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No, I thought that death and other stuff with be #1 fear o.o

Did you know that there are 500 tornadoes reported every year from a place called Tornado Valley?


DYK americans eat 45 million turkeys every year @ thxgiving!

DYK there are 3000 earthquakes around the world everyday

DYK the chances of making 2 holes in 1 in a round of golf is 1 out of 62 million




Did you know that Smash Bros. Brawl is awesomeness?


Did you know Dentyne Ice gum has Titanium Dioxide (or something like that) in it?

nO o_O *spits out gum...you wouldn't believe it a HAD dentyne ice gum in my mouth*

DYK During lunch breaks in Carlsbad, New Mexico no couple should engage in a sexual act while parked in their vehicle, unless their car has curtains

Yes. I think that law should be enforced in Florida too.

Did you know that speaking in public is in the Top 5 of the worlds biggest fears?

No, but I don't lie that much. I don't talk enough for that.

DYK that no cetaceans (whales, dolphins, porpoises) went extinct in modern times until 2004 (Baiji)?

Hmm..didn't know that.

Did you know that a dream lasts an average of 3 seconds?!


That the longest kiss recorded was 31 hours 20 minutes?!

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no, and no.

Did you know Tamagotchi was originally called Tamagotch?

Yes, but I had forgotten.

Did you know Donkeys don't exist? They're just an illusion created by your mind.

That's a LIE!!!

Did you know jungles and coral reefs have the highest concentration of species in the world?


when i said that in class 1 time everyone laughed at me :D

dyk that what is called a "French kiss" in the English speaking world is known as an "English kiss" in France

:wacko: Yuppy!

Did you know that the 1st boardgames were made in egypt? :(

Did you know that a queen honey bee is capeable of a few hundred marvlesacks (sp?) every minute?

Did you know that The Doctor (On dr.who) can speak over 5 billion languages?

Did you know an hour in space is equivalent to 1 day on earth?


Did you know that there once was a catterpillar and the catterpillar turned into a cocoon and out the cocoon came a butterfly but then the butter fly died and the cocoon turned into a catterpillar?


Did you know that Judy Garland from the Wizard of Oz died from a drug overdose? :huh:

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