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Yes, they've been divorced almost all my life. It was really hard on me when they were getting divorced. But they get along OK now.

Mine nearly broke up when I was 7, but they didnt :angry:
But my mum passed away 3 years ago... ^_^
Yeah I lost my dad when I was 10. My parents didn't divorce though, they were good :p

my parents are fine... they are still together.... they thought about of getting a divorce but they didn't.... they are together for 20 years already....

No, but my mom's single now because my dad recently died of cancer. :) :lol: :) :( :( They were together for about 25 years, and were genuinely in love, which, from what I've heard, is actually pretty rare.

Marriage is stupid. Most lead to divorce. I don't see why my parents don't get divorced.

Well actually I'm kind of happy my parents are going to get divorced.I hate my mom. She abuses me sometimes.
I know she may be nasty o you,but saying you hate your mum is really bad! :( :(


And no,my mum and dad can't because theyhave done so much together:

-climb mount Snowdonia

-Camped in 3/4 of England!

-When on a plane more than 40 times together!


and thousands more! :( :(

I love my mum and dad!


See ya!


:eek: !STUPID! :(

Yeah I lost my dad when I was 10. My parents didn't divorce though, they were good :eek:
My Dad Passed Away also When i was Ten

My Parents Never got Married. Which Was Good, My Dad Would have Done Better Than to choose My mom's hand in marriage. So if they ever got married (if my dad was still alive) , I'd Be Hoping, for a Divorce

My parents divorced when I was 3. People say it's easier when your young but it's not because you don't remember them being together.

I am very fortunate that my parents are not divorced. I didn't know how I would feel if they were until this one night, I had a dream that my parents were keeping a secret from me that they and another girl's parents would divorce and then marry each other, (my mom with her dad, her mom and my dad,) and it was all arranged. The girl, Alex, was told but I wasn't because my parents were unsure how my reaction would be. I heard that she just said, "Okay." as if she was asked if they could put away her book laying on the floor or something. Then Alex told me at school, and I couldn't believe it, so I went home and told Mom and she and dad looked at each other guiltily and said, "Well... yeah." And I cried so hard and it felt like I was really crying. Then I woke up, and I was sweating and I tiptoed into my parents room to see them happily snoozing like nothing was wrong. Then I went back to bed, and when I woke up next morning, just to make sure that really wasn't happening, I asked Mom, "You aren't getting divorced any time soon, are you?" And she said, "No, nonsense! Dad and I have been married for 30 whole years, and we will stay that way because we love each other more than you could ever believe." And the day continued on, and I was very happy!

Make sure you know that the other part there was a dream. :)

Just call me lucky!

Luckily my parents aren't divourced and I don't think that they ever will be.

But there was a time when i thought they would =/

Well, sort of. MY parents aren't divorced, but my stepbrother's parents are.

I'm glad they aren't. I would hate having to choose between them! ;)

I've heard of husbands abusing there wifes...

But never wifes abusing there husbands...!

I'd call help or something about that! D:
And sadly it happens all the time. The reason no one hears about it is because the jury always sympathizes with the woman. The women usually get to keep the kids, even if the father would take better care of them. The women usually get away with abusing people because it was 'self-defense'.

And sadly it happens all the time. The reason no one hears about it is because the jury always sympathizes with the woman. The women usually get to keep the kids, even if the father would take better care of them. The women usually get away with abusing people because it was 'self-defense'.

So unfair! <<

Jeez! women can be as bad as men...

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