Dreams of Pokémon


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Miranda had been sitting on this wall for god-knows-how long now after being dropped off in Sinnoh by her Dad's Fearow, just watching various people pass by and occasionally go into one of the few buildings there were around here. Sighing, Miranda ran a hand through her hair and adjusted the bag on her back so it was a little more comfortable. It wasn't heavy - after all, all it contained were a few Pokeballs and healing items, and her skateboard, which was sticking out of the top... yes, Miranda had travelled light to Sinnoh.

Eon caught up to them. "Hey, don't leave without ne." he laughed, looking at Alice. "Sorry, I didn't catch your name before, what was it?"

Mandibuzz swiftly landed in front of the Sandgem Pokemon Center and felt a bit drowsy. Kimberly realized this, and ran into the Center, healing Mandibuzz. She walked out and sat down on a wall, she was tired, and she saw a female about the same age as her. She ignored her, and walked to Professor Rowan's Lab. Mandibuzz got out of her Pokeball, listening to a Braviary's call. Mandibuzz started flying over the Trainer with the Braviary, flying in circles. "Me-Ma-Me-Buzzzzzzz!" It cried.

"Here's the lab.'' Sarah takes off her roller blades, shoves the into her bag and walks in. She sits down and begins to groom EchoSong. She squirted some cold water from a spray bottle onto a cloth and began to rub it over the pokémon's skin.

Eventually, Miranda got a bit bored of hanging around on her wall and got up, glancing around before walking over to the lab. She'd seen a few people go in there... might as well go and socialise. Sighing, Miranda pushed open the door and frowned, hating the sterile looking environment and that dentist-like smell. Looking around, she saw two other people and moved over to them. "So what's the big deal with this place then?"

"Well, it's a place we you can get a starter pokémon I guess." Sarah replied, not looking up.

Finny looked at Echosong stared at the two trainers and looked up at Alice. "Te Tepig Te!" She pointed at the other two trainers. "No, I've told you already that we're not challenging them." Alice whispered to her pokemon..

EchoSong accepted Finny's challenge. "EchoSong! No now, OK?" Sarah hissed at EchoSong. She shot an apologetic look at Alice.

Finny jump out of Alice's arm and looked back at her. "F-finny! Don't give me those eyes!" Alice said and turned her head towards Sarah and sighed.

"If you really want to battle," Sarah told EchoSong. "you have to wait till I've seen the professor. And ask Alice first. Nicely."

EchoSong ran over to Alice and hugged her leg.

Alice looked at Echosong then over at Finny who was now running over and hugged Alice's other leg. "Alright, alright." She smiled at the two pokemon. "I should probably head to the pokemon center and send Braviary back to my mother while you wait for the professor."

"I'll tell the professor, if he comes when your gone, that you'll be back soon." Sarah tickles EchoSong and takes her off Alice's leg. "Bye!" She calls.

Alice nodded waved to Sarah and picked Finny off the ground. "You're so troublesome Finny." She said as she walked off.

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