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Mine haven't, but every one of my mums sisters (and her mother and father where divorced when she was like 16)where divorced.

Mine are, and have been for... as long as I can remember. It's not so bad really, I still see my dad on weekends.

no,but my parents r seperated so in general i guess their divoreced
Derek, divorce is when your parents move into different houses, and one of hem takes you. If your parents are still in the same house, they are divorced. I hope that gave you clearer definion of divorce. My parents, no they are not divored.


They got divorced when I was like 4. My "dad" is a truck driver and I see him once a year.

It doesn't bother me that much.

Derek, divorce is when your parents move into different houses, and one of hem takes you. If your parents are still in the same house, they are divorced. I hope that gave you clearer definion of divorce. My parents, no they are not divored.
Divorce isn't only moving to different houses. It's going through court, signing papers, going through custody trials(if there are kids), and a lot more legal business. The parents either get full custody, joint custody, or visitation.

They can also be legally separated or just separated.

Separated meaning they're in different houses. So it could be that his parents are just separated and not divorced.


I saw my dad yesterday for my birthday. First time since last June. It was most awkward.

Divorce isn't only moving to different houses. It's going through court, signing papers, going through custody trials(if there are kids), and a lot more legal business. The parents either get full custody, joint custody, or visitation.
They can also be legally separated or just separated.

Separated meaning they're in different houses. So it could be that his parents are just separated and not divorced.


I saw my dad yesterday for my birthday. First time since last June. It was most awkward.
Happy 18th!!!

True. Also alot of married people stay separated for many years before actually getting divorced. Like my parents did. This is because divorce can be expensive so they leave it until neccesary (for example my Mum needed to divorce my Dad before she could marry my Step-Dad).

Happy 18th!!!
True. Also alot of married people stay separated for many years before actually getting divorced. Like my parents did. This is because divorce can be expensive so they leave it until neccesary (for example my Mum needed to divorce my Dad before she could marry my Step-Dad).
Thank you ^^

That's kind of what my friend's parents are doing, except they're still married.

They're separated but don't want to get divorced for money reasons. Her mom is a dependent towards her dad and leeches money off of him x.x For some reason her dad's fine with it.

unfourtunately, yes they have been for 5 years i have a stepmom and i hate her and my mom has a boyfriend

yeah my parents are divoced but it doesn't bother me cause i get to msee my dad like 3 times a week but i live with my mom, i guess i have it lucky

i live with my auint becuz my parents are bad on drugs and drink :[ and my grandparents did have me but they couldn't afford it so now im with my aunt cuz she is a doctor and has money :/

my mom went missing awhile ago for a year and i never saw or herd from her then found out she was in jail xD for stealing

but i see my dad everother weekend

mine aren't, but they soon will be. My dad keeps yelling at us for something stupid (like as in spilling milk on the kitchen floor) and he keeps treating my mom with low respect. She told him she wants a divorce, and he is trying to change for the better. My mom still wants one though, she works a day job and a night job to keep up the family income, and all she gets is stress from him. soon though, she will quit the night job, and just be at the day job, because she got a raise. Yay!

it was hard @ 1st and still is but no as hard. they still fight though. my dad is the 1 who usually starts it.

Yeah they are, they got one when I was about four. I can actually remember very vividly what it was like when they were together. Both me and my brother were both so happy, that was also before my brother was diagnosed with autism. My dad was a youth paster and he worked a sort of late job, and my mom was raising us at home. I remeber I was so afraid of the dark I had to sleep with my mom at night. On the nights my dad worked late I would secretly stay awake and jump out of bed as soon as he came home. He would always eat a bowl of captain crunch with me and we would talk about everything, until my mom finally walked out and insisted we both go to bed. It was so great. Then they started fighting. I would watch them fight alot, I really knew it was coming even if I was just four. Everything sort of whent downhill from there, we stopped going to church and stuff like that.

Now things are actually going very well. I go with my dad on the weekends and sometimes during the week too, if I feel like it. My dad lives in a house in the mountains and I love it up there. I have a very close realtionship with both my parents. We started going to church again a few years back, and life is great. The only thing is my brother's autism is really bad right now, and I know they both regret getting a divorce, they both still love eachother. i don't understand why they ever really got it in the first place, I think they could have worked it out eventually. It's unfortunet, my life would have been so much easier if hey would have stayed together, my brothers life too.

Yeah they are, they got one when I was about four. I can actually remember very vividly what it was like when they were together. Both me and my brother were both so happy, that was also before my brother was diagnosed with autism. My dad was a youth paster and he worked a sort of late job, and my mom was raising us at home. I remeber I was so afraid of the dark I had to sleep with my mom at night. On the nights my dad worked late I would secretly stay awake and jump out of bed as soon as he came home. He would always eat a bowl of captain crunch with me and we would talk about everything, until my mom finally walked out and insisted we both go to bed. It was so great. Then they started fighting. I would watch them fight alot, I really knew it was coming even if I was just four. Everything sort of whent downhill from there, we stopped going to church and stuff like that.
Now things are actually going very well. I go with my dad on the weekends and sometimes during the week too, if I feel like it. My dad lives in a house in the mountains and I love it up there. I have a very close realtionship with both my parents. We started going to church again a few years back, and life is great. The only thing is my brother's autism is really bad right now, and I know they both regret getting a divorce, they both still love eachother. i don't understand why they ever really got it in the first place, I think they could have worked it out eventually. It's unfortunet, my life would have been so much easier if hey would have stayed together, my brothers life too.
This is true, and I agree with you to a point. Sometimes things happen for a reason, and you probably will not completely understand why they seperated in the first place. It may something that's between them. I'm pretty sure though they regret fighting in front of you because as soon as you get children in the middle, the children can sometimes blame themselves. And that can hurt them emotionally in the long run. I suggest just letting them do what they have to do to keep you and your brother happy. It could just be living together is not an option right now because it could hurt you with more fighting.

Just remember it's not your fault, and it could of been a lot worse. Asking a lot of "what if's" won't help. Stay in the present and think how well you have it compared to other children. Take it one day at a time :rolleyes:

As for your brother's autism, A friend of the family can relate. She's got a son who has a degree of autism called asburgers(sp?) and it affects his ability to be social. Perhaps researching your brother's autism could help you figure out how you and your parents can deal with him better, and where to get help to improve his condition at the very least. Just because your parents are seperated doesn't mean you guys can't all work together to make things run a bit smoother with your bro.

Hope it all works out.

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