Do you remember your first tama?


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Yeah, it was a v3.

My parents' friends came over and their two daughters (who were both a few years older than me) had a Tamagotchi each. I was fascinated by it and I ended up getting one as well when I was...6 or 7? My v3 has a hot pink shell design with pale coloured dots around it. I still have it, but I'm currently not running it.

The first Tamagotchi I ever played with was an Angelgotchi but it belonged to my sister. The first Tama I owned was a V3 Connection that was pink and had cute ribbons on it. ^_^ It's seen better days, it's pretty filthy now.

My first digital pet was some generic thing they were selling at Walgreens (a pharmacy/convenience store) near my house. It was a dinosaur and I loved it, even though everyone else I knew was getting nano's and giga pets.

My first Tamagotchi was the original, which I remember having around 1997 or 1998. I'm 25 so I was within the target age range for it.

My first tamagotchi was the tropical flowers v3.

All of the girls in my 6th grade class had at least 2 v4s and the carried them on the tama leashes around their neck daily. I felt so left out especially because these little pets were so cool. I loved the idea of having a virtual pet in my pocket.

I insisted I'd take the best care of it I could and never let it get an empty heart (ha. yeah.)

So my parents and I spent a month going to every store in Feb 07 looking for a tamagotchi but we couldn't find one.

But on my 12th birthday after wanting a tamagotchi of my own for 2 months I finally got my v3 and I cherished it. 2 days later I got a white translucent v4 and also cherished it. For many years all I had were the v3,v4,v5, and music star and I cherished those tamas for years :)

I remember going through a virtual pet phase around fifth grade. I got my two Music Star tamagotchis at a Walmart and haven't gotten any new tamas since. My very first pet got to evolve into a Mimitchi, so that's kinda cool. I had some good parenting skills :p Still do (only for digital pets. I can't support real children XD).

Oh man-

I guess I'll add in my story...

Back in 2005, my cousins came over one day and had brought with them their tamagotchis. Me, being only 4 or 5 at the time, was absolutely impressed and ended up wanting one after a couple more visits. Then came Christmas of 2006? I don't remember, but my uncle came, and handed me a present. I thought it was a pair of a socks, because of the lumpy packaging, but once I started to unwrap it, I knew what it was because of how proud my uncle looked when I opened it. It was the chocolate argyle ver. 4.5. I remember I started crying because of how happy I was, and asked my aunt to open it for me. I kinda regret that though, 'cuz she threw out the instructions and everything. I figured out how to use it though, after a while though, after pulling out the tab. I think the first tam I raised was a boy, but I don't remember what he was named, or what adult he was. I do remember he died after nearly dying once 'cuz I had to go on long trips to the hospital cuz I had to get a little machine on me. Anyways, when I saw he died I cried for a long time 'cuz I had gotten really attached to him... I ended up calling my cousin 'cuz I didn't know how to reset my tam. I eventually put it away and only brought it out every now and then once a year.

I know remember he was a tenpatchi, but I don't remember his name. I remember I talked to him sometimes, and the day he died I had told him to wait for me and left him on the armrest on our old couch... he had almost died once when I had gone on another long hospital trip, so I felt really sad when he eventually died on the next trip... gosh, sorry for these super long posts, I still feel kinda bad about it...

Wow, how come I never found this topic? Anyway, here I go:

Now, I don't specifically remember my first Tamagotchi character, but I do remember my first version and so. I used to have the backstory on my profile, but that was ages ago.
So, we're going way back to 2007-2008. Around the former year, my sister had gotten a cute little Tamagotchi. I can't remember it well, but it was a V4 (I can confirm that with the games she played like jump, which was exclusive to the V4) that was purple with multicolored dots... or something. And I was jealous! I saw it that night and I was like "Mum, I want one!!" So anyway, I'm not sure if it was that night or another, Dad drove me to the small convenience store in our little town to get one! Since V4 was in and the old we're out, I had no choice but to get the same version my sister had! However, I didn't care because I didn't even know there were specific versions of Tamagotchis.

