Death Gods Only Eat Apples


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Sakura gave a brief nod and turned to Light. She turned back to L and mouthed, 'I'll contact her soon.'

"Pfft, yeah right. Sakura made it look too easy." Mello scoffed.

Light walked over to L. "What is it?"

L leaned forwards and grabbed Light's wrist tightly, picking up one end of the handcuffs with the other hand. "I want to put you under close surveillence again," he said, staring up at Light. "The thirteen day rule is a fake one."

Matt rolled his eyes. "So fight me, then."

Sakura leaned against the desk and crossed her arms. She was quite satisfied with finding out the the thirteen day rule wasn't real.

Light clenched his teeth but made no effort to resist, figuring that resistance would only bring more suspicion upon him.

Mello smirked. "You're on."

L locked the handcuff around Light's wrist, staring at him. "It's only to clear your name again," he said, picking up the other side of the handcuff and putting it around his own wrist.

Matt paused for a while, staring at Mello, then stood up. "Fine. Go ahead."

Light nodded, looking down at his cuffed wrist with a frown.

Sakura sat down in front of her computer, typing up a message to Wedy.

Mello grinned, diving at Matt and taking him to the ground.

L shook his hand, making sure the chain wasn't tangled up again. "Now you're here, Light, you could help us with surveillence." He glanced at Sakura, pushing his thumb to his lip.

Matt yelled out when he fell back, buut quickly closed his mouth, instead bringing his fist up and punching Mello in the stomach

Sakura sent the message to Wedy and turned to L, sighing.

Light nodded. "Alright... I'll help..."

Mello winced, smashing his fist into Matt's side.

L picked up his fork again and scooped up some cake, still staring at Light. "We also need to arrange where you're sleeping. It woud be easier if you could sleep in this room rather than your own.

Matt screwed up his face, curling up a bit, then brought his knee up, trying to hit Mello.

Light sighed. "Uhh.... Fine.."

Sakura stood, turning to leave. "I'ma go get a cookie."

Mello curled up. "My... Chocolate... Balls.." After a few moments of pain, he became filled with rage. He slammed his fist into Matt's face.

L looked down at his plate, chewing his thumb. "Can you get me some more cake as well?" He looked back at Light. "Unless you'd rather not sleep at night."

Matt lifted his hand to his face, yelling out. "Bastard, that hurt!" He scrambled up into a sitting position, swinging his leg out and trying to hit Mello again.

Sakura nodded, grabbing his plate and leaving for the kitchen, stepping over Matt and Mello with a sigh.

Light nodded. "Alright, I'll sleep in this damnn room."

Mello dodged, holding his... Chocolate balls... with one hand and punching Matt's leg with the other. "How do you think I feel?!?!?"

L tilted his head, chewing on his thumb. "It looks like we can't have a tennis rematch, then,"

Matt winced, still covering his face with one hand. "Exactly how I felt two minutes ago?" He tried to stand up but overbalanced and fell, landing beside Mello again.

Light sat back in a chair and crossed his arms. "Guess not..."

Sakura walked back into the room, seeing Mello and Matt how they were. "I bet I could take both of you..." she mutter through a large bite of a sugar cookie. She walked over to L, setting his plate of cake on the desk in front of him.

Mello growled. "We'll see, Tala...."

L wiped some icing off the cake and licked it off his finger, turning to Sakura. "We can still carry on with surveillence in this room at night. Light's sleeping in here."

Matt pushed himself up again, lowering his hand from his face. "Don't try to, Tala. For the sake of my future kids."

Sakura nodded, taking another bite of her cookie. She then turned to Matt with a smirk. "I pray that you've learned your lesson, Matty."

Light rolled his eyes and looked up at the monitors.

Mello stood up slowly, limping to the sofa and plopping down.

L picked up his fork again. "Have they finished fighting yet? Because we have a lot of stuff to do now."

Matt stood up, following Mello back to the sofa. "Yeah, we have."

Sakura smiled at Matt. "Good." She then turned back to L. "Yeah, they're finished."

Mello let out what he could manage of a laugh. "I'm beyond finished...":

Light sighed, still staring at the monitors.

-timeskip wheee-

L glanced over at Sakura, chewing on his thumb. "Have you heard back from anyone else yet?" He looked over at Light, to see whether it was safe to talk about the suspect.

Light was nearly asleep, not really paying attention to anything.

Sakura nodded. "Yeah, Wed says she'll be able to handle the surveillance."

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