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You know this topic reminds me of that pink song "Family Portrait". I use to listen to that song everytime it got to me that my parents aren't together.

I talked to my dad last night. He said that he would have divorced my mom a long time ago, but we didn't have the money.

My mom wants to have mine and my brothers custidy if they ever divorce, but I want to live with meh daddeh! He knows how to take care of me like a parent should, and how to spend money. While my mom shops every day of her life, trys to hurt me for disagreeing with her (Their fight last night was with me and dad not agreeing with her over something, and then got in my face and said "Thanks alot Bailey!" and left.), and sleeps alot. When shes not shopping, shes sleeping, not sleeping, shes either yelling at me and Rex or shopping. He is a man who knows how to use money, not how to blow it on stuff whenever he gets paid!And he actually cooks dinner and makes breakfast for my brother and I! My mom never does! And he does the house work, not her. She does ocassionaly, but my dad always has to. And basically, my dad makes a better parent than my mom, but if they ever divorce, who do I turn to?! I don't want to hurt my mom, but I really want to live with dad.

I think they may get divorced between now and when I'm, thirteen, no dobt about it.

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My parentsaren't divorced, but before my Dad joined AA and stopped drinking they were thinkng of it. Now, though, they are as love dovey as 2 complete nerds go. :mimitchi: My Mom still complains, but she just likes to complain; the complaints aren't genuine. :( If they DID get a divorce I would go with my Dad because he makes a better parent than my Mom. I love my Mom dearly, but it's just is too unnerving to listen to her complain all the time.

Yes. And my mom abuses my dad too.
[SIZE=10pt]That hurts. [/SIZE] :D I hope your Family does better soon...

Sadly, it happens all the time.

Try talking to an adult you trust- perhaps your Dad.

Something must change.

But for now, I wish your family the best of luck. :p


My Parents are still happily in love.

And you know what? In my Parent's case, there would'nt be such a thing as Divorce.

They just get along fantastic- it's great.

I consider my Family to be one of the lucky ones.

There's only one person to thank: God.


I talked to my dad last night. He said that he would have divorced my mom a long time ago, but we didn't have the money. My mom wants to have mine and my brothers custidy if they ever divorce, but I want to live with meh daddeh! He knows how to take care of me like a parent should, and how to spend money. While my mom shops every day of her life, trys to hurt me for disagreeing with her (Their fight last night was with me and dad not agreeing with her over something, and then got in my face and said "Thanks alot Bailey!" and left.), and sleeps alot. When shes not shopping, shes sleeping, not sleeping, shes either yelling at me and Rex or shopping. He is a man who knows how to use money, not how to blow it on stuff whenever he gets paid!And he actually cooks dinner and makes breakfast for my brother and I! My mom never does! And he does the house work, not her. She does ocassionaly, but my dad always has to. And basically, my dad makes a better parent than my mom, but if they ever divorce, who do I turn to?! I don't want to hurt my mom, but I really want to live with dad.

I think they may get divorced between now and when I'm, thirteen, no dobt about it.
Your parents could get a joint-custody. That's what mine did. My dad is the only sensible person in my family, so he can help make sure my mom doesn't do anything stupid to us. Like, if she wanted to send us to a boarding school, she couldn't do it unless my dad agreed. She can't even change our doctor without my dad knowing! It's great, because she would have done stupid things to us a long time ago. (She was planning on moving us to Los Angeles a few years ago. I don't know why she would do that, since we live in a big house in the richest town with the nicest schools in my county.)

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Well if my parents did get divourced i would WANT to live with my mom..but i would go with my dad, my mom has no job so i dont know how she could afford a house and i live in a HUGE one now so I would stay with my dad...even though he works all the time..though my brothers would probably go with my mom, i could stay home by myself while my dad worked so i'm the only one that can live with him, my brothers are still to little, and i like my dad a lot so it wouldnt be soo bad..but i would like visit my mother all the time =]

[SIZE=10pt]That hurts. [/SIZE] :blink:   I hope your Family does better soon...Sadly, it happens all the time.

Try talking to an adult you trust- perhaps your Dad.

Something must change.

But for now, I wish your family the best of luck. :(
Well my mom doesn't exactly abuse me.. she mentally tortures me.

But she does beat up my dad.. o_O

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No, gladly they're not. I don't know what it be like if they were! My Mom not insulting my dad because they live so far away... No, don't want to think about it. My friend's parents split up. Her mom was married, had her, split up, married someone else, had her sister, split up again! And now both her dad's have GirlFriends. I never see my friend anymore, always going to her REAL dad's and Mom's, hardly ever seeing her second dad. He live closest to me, that's why. From that, I'm glad my parents aren't divorced.

Mine aren't. They have been going strong fo 30 years and counting.

My parents split up when I was 3...and as most people only start remembering things when they are 3, I can't really remember what it was like when they were together....I can't even imagine it.

My Mum met my step-dad when I was 5 and my Dad met my step-mum when I was 10. It's worked out really well for me. I love my step-dad and step-mum and I have a really big family now.

I reckon it would have been alot harder for me if I was older than 3 when they split though. I do realise that I was just 'lucky' to have a good result from divorced parents and that it's probably really hard on most kids...

Well my mom doesn't exactly abuse me.. she mentally tortures me.But she does beat up my dad.. o_O
If she mentally abuses you, that's just as bad as physical abuse. You should still talk to someone.

My parents are still married, and my Grandparents. And I very much doubt any of them will get divorced. (I can't remember if I've already posted :D )

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Yes, they divorced 3 or 4 years ago. It was quite hard at the moment cause it just came all of a sudden, but it's allright now. My dad's got a new girlfriend and I seem to get along with her now (though I quite hated her about 3 years ago) :p

My parents got divorced years ago. I gave the house to my dad which was one of the best decisions of my life so I lived with him.

All went fine. Everyone was happy after that.

There was never fighting before but it was hardly a marriage either. So I was happy for them when it was all said and done.

Life goes on.

No my parents aren't. Sometimes I wish they were though, cuz my mom is abusive. She goes to extremes over little details...my dad buys my lots of stuff anyway!

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