Do you remember your first tama?


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My first Tamagotchi was a P1. I remember being one of the first children in my school to have one; it was fun to be ahead of the trend!

At the time, I really wanted my parents to let me have my own hamster. I tried to pay close attention to the Tamagotchi and prove that I would be able to pay attention to a real hamster. (This is funny, looking back on it, because my parents were not evaluating my "pet readiness" based on the Tamagotchi at all. My dad had simply read a newspaper article about what a fad they were in Japan and bought me one. I had this whole scenario in my mind about how successful Tamagotchi could equal a real hamster, but no one even suggested that. When I did, eventually, get the hamster, it had nothing to do with the Tamagotchi.)

I can't remember what colour it was, but I think it was probably yellow. That was my favourite colour as a child. (I do not still have it.)

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Mine was a first edition, it was the solid yellow one with black tiger stripes. I'm sure I still have it somewhere hahaha. My cousin had something close to twenty of them, mostly the angel ones, but I couldn't keep up with that many. They were beeping all the time... I stopped playing with mine for a few years and then got back into it when Connection came out, but mine broke so easily I gave up on it about a month after getting it. I actually didn't know Tamagotchis still existed until today, when I saw the ID L and bought the pink English version off Amazon. SO excited to finally see this thing in color after so many years!!

Hehe, yes! I bought a. Tamagotchi Friends for my friend and I at Hot Topic a few days ago. Mine is blue with flowers and hers is pink. Right now, mine is a Turtletchi at child. I brought my friends to her at a party and we busted ours open together and played and played. I had a heart attack when mine went to sleep and wouldn't wake up... Turns out it was bedtime for him. xD

My first Tamagotchi was a version 2 that was mainly pink with some flowers around it - it looked like this. I still have it somewhere, even though I can't remember where is it right now. It was a birthday present for me when I was around five or something (at least I didn't go to school yet during that time).

My first Tamagotchi was a yellow see-through V3 with a blue border.

I was never allowed a tamagotchi before then even though they were all the rage at school so I remember when I went down to visit my Nan and she took me shopping I decided to ask her if I could get one; she said yes (I didn't mention that my Mum had said no). We went into Argos and the yellow one was the only one left, I had originally wanted a pink one but at that point I was just so desperate to have my own I didn't even care that it wasn't the colour I wanted.

I took such good care of it, like, I never killed it. Not even once, it's on something like 18 gens and I've still never killed it.

Mine was a v3, then i lost it, got a 4v and went a couple years before getting a tama go (v7)

My 1st tama was a P1 which my dad got for me when the Tamagotchi wave hit my side of the world. It was in Japanese but I loved it so much!


My first Tamagotchi was the best thing I ever decided to purchase. It was a pink connection v4.5 and I was super excited-up until I lost it. 5 years later I brought it to school and cared for it all day. I didn't know you could pause them back then so Angela went hungry for a while. At the end of the day, I took her out during AfterCare and showed her off.

As soon as I got home, she died.


My first Tamagotchi wasn't actually a Tamagotchi! In the late 90's when the virtual pet craze was in full swing, I had a Tamagotchi cousin, an orange Nano Kitty. I carried it around like it was my child, but being the irresponsible kid that I was, I would lose it constantly. Every time I lost it I would be completely devastated, but that made finding it all the more satisfying. I still have it to this day, and it is the ultimate relic of nostalgia!

I received my first actual Tamagotchi for Christmas of 2004-2005 when the virtual pets made a comeback. It was a V1 Connection with the Green Matrix design. I might have been a little older but I was no less irresponsible and I lost the instructions constantly so I never actually knew how to work the thing. :lol: Despite my lack of knowledge, I fell in love with them, and my collection grew from there. Where I live, we don't have a mall or pretty much any other store that sells a good selection of toys other than Wal-Mart, so that's where I would go to get my Tamas. It was very hit-and-miss with the Tamas since they didn't really pick up among kids in the area, so I might have went one day and they would have a lot (which I would proceed to beg my parents for), but the next day they would be gone and not show back up in the store for a week or weeks at a time. So most of my collection has come from the internet. Though I'm not an avid collector with hundreds, I have 31 Tamas, all of which I love and cannot be convinced to get rid of. :)

i am pretty sure my first was the v4 with the red sun design...

if not it was the yellow binary one!

i know that it was a v4, and thats why its my favorite version lol

My first tama when I was little was a second hand was a V1. I bought it from a friend with the blessing of my dad and they had all the paint rubbed off.


When I got back into tamas (my specialized interest for them kicked back in) it was a yellow IDLE.


The first tamagotchi I got was in 2011 and i was at summer camp and I herd a bout a tiny egg shaped device of course like the cirrus 7 year old I was interested in the gameboy and the n64 so I looked into this and I thought it was AMAZING I still remember sneaking it in my bag because i was not going to leave it alone after I was told it would die so after my bag started beeping everyone got cirrus and suspicious so later it was fine but my counselor did not know what it was so it was fine and after that i did not make that mistake again but yea that was the story of my first tamagotchi it is a tamatown and it came with a dvd and i still have both but the first one I fully evolved was a 4u witch I MASTERED and had no guides and got a mamatchi and was happily married and I was playing it until i got my eng idl

My first Tamagotchi was a Camouflage Khaki coloured P2 that I had way back in 1998. I remember being disappointed that all of the "prettier" colours were sold out and that was all the store had. I tied a string around the keyring so that I could wear it as a necklace. I have no idea if I lost it or if it was thrown out.

I recently bought one off of ebay. I could have bought one of the prettier colours that I had originally wanted when I was younger, but it wouldn't have been the same. I'm really looking forward to having it again.


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