Hey guys,

So, remember how I wrote that post a little bit ago about how people are giving me crap about having a Tamagotchi? Not just going out with it, but having one, period? Well, I wrote a new post in my blog about it, since I've had over 10k views in under a year, and this is what I wrote. I wanted to put it here, where I've received a TONNE of support in regards to it!!!

Which by the way, I appreciate so much. Sometimes it takes another lover of something to show you how other people's opinions don't matter in the slightest.


There's been some upset, as per usual with the people "in" my life, and it's come to my attention that my playing with and having a Tamagotchi is a little childish, and looked down upon.


Well, I see it this way - There are far worse things I could be spending my spare time on. Like drugs, smoking, gossip, bullcrap, etc. So a little dinky toy isn't really going to mess me up in that regards, eh?Also, what's the difference between someone who spends their every waking hour on their mobile phones? Which by the way, I don't actually do; also the games, GameBoy, DS, xBos, etc, any playstation console - anything that can be taken out and played in public, no matter where you are. I've never been ridiculed for playing my DS wherever I want... but a Tamagotchi...? Wow, the people and locals have flipped and fussed, going on about how I'm such a child... Ooohhhh, well excuse meeee for having fun and not doing illegal things or out being a turd...


Right.. :p ahahaha. Foolish people.


I can't get over how much people talk and fret about me, it's so hilarious.


Oh well, think what you will, haha :) Off to the store I go, with my TAMAGOTCHI *shock/horror*

SO yeah, I appreciate all the feedback and the support, it's been a huge help and I love and admire you all for continuing to partake in something you adore and cherish so much to just go out and about, :D

Heya guys,

630pm and of course the beeping goes off and sure enough, they're all ready for their bath. I took some pictures because I just about wee'd laughing.

here they are!!



Know what I need?

A pouch, or small sock to carry my Tama-Go around in while out and about and such.

I don't really have the ability to make one unless I can find an old sock and such, but.. hmmm...

Any ideas, me loves?

Morning guys,

I was getting ready and psyched to do a log this morning, but I got a call at 8am sharp from my mother, whom I've not heard from nor seen in well over a year, to tell me that my grandmother (the only grandparent I have left) had a heart attack and is in intensive care. So... kinda goes without saying that I won't be available for most of today, and I'm sorry; I'll be back with you asap.


xx - FBW

Hey guys.


Sorry I was away for so long, but as my last post said..



My nan is OKAY!!! :D Goddess bless Canadian health care, eh? They got her in and out and FIXED up on under 3 hours, surgery included. She's stable in the ICU now, and will be going home sometime next week; Thank you for your well wishes and any thoughts, prayers or candles lit in her name <3



Believe it or not, I managed to keep my Tama running, HAHA. I was distracted and upset, and the husband was at home while I was with the family and in the hospital, so I relied on my Tama to kinda keep me company that didn't talk back or give me grief.

I didn't get to take too much care of it, when the baby boy came round and graced my presence, so I think I got one of those "bad" characters.


Yesterday morning my Lovelitchi and her beau left their baby, and unfortunately, being in the hospital at nan's bedside, I wasn't able to take my phone out and start snapping pictures. So, forgive me.


I was able to when we went downstairs in the cafeteria and such, so I'll post those asap, once I'm finished writing this up.

It's gonna be a long post, I know, I'm really sorry guys; I know you can't control who dies and who takes ill, but I was very dedicated to this log and now it's gone down the crapper while I've been away and have 2 days to catch up on.


So my baby boy grew into a Mattaritchi, who is so ugly that he's cute, haha. He was difficult to take care of, ALWAYS beeping and going off for no reason whatsoever. And his happy and hungry hearts were dropping like mad. I felt terrible for trying to look after my nan and Mattaritchi in turns. :(


This morning while visiting with my nan, he turned into a Kilalatchi. Cute as all goodness lol. He's not as difficult to take care of, though his training is only 3 bars in. Even though I've done everything that I did with my Lovelitchi.

So, that's what makes me think he's one of those "bad" characters, or that I'm a terrible parent...


Anyway, I'm restarting my phone because the uploads on Photobucket didn't go through, and if that fails, I'll do it manually, so I'll make sure to attach them asap before I post.


The pictures make a little better.

So am I bad parent because I got that character, or did they actually take that schematic OUT of the Tamagotchi system now, and just kept the personality of the Tama to be a little unruly and snarky?


Pm me! :)



The little one sleeping.



Little Mattaritchi, so heinous looking.





