do you have boyfriend/girlfriend?


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do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?

  • OF COURSE!!!!!!!!!!!!! why wouldn't i????

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  • ya

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  • no

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  • i don't believe in boyfriends/girlfriends

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • of course not!!!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • well if you count my best friend

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  • i gues i do....kinda

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  • what is a boyfriend/girlfriend?

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  • zzzzzzzzzzzzz. i am tired

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  • i don't think.....

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Well-known member
Dec 17, 2006
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do you have a relationship with them or is it like you are CALLED boyfriend and girlfriend(other) but you don't hang out or anything? did you give eachother valentines?? do have a story to go w/ it???

We have a relationship, but she's in Oklahoma and I'm in Washington so we can't really hang out easily xP I'm going to visit her in March though. We didn't really do anything for Valentine's Day. Neither of us had money, lol.

We have a relationship, but she's in Oklahoma and I'm in Washington so we can't really hang out easily xP I'm going to visit her in March though. We didn't really do anything for Valentine's Day. Neither of us had money, lol.
Don't you mean he..?

I dont have a proper boyfriend, but I've told my crush that I like him, and I got him a Valentines day card so he sent me a text message saying 'Thanks for the lovely card, it was really thoughtful and happy valentines to you. from Sam.' How good is that? I would never have expected him to write something like that o_0 I hope he will ask me out!!

Not yet, it's only the second week of high school and no-one really knows anyone else well enough yet.

I kinda do...we have been friends since we were baby's and we are getting really close


It's not that I 'don't belive in them' its just that I think its a waste of time to date some one when your under 16.

It's sad how many kids 'date' but don't even know what it means anymore.

Too immature.

Anyways, I won't even thinking about dating till I'm done with highschool.

God'll point them out to me.

Nothing to worry about.

Don't want to right now. Mostly because I still don't know what it really is to fall in love. It just doesn't seem right when a sixth grader dates an eight grader. (that's the trend in my school) I think I'll just wait and let God tell me when the right moment is. For now I'll wait and let time pass me by. :rolleyes:

No, but I have a secret admirer!

I got roses from them today. They had some flower shop put pink and red roses (my favorite kind of flower!) in a big vase. The card is signed.. "Your secret admirer"

I have no clue who it is...

I'm not allowed to have a boyfriend until college. I don't think it's fair. My parents say if you date young, you'll get married young, but I don't see why they don't just have a marriage rule. :huh: ^_^ I'm always so upset about it. I'm the only person at my school that's not allowed. I think if you love someone, you should spread it out. Alot of my friend's parents are happy that their kids are happy and having a date. My parents would ground me forever. They don't care about my happiness on this particular subject.

there is a boy that likes me and i like him back but we arn't boyfriend and girlfriend. we are both too shy. i wish he gave me something for val. day but i guess he didn't have the guts. we act as if we never knew that we like eachother. :angry:

I havent had a serious boyfriend in over a year. :angry: And I hate being single. I have a crush though but I doubt it will ever happen.

Yes. I have a very sweet and handsome boyfriend. We've been best friends for three years, and we've dated for one year. When we finish college, we will begin living together. :angry:

No. I mean she.
Is that a problem for you?
plz forgive me... but i just want 2 know,can really a girl and a girl cal like each other? im barly 10 so i wanna know how it feels like....if you dont feel confrtable postin this here....u can email me! dont take this the wrong way that im tryin 2 b mean but im just curiouse.if u get not ur fault and i wont get addituded eather.

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