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Dear used-to-be crush: I used to like you. You were my life and you were everything I wanted to have. You've waited too long though. I'm with my girlfriend now... So yeah. I'd still love to be friends, though.

I'll still always have a little bit of feelings for you. I still do and probably always will. But now I've stopped acting on them. This is the last time I'll write to you in this topic like this - You'll probably not see it though, much less see this part I whited out. But I just wanted to take this last post as a way to tell you all of this. I will always like you, even if it's only a little bit. You're my friend; and I hope we can continue to be that way for a long time. :)

Dear ----: You haven't talked to me in four days, haha. Not that I'm complaining or anything.

Dear Zach - zekeri pls


dear mum:


Dear mum,

When you caught me up late last night and told me to get off the computer, you couldn't have come a little earlier or later, could you? Any other part of the video I was watching I would have been fine with you interrupting, and then me not getting to see the rest of said part, but no, you just HAD to come in during the Poland part of the video! Why? You don't understand! Wait, of course you don't understand, you don't even know what Hetalia is, let alone that I like Poland (Well, Canada too, but that's beside the point). You probably think that the reason I got angry and upset with you is because you caught me up late. But the reason I was actually angry and upset was because I didn't get to finish the Poland part of the video because of you! You don't know this but I was so angry and upset that after you left I ended up crying. That's just how upset I was!

Your upset fangirl daughter,


Dear little shimeji Prussia.

YOU'RE SO ADORABLE OMG but seriously it's annoying when you multiply yourself like 100 times.

Sincerely, person with a very cluttered screen.

Dear father: 2:00 AM is a stupid bedtime for me during the summer, but you're usually asleep by that time so screw your rules 8D

Dear Cap'n/Steve

*curls up and faints and dies and explodes into glitter*


Dear Lucas

omg you started playing on the 69th minute omg im dead


Dear dad: I request an allowance raise because of the bullspit I have been put through today (copy of our conversation below).

Me said:
Dad: **rage clicking the mouse way too dang hard**

Me (quoting him, about three weeks ago when I was doing rage clicks): "Doing that won't make the computer go any faster."
You then proceeded to rant at me never to say anything like that to you ever again. You implied that if I did, I would be physically harmed. This is called child abuse, and I assure you 100%, that if it EVER happens, I will call CPS and take you to court. And believe me, I could get you on a lot more grounds than just child abuse.

The next time I make tater tots for dinner, you better watch out. I may just get back at you by putting dog spit/crap in them.

Another issue I will address is the bedtime one. I only stay up late at night because I need light in my room. If I don't, I sit there in terror, scared I'm going to be kidnapped for no reason. Even though it's a stupid fear, it's a real one that I'd never tell you (it's one of my biggest secrets). So, until you push me over the edge, I will not care to tell you why I literally CANNOT stand to go to bed until I fall straight asleep.

Also, here.

Since I'm such a little girl to you.

Dear ----: Please continue not to talk to me or to fight with me. Believe me. It's one of the nicest things that has happened to me in a LONG time.

Dear Kelsey,

I would greatly appreciate it if you shut up. I am trying to watch Adult Swim. I am also writing a hate letter about you. You are my adopted cousin--not my sister. Okay. You like Jacob? He's my ex. Oh shoot, you are trying to read this. GO AWAY!



Dear not crush anymore:


Dear ----: I might think about hugging you for not talking to me in DAYS.

Dear Tumblr: Marry me.

Dear weather: Why must you be so cold to me? ):

Dear parents: I don't even know but like yeah I love you two people coz ur my parents and I'm not going to stay angry at you. I couldn't even if I tried. So yeah, I forgive you guys even though you aren't sorry. Thanks for everything I guess

Dear Calvin: Hi. o3o

Dear elhah: ...ehlah pls

Dear Alexander Ludwig: Come to Zachary eue

Dear hair: Stay blonde. I demand it. Stay blonde or I will dye you.

Dear brother: It is not pleasant when you play guitar in here. I am also UNABLE to put in headphones right now. So sorry but you're going to have to either move or deal with my music. :D

Dear butthurt Bronies: You make me sick and you give the entire fandom a bad name. >:U

Kay I'm done

Dear Ella

YOU USED A CHARMED GIF asdfghjkl;' also I'll see you in Afro Circus hell k.



That's for shipping me with bad people D:<

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Dear father: This was my face when you said the that's what she said joke:


Dear Calvin: Y U NO SCARED????




Dear Lyssie,

WHY DO I HATE IHATEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Dear yaoi: Please have yaoi warnings. That way I can find it easier. And so Teri/Savy/Jeressa/Matt can stay away from it easier.

Dear tooth growing under my other tooth: You aren't scheduled to come out until this other tooth is OUT. So I suggest you crawl back in to your little hole since my first tooth is very solid and is not coming loose any time soon.


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