Hey guys,

I don't really have an update, but what I do have, is a question that I asked a little bit ago, but I'm asking again

In TamaTown (new.tamatown.com), in the Tama's apartment, I have tried to decorate it but it all loads up and such in the same place. I don't have a way to place items where I want them... Do you know how to change that or customize it? It's really frustrating, it only seems to put them all in the same place. I started wondering if maybe it is only available to the Music Star tamas... Hmmm. I don't know, but could anyone enlighten me in regards to it?


So, I went into the Flash section of FireFox, and set everything to allow - And now it's letting me drag and drop all the furniture and such in my Tama's apartment. LOL. I am such a gob.

Good evening guys,

It's been a pretty quiet day/night around here. I couldn't believe how low maintenance my Kilalatchi was. It was a little bizarre. Went from a misbehaving baby and a screaming toddler, etc, that it was different to see him being so god-awful quiet.

So unfortunately I don't even have any pictures, especially since I tried catching up on sleep and cleaning, etc from the weekend away.

Sorry for such a crappy little update :( I feel like I've failed you guys a little bit.

I'll have more tomorrow, even though I still have a fair bit of cleaning to do.

Have a good night, guys.

I'm almost considering waking my Tama up, because I'm so bored and because I miss his skazzy little company :)

But I probably shouldn't, since then he'll get back to sleep later and I'll feel terrible that he'll wanna wake at the same time, and unfortunately, I know that I hate going to bed, being woken, and then having to get up at the same time.. HAHA :p


I'll be off for now, I think.

Quick question - Apart from this site, and others that I am sure help along, how in the goodness gracious do any one of you manage to decode the Tama colours, and the ID L s?? I look at pictures and guides, and they're all in frikin japanese. I want one, so badly, because of the things you can do, and the fact they're so bright and colourful, inside and out.

All that good stuff, yeah.

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone could give me advice as to what goes on when they use theirs?? :)

Helloooo my fabulous Tama Lovers!!

How are you?? :)

I'm doing well. Feel like a bad mother, yet again, since I think my Tama woke at around 7am, and I didn't, until about 8am. I barely slept all weekend, grr, so I guess I caught up on it.

I won't be logging for the day until I get back in, no shame there. so I should have some pictures or at least stories for you. :)

Here's another question (since I love having you guys sooo engaged with my log) -

Those of you that are in high school, or college/university - How do you find studying, going to courses, and living within school with your Tama needing care and such?

I'm attempting to get into college this year, though due to a lot of hospital visits as you just encountered a day or two ago reading my log, I've missed a lot of cut off dates; The CCA/DSW course that I want doesn't actually start until October 17th, 2011. Which I thought was awesome! So I am going to see if I can get in there before September rolls around, or even the first week passes. If not, then next year is a must.

And of course, I am going to want to bring my Tama around, regardless of what version I have - and I'm just pondering what kind of comments, looks, or "bans" anyone has put forth.

Thoughts, lovies?

Hey guys!

While in the shower, my lovely little Kilalatchi grew to a Simashimatchi!! First time I've ever had this character!! I got so excited! :D

He'll be joining me on my journey out and about today, in the side pocket of my purse, that is perfectly sized!!

Just wanted to update that for you, loves. He's so cute.

Now, it's really difficult to name the characters that I get because there isn't an option or place to include their own personal names. I've read where some people are actually naming them, though they wouldn't have a way to mark it down or anything, except for a log.

But of course I'm all for names as it gives them more personality and character (no pun on either of those).





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Hey guys!

Guess what??

Out of the 12 Tamagotchis I own, I found two of them, bringing my total to ones out of storage, to 3!! I am so excited hahaa. I'm going to show you pictures of them, collectively, and then I'm going to see about putting a video of me just playing around with my Tama-Go online and uploaded here.

:D Yay, happy day!


There's the three that I have available right now. I must not have packed away the smaller ones when we moved, whereas all the original and the other versions I have are packed away! And some of them :( I actually gave away so that friends or family could enjoy Tamagotchi as well.


YAY, little cowboy hilarity. Sooo cute :) I squeed.


LOOK!!! I FOUND THE FACEPLATE!!! It's not my favourite, but I love having the legit faceplate, instead of just that piece of posterboard!


and it's only been about 2 weeks since I start up my Tama-Go again, but it's been on PAUSE since January! And the batteries only just gave out!! So I instantly brought them out, put new ones back in, buckled up the back and then downloaded my little S'Matchi back to the screen. It was at 9am this morning, so I ended up setting the time is all :) Yay!
