Death Gods Only Eat Apples


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Sakura waited impatiently for the elevator doors to open. When they finally did, she walked quickly but carefully down the corridors. She walked into the kitchen and set the cakes and cookies down on the table. Going to her room, she grabbed a hair tie and put her hair up in a messy bun to keep it out of her way. She walked cooly into the main room, standing over Matt. "Ohhhh, Maaatttt~"

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"What?" Matt asked, sitting up quickly when Sakura walked into the room. "Hey, Tala." He watched as L walked into the room and took his seat, then looked back over at Sakura and smirked. "So, Tala, tell me something." He slid back in his chair slightly, then continued. "When are you due?"

Sakura gave Matt a 'you're gonna get your a** kicked' look and drew her fist back. She brought it down on Matt's stomach, followed with a knee to his side.

Mello laughed and clapped as Matt got the s**t beat out of him. "I TOLD YOU SHE WAS GONNA BEAT YOU DOWN, BRO."

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Matt doubled over when Sakura's fist hit his stomach, coughing. "That's not fair, I can't really hit you back," he said, sounding strained. He glared at Mello as he scrambled back.

L glanced behind him at the fight, then climbed off his chair and walked over to the kitchen.

Sakura crossed her arms and laughed. "Pfft. I don't care much if you fight back. Take your best shot."

Mello was cracking up, nearly falling out of his chair.

Matt jumped up, backing away from Sakura and holding his stomach. "Tala, you shouldn't get this worked up," he muttered. "IT's not good for the baby." He dived to the side quickly, trying to dodge any attack Sakura might throw at him.

L wlaked over to the counter and pulled one of the boxes off the pile.

Sakura dove at Matt, grabbing onto his shirt and pulling him down before he could dodge to the side. "There is no damnn baby, you feathervested ******!" she yelled, pinning him down.

Mello was biting his lip to hold back a large fit of laughter.

"Are you sure?" Matt said, struggling to get out of Sakura's grip. "Why are you running away to get married, then?" He brought his knee up, trying to hit Sakura in the stomach.

L opened the box and stared at the cake for a while, then walked out into the main room. "Where are the plates?"

Sakura held Matt down, taking the hit to the stomach with only a slight cringe. "I'm not running away to get married, you ******* fathead." She then looked up at L when he walked in. "Oh, they're in the cupboard above the oven." She looked back down at Matt, driving her fist into his chest.

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"Well, don't tell Matsuda that," Matt said, still struggling to slide out of Sakura's grip. "He'll be crushed." He started coughing again when the punch hit his stomach, trying grab Sakura's shoulders and push her off.

L stared at Sakura for a few seconds, then nodded and turned away again, walking back into the kitchen and over to the oven.

Sakura still held Matt down firmly. "I swear to God I'm going to kick your a**."

Matsuda hid behind his chair with wide eyes, watching the fight unfold.

"For what?" Matt said, grabbing Sakura's shoulders. "I already told you, Tala, this can't be good for the baby." He struggled again, trying to push Sakura away.

Sakura growled and narrowed her eyes. "THAT'S IT. I'VE HAD ENOUGH." She decked a few punches to Matt's face and brought her knee down where Matt probably would never want to be kneed.

Matt yelled out, lifting his hand to his face. "Tala, get the fu-" he got cut off when Sakura kneed him, yelling out again and bringing his knees up. "Get off me," he muttered, breathing heavily

L walked back from the kitchen, now holding a plate with a big piece of cake on it. "Tala, I think you beat him up enough," he said quietly as he walked past them to get to his seat.

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Sakura pushed herself off Matt and stood, brushing her shirt off. "Learned your lesson?" She looked down at Matt for a moment or two then turned to Mello who's smile had turned into a look of mock pity. Sighing, she went to take her place in front of the monitors.

Matt rolled over to the side, drawing his knees up to his chest. "Dammit, Tala," he muttered. "Never mind you not having a baby. I don't think I'll ever be able to have one after that." He glared uo at Mello, uncurling slightly.

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Sakura plopped down in her chair, spinning it around so she could look at Matt. "Oh, come on. I didn't even knee you that hard." She turned to L, swiping some frosting from his cake. "Anyways, don't ask a girl when she's due. It makes her feel fat."

Matt uncurled slightly, breathing heaviyl. "Didn't knee me that hard? I'm suprised I didn't pass out." He pushed himself up into a sitting positon, adjusting his goggles.

L stared at Sakura. "That was mine."

Sakura rolled her eyes. "You just can't handle my power, Matt... And the sad thing is, I'm half your size." She turned to L and sighed, wiping the frosting off on his nose. "There, you have it back."

Matt stood up and walked over to the sofa, staggering slightly. "Shut up," he muttered, collapsing on the cushions and pulling his DS out again.

L stared at the icing on his nose, going slightly cross-eyed. He wiped it off with his thumb and licked it, looking back up at Sakura.

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