Now, here's a really hard part for me to remember - The design. I've explained it in my profile in the Tamagotchi Collection just under About Me, but I'll explain it again. So, as I remember, it was pink with white swirls. That's probably incorrect, so ever since I rediscovered Tamagotchis, I've been trying to find the one I own. And I know it was a V4 because... well, same explanation as my sister's tama. I vividly remember the game jump. Anyway, I had no idea how to take care of it, and ended up getting Maskatchi and Gozarutchi. A lot. It sucked, so I always got Mum to take care of my Tamagotchi. It usually ended up dying.

Whew! That's the V4 done. Now for the last one I received back in 2008:

The Familitchi had just been released! I don't even remember how I got it, but somehow I ended up with a V5.5 (Celebrity ver.). It's design was red with white sparkles, and I've already found it online. Since I took horrible care of it and had no idea that family bonding was existent, I always got bad care characters. Since new good care characters were released for this version, Mametchi, Kutchipatchi, Chantotchi and a few others were bumped down to the bottom. Which means I got those a lot. Yay? Anyway, I remember that I always got them fat because hey, my dumb little self thought "If I feed dem a lot, I will get da best characters evarrrr!!1!!11!". No.

So, now that I've explained the backstories, I'll tell you how they got LOST:
They... they... were thrown away. Yeah. That's it. Such dramatic.


I cri everytime ;______________;


This guy. Got him when I was... oh boy...Eight? So, twelve years ago.

I lost him as I was growing up, but nostalgia drove me to buy the same design from ebay.

Red v2 with white arrows.


This was taken today. I brought the little tyke to work.

I vaguely remember my very first tama; I do remember that it was a v3. When I had purchased it I remember I declared it my new best friend and that i would take it everywhere with me.... it broke sadly but i remember being amazed at the fact that virtual pets were a thing in general.. kind of odd how it eventually turned into a full blown interest for me now, many years later. :D

My first one was a Tamagotchi Mini. I was probably in elementary school at the time. I sadly don't have a good memory of anything it grew up into. I did have two other kinds of virtual pets that weren't Tamagotchis before this, but one of them broke and the other disappeared.

My first one was a P1 back in the day. So yeah, I feel like OLD. I'm probably the eldest (don't wanna say oldest lol) in this forum. It wasn't mine, at that, it was my cousin's who was, also, my Godfather. I saw it and went all "OMG, that's so cute, please please can I borrow it and raise an egg?" and he gave it to me. He wasn't the kind of guy who gave presents. And he totally wasn't the kind of guy who gave away his stuff, so I took care of it like it was a treasure and that is why 19 years later, this little guy is working here, beside me, and I'm taking care of a Gaijintchi who, today, is 15 years old and going strong.

My cousin died ten years ago so this tamagotchi - one of the few presents I ever got from him - is a precious memento.

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I can't really remember

I think my first one was the Angel version

I also remember getting the Digimon virtual pet, it had the brick wall shell.

I was 39 years old (almost 40) back in '97 when I got my first one. It was royal blue P2 with a black frame around th screen and yellow buttons. The first adult character I got was Mametchi. I still have this Tama, and it still works perfectly.
This made me smile. :) I live in an apartment and I'm not allowed to own any pets beyond my cat. I used to keep fish, a cat, dog and even a bird (before I realised caged birds are cruel).

Because of this love TAMAGOTCHIS and plush toys as an adult, they give me those warm fuzzy feelings. Not as good as a real pet obviously, but still fun and very cool! :)

Technically, my first tama was a Giga pet Compu Kitty. I had a hard time keeping it alive! Later on (a week or so after getting Compu Kitty), I bought my first REAL Tamagotchi p2. It was a solid green shell with yellow stripes and black buttons, really snazzy! Once, I got the alien secret character on it! I remember he died as we were coming home from a vacation, however. Fast forward 18-19 years later (I started my interest in Tamas back in 1997, lost interest in 1998, and renewed it during the Tamagotchi Connection years in the early 2000s, but anyway!), I came across the very same Tamagotchi shell design I used to have, and now it's mine once again! It's scuffed up and the buttons are frayed a bit, but no worries, I still love it!
