Do you remember your first tama?


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Christmas '04, me and my two siblings got V3s. Mine was dark blue with stars. It grew into Violetchi. Next year, I received a striped green V4.5, which grew into Tenpatchi, M.D. :lol:

I remember my first was a v4.5. I only had it for a month...Then one day I went to the beach and left it at home. When I came back home it wasn't there where I left it. :(

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Translucent orange V1. I was nine years old and the connections were a craze at the time. My first character was a Masktchi....I was a really bad care taker back then ;)

I do! It was a red hearts V2 that I got for my 8th birthday in 2005. It looked like this. I no longer have it because the B button fell out just two months after I got it and the entire tama glitched out. I miss it but I did end up getting another V2.

My first character on it was a Masktchi named Kala. I was a pretty bad caretaker 'cause I didn't really know what I was doing at the time.


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I have played with virtual pets since the craze hit in the 90's but my first official Tamagotchi was the white shell with grey writing (P2?) in 1998, I got it in Woolworths (a shop based in UK for those who don't know it) with my pocket money and remember being delighted.

My memories after initially buying it are very vague but remember hatching it round my aunts house and helping my younger sister hatch hers.

Translucent orange V1. I was nine years old and the connections were a craze at the time. My first character was a Masktchi....I was a really bad care taker back then ;)
woah... Ok so my first tamagotchi was actually one I borrowed from one of my friends and it was the clear orange shell!! A V1 just like yours... My first character? A masktchi. :eek: I'm not even kidding! I still hate masktchi though idk I just don't like him.

ah yes I do!!! My first tamagotchi was a Tama-GO I got back in 2010. I was about 7 or 8 back then, and I had literally no idea what I was doing. I remember getting the black one, and I had also bought a kuromametchi figure. I found it a couple years ago when I got back into tamas, and I reactivated it! It still works, but I'm not running it.

My first Tamagotchi was the first European generation in 1996 or 1997. It had a white with grey shell with grey buttons. My little past me wanted one that resembled the cracked eggshell most naturally. It still surprises me, as I was a kid that dressed like a rainbow. Why didn't I pick a brightly coloured one? XD

Up until 2014 I still had my first Tamagotchi. It still worked but had no sound anymore. The biggest mistake was made then, to lend it to my younger sister. She lost it.... :( It still saddens me.

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My first tama was a v3 with pink & silver bows. I was bad so mom made me give away my tamas to charity. But the joke's on her! Because I bought them off of ebay for cheap and my babies are now home. :D :D :D

I totally remember. My cousin is 4 years older than I am and she showed me her v3. She was also taking care of her friend's v2 at the time. I asked my parents for one and they got me a LPS virtual pet instead. I was extremely happy with it and had forgotten what a legit tama was. Then, one Christmas when I was 8 (I think), my grandparent bought me a chocolate argyle v4.5. I loved it and took it everywhere with me! I lost it at the movies and I was devastated. I still feel stupid about how upset I was. My awesome grandparents bought me another one to replace the lost one and I still have it 8 years later! My grandparents now tease me about still playing with Hamas, but I think they understand. Ooh, and I recently bought myself a used chocolate argyle v4.5 off of ebay to replace the one I lost!

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My first Tamagotchi was a Connection Version 2 bought around 2005. I was 10 at the time, and the device had a wave of popularity through schools in my area. Wanting to be part of the action, I persuaded my parents to purchase it. My sisters got one each as well.

My unit had a green shell patterned with red flowers. Oddly, I remember my first Tamagotchi pet inside it more vividly than the events surrounding the purchase of the toy.

A girl hatched out of the egg, and I named her Wendy. She became a Hitodetchi as a child, Ringotchi as a teenager and finally Kuchipatchi as an adult. I must have taken pretty decent care of her in hindsight if I ended up with a Kuchipatchi (An above-average tier Adult in this version). I eventually married her to one of my sisters' Tamagotchis, which was a male Kaerutchi (But can't remember what his name was).

