Did you know topic


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No, I didn't...

-DId you know that the average Taratula's full life span is 25 years?


omg, you know what though? yesterday, me and my dad were hanging out and i said chicken burger for no reason, and later my mom brought me a chicken burger!!! so creepy!

did you know i'm psychic?


DYK that Parturiphobia is the Fear of childbirth.

*so with your parents you could be like gosh it seems like you had (that long p word above)*

I didn't notice this befre but please dot put things like did you know i like cheese it defeats the purpose of this and adds immaturity to the whole topic and it makes you look bad

P.S. i double posted because my edit button wasn't up there

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Did you know that if there were 20 billion or more people in the world, that everyone would be dead? (Obviously)

? What?

DYK that there was a world record for rolling hoops,holding baseballs,spitting tobacco,lifting pumpkins with your teeth,throwing cow chips, and "ski walking"?

Expect a lot of me in this topic, I got a whole bookload of weird facts.

Yes! I just read about it!! lol (i'm in washington)

Did you know that pig latin is a secret language but is used almost as much as english is used a year?

(lol I like igpay atinlay)

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