Dear (Insert Name Here),


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Dear Chris,

You said this could only get better,

There's no rush 'cause we have each other

You said this would last forever

But now I doubt if I was your only lover.

Are we just lost in time?

I wonder if your love's the same

'Cause I'm not over you.

Baby, don't talk to me,

I'm trying to let go.

Not loving you is harder than you know.

You would have no idea what that's from,

but it's so true it makes me cry.

Why did we have to fall in love,

it didn't even work. </3


Dear Kristin,

I still hate my hairrr!

But things happen and people have to deal with it D:

- Ksenia.

Dear injections today,

I like needles now. They fascinate me.

- The girl who didn't even get to count her bracelets.

Dear EB games;

F U for not having Minish Cap.

So you have the first Zelda game, but not Minish Cap.

What kind of messed up store is that?

-That girl who kind of destroyed the order of the games...

Dear Pretzel shop;

I wanted to buy a cinnamon pretzel from you SO BADLY.

But I just ate A&W, so I couldn't.

Plus, I already spent my 20$ on a gray sweater.

Oh well.... maybe next week?

-The girl who walked past with a hopeful look in her eye.

Dear A&W;

That burger was delicious.

Must be what Krabby Patties taste like :)

-Girl who just had ketchup and pickles on her burger.

Dear Gran;

I know.

But you're still not getting the leftover $5 back.


Dear Kristin,

Ooh, I have Minish Cap!

*Sends you MC*

- Oh how I really wish I could do that

Dear TeeKay;

ahaha. You're lucky.

I'll probably find it somewhere, though.


Dear 2012;

wtf kind of ending was THAT!?

So you're saying that if we all go to Africa when the world ends, we're safe.


The alternate ending was even worse. The chances of that cruise ship surviving were a trillion to one.

That "ending" could have stayed out. The movie would have been better without it.

-Girl who watched the rest last night.

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Dear 'Claire' / TeeKay;

I know...

I just wanted to see for myself. xD

I still think they could have kept the ending out.

Year 001... What. The. ****.


Dear Kristin,


- No more chatting btw

Dear yay new story,

I hate titles.

- Claire

Dear Kristin,

If you find the Minish Cap, you'll love it! 8D <33



Dear Weather,

My gosh. I love you.


Dear Krystal;

I'll probably find it!


Dear music store;

haha... that ukulele was a fail.

And I'm not just talking about the color of it, either.

-the girl who tried to tune it, but failed.

Dear Everyone Talking About Minish Caps;;

What in the world is a Minish Cap?

- A Pretty Dense Person.

Dear Krystal;;

It's been like, 20 minutes since you've changed your avvie / siggy and I'm still gawking at it.

It's killing me.

- Clara. [Who's Still Gawking At Howl.]

Dear Clara,

The Minish Cap is a Legend of Zelda video game. :3


Dear Clara again,

Oh seriously? You should be jealous of Sophie. You see, he's helping her fly. He is indeed a magical wizard who can make people fly~ Oh and be careful. Drool can ruin clothes.


Dear Health Assignment,

This is nasty.

-A Hemophobic girl.

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Dear Krystal;;

So THAT'S what it was?

No wonder I didn't get it. (+

- The Pretty Dense Person That Now Knows What The Minish Cap Is.

Dear Krystal Again;;


*wipes the drool off her mouth*


- Clara.

Dear Howl;;

Please teach me how to fly.

- Clara. [Who'll Probably Be Waiting For You To Whisk Her Off Of Bed Tonight So That You'll Teach Her How To Fly.]

Dear The Word `Yayyy`;;

I must have used you about 43645765 times today.

You're a pretty nice word to use.

- Yayyy.

Dear Criminal Minds,

My god, episode 100 is so sad. ;.;

I always saw Hotch as a concrete statue. But I was wrong.

The emotion in the final scene is so depressing... And the end quote is the most true one you've ever said.

- A big fan.

Dear Clara,

No worries. I'm sure if I didn't know what the Minish Cap was, I'd be freaking out reading everyone saying, "I want the Minish Cap~ 8D"



Dear Howl,

Yes, oh yes. Clara and I would be delighted if you dropped by tonight and taught us how to fly. Maybe you could escort us to the bakery like you escorted Sophie?

You're better than Peter Pan...

Love, Krystal.

Dear Name,

Does it annoy you that everyone starts to spell you with a C? And that the spell check always says you're not a word?

It annoys me,

-Person with your name.

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Dear piano;

ahaha.... so playing for five minutes today was good enough?

Meh... I'd rather not touch you today, anyway.


Dear Alix;

Haha... if you seen how many skinny jeans I bought today, you'd kill me.

You don't like my turquoise ones, so I know you're going to hate my neon orange ones. >D

Too bad.

-Christmas / Kristophan

Dear shopping centre;

ahaha. Who knew there'd be a store where I'd actually spend $200 in?

But $50 of that was on a new backpack, so actually $150.

Quite making me enjoy shopping! I'm not supposed to like it! D:

-That girl who bought 3 pairs of skinny jeans at one store.

Dear pretzel place in the shopping centre;

So you've made large pretzels into giant pretzels, huh?

Thaanks. 8D Now instead of buying two cinnamon pretzels, I only need to buy one!

But I'm still buying two.

-Girl that buys a cinnamon pretzel every time she goes there.

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Dear Criminal Minds,

I really love you.

'The Preformer' made me lol. Nice Twilight refernce.

- Claire.

Dear Casey,

Thank you.

I don't want to see the counselor though.

I'll get over self-harming,I just don't know when.

You help alot though <3

Much love, Maria. x

Dear Alfie,

gtfo of my life you douche.


Dear 19/12/09,

I wish today was you again.

Maria, who was at SITNB then <3

Dear Chris,

Darling, look it up in the dictionary.

Protégé: someone under the protection or friendly patronage of another.

You're not supposed to break their ******* heart.

I don't care, I love you.


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Dear last year's sports day,

You were simply the best day of my life. I can not wait until June when you happen again. ♥

- Keeley x

Dear my friends,

Please, stop falling out with eachother. It's horrible. I feel torn between groups now. It makes me feel so depressed. I love you all so much, please don't act this way. Please just make up. Before you know it the whole year//grade will be talking about it, I don't want that again. It makes things worse. You feel out over something so stoopid.

- Keeley.

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