I also somewhat remember a few of the next generations as well. My second generation, a boy named Timmy, grew to be a Marumimitchi, though he married via the Matchmaker. My third generation became a male Pyonchitchi (Can't remember his name) and then my fourth was a male Memetchi (Can't remember his name either). I can't remember the generations after that, but I played with my Version 2 for ages and it kept running with subsequent Version 3s and 4s that I bought.

I still have this Version 2, and I just recently re-activated it alongside most of my other old Tamagotchis. The unit has deteriorated with age and use though; the speaker doesn't work, there is a line of dead pixels on the screen and the buttons aren't as responsive as they used to. At least it still runs and connects though! My other Tamagotchis, luckily, aren't in nearly as bad shape.

This connection v2 was my very first and I still use it to this very day because it's one of my favorites.

Unfortunately, I don't really remember my very first Tamagotchi. I must have been about 5 years old when I and all my brothers got a Tamagotchi for Christmas. I think we all got a P1. I did not take very good care of mine back then and I lost interest pretty fast considering I got a wagon and a lot of other toys that year. I think my Tamagotchi was pink, maybe white. I got interested in Tamagotchis again when the V3 came out. I bought a green V3 with pink Hawaiian flowers on it. There was a lot of good times that I had with that V3.

My first tama was a european P1 in 1997. I was at a child's birthday party and a little girl I didn't know had a translucent pink tama. I was fascinated by it. My parents didn't allow me to have pets so that was the next best thing. I asked my parents for one as a gift for my "name day" (sorry, I don't know how that's called in english). When we went to the store there were a lot of different colors all piled up together, but I really loved the translucent pink the girl had, so I searched until I found the same one xD

It still works perfectly and it's in great condition.

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My first tama was a light green v4 with flowers on it. I loved it so much!! I still have the shell for it but sadly the bits inside it don't work anymore. I preformed too many surgeries on it during the 4th grade and broke a couple wires. It was my favorite shell too :(

~ Miau :wub:

Late to the party - I love throwback topics like these :D

My first ever exposure to a virtual pet was not Bandai's Tamagotchi but with a RakuRaku Dinokun (Dinkie Dino in English). It wasn't my own, but my sister's. Ever since then I was really hooked to virtual pets and bought a lot of them - but have already lost / broken most of them due to constant use.

I had:

1. RakuRaku Dinokun

2. RikoRiko Chan

3. A dinosaur pet I can't recall the name anymore

4. A rabbit one that was in a clamshell design made to resemble a rabbit in a basket

5. A fish that I swear was the most unintuitive and demanded so much attention I turned it off after 2 days LOL

My first ever Bandai Tamagotchi was the Angelgotchi, I fondly remember it being a Christmas gift from a friend who went overseas (I can't recall it it was Singapore or Japan). It was the light blue color. Ever since then I considered the Tamagotchi brand to be a far superior brand than other virtual pets during the time. I bought an orange P2 and a maroon P1 (the one that looks like a clock) as well.

I stopped playing with virtual pets until I saw the V4 being sold here locally, which rekindled my interest. I bought a V4, two V5.5's, then an English iDL.

I've probably mentioned way back on another account, but my first Tamagotchi was a V2 that I got for Christmas in 2005, when I was 10. It was the pink hibiscus shell, and the buttons glitched out a few months later, so I had to get it returned, and in pace of it I got a V3, green with flowers (like my current one if you've seen it, but my current one isn't that same one)

To this day, the V2 is still one of my favourite versions

Ah I was probably 6 or 7. My parents went to visit their friends so I was brought along to their place and left me with their children (one was a year older than me, the other one was 6 years older). I don't remember what happened there except for the fact that they introduced me to Tamagotchi. One of the sisters had a v3 or a v4 that was a white shell and had pastel pink/green and a few other colours on it. My mum bought me one for myself, which was a bright pink v3 with a dot pattern that was white, baby blue and a pastel yellow. I still have it with me up and running! I thought it had stopped working because when I popped a battery into it last year, the A button had a difficult response time. I'd have to press really really firmly and at a right angle to get it to work.
