Tamagotchi Connection 2024 Re-release battery problem! (9/17/24)


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Sep 17, 2024
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In your walls... 🤭
I got the new tamagotchi connection re-release... and it's super fun!
BUT i've had to change the batteries multiple times!

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One time I just put the NEW battery because the low battery screen popped up. Like 1 hour later it showed the battery low screen!
I'm putting the RIGHT batteries in! I don't know what's wrong... and i'm scared if my Tamagotchi is broken! I've barely had it for 2 weeks. I'm taking extremely good care of my Tamagotchi.
I love the game play but it's so annoying when it pops on the screen!
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I've seen some other post about putting tape on the Tamagotchi battery for it to stay in place! I'm trying it, and I put it on about 2 hours ago... so hopefully that works!
I've just been putting the battery back in... But i'm worried it would damage the Tamagotchi if I continue doing it!
One of my friends has the SAME Tamagotchi and doesn't seem to have any problems w/ it and they have had it WAY longer than I have!
I have 5 Tamagotchis and something like this has
never happened before!
I'll update ya'll if the tape works!
But for now if you have any other stuff that might help me w/ "fixing" my tamagotchi it would be really nice!
:wub: (Battery Brand I use: "Nightkonic LITHIUM BATTERIES CR2032 V3")
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I'll second iAM suggesting returning your tama if the problem still persists. Having to change the battery every hour is totally unacceptable and really sounds like the device has an internal problem. Especially since you haven't had it for very long. Internal problems are much more difficult to fix and probably not worth it if your Connection is only 2 weeks old and you could get a refund.

I've just been putting the battery back in... But i'm worried it would damage the Tamagotchi if I continue doing it!
The only thing you have to worry about is losing your previous data when changing batteries. You probably wont break anything as the metal prongs are fairly sturdy and only get pushed back a little bit when you put in a new battery.
I'll second i AM suggesting returning your tama if the problem still persists. Having to change the battery every hour is totally unacceptable and really sounds like the device has an internal problem. Especially since you haven't had it for very long. Internal problems are much more difficult to fix and probably not worth it if your Connection is only 2 weeks old and you could get a refund.

The only thing you have to worry about is losing your previous data when changing batteries. You probably wont break anything as the metal prongs are fairly sturdy and only get pushed back a little bit when you put in a new battery.
Thank you so much for the help!
The Tape (surprisingly) HAS been working! I'm so excited and I got hidatchi!
It stopped popping up on the screen!
I think it was because the battery was not pushed in properly! BUT the years are pushed back a bit! But that's not a problem for me! I still have all of my data!
Glad it worked out for you :kasatchi:
Makes me now wonder if maybe one of the plastic prongs that stick out above the battery slot may have broken off on your Connection (happened on one of mine). If the problem happens again, you could also put a piece of cardboard or paperboard over the whole battery slot and tape it in place like this:

If there's a bit of a gap when screwing on the back cover, you can cover the opening with tape or masking tape/washi tape.

In the case of my pink Connection, the battery isn't padded and just has the cardboard flap on top. It probably doesn't need it since this was just a leftover from trying to pad out CR2016s and CR2025s to fit in the slot only to have a repeated battery problem. Looks like the faster processor on these Connections is too strong for these batteries unlike the original Connections.

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