Fake P1 or not?


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Well-known member
Aug 3, 2012
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Alright so my friend gave me at first what i thought was a tamagotchi orginal v1 (i lost sorry no pics) It was green and looked exactly like the other ones but its game was different and so were some of the icons. The game was some really, really, really weird version of like rock paper scissors that i never figured out. Also a lot of the icons were different. Also the tamagotchi hatched but it was a weird character that i had never seen before and no matter what it never evolved!!! So weird. But i looked EXACTLY like a real tama. Would anyone like to shed some light on this?

It looked like this https://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRelx2aesTxOKmIQLHwgpmFE4F7MaTl_KFUNUHOiqry0VhhMM1T

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That one, It looks ligit. The game was either left or right or a numbers game. Based on the version.

Checkered-p1 (left or right game)

Swirly-p2 (numbers game)

I don't recall a rock, paper scissors game...

That one, It looks ligit. The game was either left or right or a numbers game. Based on the version.

Checkered-p1 (left or right game)

Swirly-p2 (numbers game)

I don't recall a rock, paper scissors game...
Yeah idk thats the game i had. Also the icons were like fails. Like a fail remake at a game but it looked so much like a tama

Did it have dinos on the top? Maybe a chicken pet, smart chick.

I can consider... I think the yuki penguin has a rock paper sissors game... Maybe the dinkie dino did? It was shaped different though.

Yes, a picture would certainly help. A lot of the 'other' pets had that rock paper siscors game. They were originally modeled after the original Tamagotchi. They tended to be ok and evolved. But yes, always try to include an actual picture of what you are talking about. ;)

It's not a fake Tama. It could be another virtual pet of some sort, but not a fake Tama...you'll known when you see a fake. They're really unconvincing.

it looked exacty like the picture above. EXACTLY

Looks pretty legit to me as well. P1 Tamas have four icons at the top-bottom rows - and there is a green/yellow design.

If possible, could you try and ask for more pictures?

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Looks pretty legit to me as well. P1 Tamas have four icons at the top-bottom rows - and there is a green/yellow design.

If possible, could you try and ask for more pictures?
I dont have teh tama anymore :/ ill try and find a pic of it. Here a picture of what the egg looked like but it is not a picture of the real tama. I think the toilet icon was a roll of paper. The game icon i was some creepy happy face and it kinda scared me..

The picture you were showing us is a legit P1. However if you claim that your Tama's icons look different than the one pictured; then yes, most likely that it is a fake one.

yeah i know im just try to get at what type of fake :)

I keep thinking of a green nano for some reason. Humm.

Well, I think the Angel has toilet paper as an icon on one of them while the other is a toosh.

Smiley face is coming to my mind too... But I don't recall which one.

You sure it was egg shaped? Like 100% sure?

I keep thinking of a green nano for some reason. Humm.

Well, I think the Angel has toilet paper as an icon on one of them while the other is a toosh.

Smiley face is coming to my mind too... But I don't recall which one.

You sure it was egg shaped? Like 100% sure?
100% sure! Hm. I dont think it was an angel? Maybe it was? Ill try and search google to see if i can find any picks of the game i played.

I think this really could be anything I have a tama that I call "Eric" (an odd pet, dinosaur from Japan) who is exactly the same shape and colour as a P1 with the icons you mentioned only he does evolve and also has a weird rock paper scissors game that took a while to figure out, he also had no pause, no sound off and is extremely needy. Theres a chance that you my never know what it was, all Eric's box says is dinosaur and theres no brand name, theres many tamas out there that look similar but are unbranded copies/fakes.

I think this really could be anything I have a tama that I call "Eric" (an odd pet, dinosaur from Japan) who is exactly the same shape and colour as a P1 with the icons you mentioned only he does evolve and also has a weird rock paper scissors game that took a while to figure out, he also had no pause, no sound off and is extremely needy. Theres a chance that you my never know what it was, all Eric's box says is dinosaur and theres no brand name, theres many tamas out there that look similar but are unbranded copies/fakes.
Do you have a picture??? I think thats it omg thanks!

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