Dear (Insert Name Here),


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Dear science project;

Don't screw me up today.

I need to win and show everyone in my class that Lexy and Samantha aren't the only ones capable of going to the provincials.

Their project proves nothing... pure luck.

If I'm nervous like I was in front of the class yesterday, I'll rip you apart.


Dear 4H speech;

Dammit... I have 7 days to come up with something.

Speeches are next week, and I don't even have a topic.

Write yourself.

-That lazy girl

Dear Jay,

I felt so horrible when I went past your house and you were locked out in the cold. D: I hope your parents came back soon after.

- Keeley.

Dear Ben,

Why do we have retarded staring contests with lots of eyebrow raising?

It is fun...



Dear New Pair of Jeans,

It's like you were literally made for me. I love you. <3



Dear Dream Last Night,

Epic. Howl. Me. Singing. Talking gorillas. Win.

Hoping for another great one tonight,


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Dear Life,

Sometimes, you make me REALLY mad. Other times, you plain old suck.

But sometimes you manage to surprise me. Thank you for all the happy memories, all of the friends won and lost, all of the opportunities I've been given, and for every blessing I've received.

Also, I'm sorry that sometimes I yell at you. But our relationship is crazy. You understand.

While we're at it, thank you for giving me the heads up on a few things, such as the quality of those who I consider friends. It hurts, but I guess I'll be better off.

I plan on keeping correspondence with you for as long as I can, so be prepared for a few more letters.

Thank you for being awesome overall.

~Someone who loves you.

Dear Chris,

Do I exist to you anymore?

How can you live knowing you've possibly ruined my whole high school experience?

Well, just so you know, if you try to apologise, or even worse, ask me out, I have something to say.

Exactly what you did. 'Are you sure you want to apologise, you're not going to take it back after because I'm too young to apologise to? It's not you, it's the age difference. No, I don't accept apologies from year nine boys. Well, I should be going to class.'

It was a month ago that you told me you liked me, and I told you I like you too.

About three weeks ago I thought that at this time we'd be together.

Well no, some things are just too good to be true.

I am extremely annoyed with you, but of course I still love you.

No. I'll never get over you. But I'm sick of wasting my time.

You looked hot today. I love that scarf. I want to wear it sometime.

But no. And I'm going to check that website now. If it actually is you, and you've been lying, I'm going to have a mental breakdown.

I love you.


Dear Jay,

I love it when you act like that. Kinda friendly, instead of purposely annoying me. It's quite sweet. <3

- Keeley.

Dear Mr Canon,


- Keeley

Dear "meh littel creww",

Yeah, we're so cool, we played chinese whispers at lunch.

Psssh, we so are teenagers.

- LEE.

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Dear person who I shall not name;

You know who you are.

Stop saying that you're never pxssed at me, because you almost always are.

For god sakes, if you just don't like me, tell me already. -.-

Yes, it's a person on TT.

-That person who you don't like, but pretend you do.

Dear Beth;

Sorry about that^^

I already said sorry, but apparently you don't care.

As if my life isn't bad enough.


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Dear Dance Presentation,

Why did you have to embarrass me in front of my class?

What have I ever done to you?

Please don't do that again


Sara :3D

Dear Sami,

I'm very sorry to tell you but Doopleshawbe is not a word. D:

But, it doesn't mean you should stop using it. : D

Oh, and ILY <3, thank you for such an awesome, present! :)

Oh and get FACEBOOK!!

ILY forever and always,

Sara <3

Dear Austin,

Lol, stop being so funny! Oh and I made up

Wimplebottomhosen! You're one of my best friends and

ILY! And you get FACEBOOK, too!

Your BGF,

Sara :3D

Dear Zoe,

No don't stop being so awesome! Your my best friend and

I love you, too! AWESOME! xP And I don't like your boyfriend,

but I won't ask you to brake up with him, cause I know how

much you love him! So, I guess I'll try to get on his good side.

:) I love you!!! Forever and always!

Sara <3

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Dear Joan,

Class was great today :) It really cleared up a lot of stuff, thanks so much. And now I'm kind of eager to go to that. xD Also, I need to start working on participating. I have stuff to contribute, but then I get all "Oh nooo they'll stare at meeeee," Hahah.

-Ginny :)

Dear iPod,

Oh where, oh where has my iPoddy gone~ Oh where oh where could you be~

No, really. Where are you?! D:

Dear Jake,

I won't let you make me feel bad anymore. I'm over you.

Have fun with "Nancy Drew."

Yours Truly,


Dear ...

Sorry <//3

I wanna bake you cupcakes.

Dear ...

I haven't seen you around in a couple days, but you're my good friend.

But like, lolwat. o.o

Really? o.o ME?

If you have no intention of ever reeeeally telling me or having me find out (and I don't even know if I'm right. Hay, I probably am not in the slightest bit) then don't make it quite so obvious.

I'm so confused. >_<

Dear Finn,

Do you know how much you cheered me up today?

What happened in the library was enough to make my day, but lunch has made my entire week worthwhile.

It was Clean Up School's day. And you threw the fruit so high and far. xD

I love you so much, you're the most amazing friend anyone could ever have. <3

Maria xx

Dear Darcy,

Next time, don't put your lunch in my hair.

I had bread today. I will again soon.

Watch where I put it. I love you <3


Dear Marcus,

I'm so not telling you that I like Zoë.

And get it right next time aha.

You are a better teacher than Mr Gillespie.

And I love Mr Gillespie! But you're awesome.

Then who's my year eight? You know that I had a year nine.

But our friendship turned bad after that 'brief love affair'.

I love you. :)

Maria x

[SIZE=7pt]Dear Zoë,[/SIZE]

I love you.


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Dear Jordan,

LOL, like, thanks for giving my iPod back AFTER LUNCH, when you said you would after Tik Tok. You know what? Replay's my most played song now, cause of you o; It's been played 89 freaking times. You wish it was 20 less [; LOLJKNO.

- iPod owneeeer!

Dear Lawra,

Thanks for inviting me to your party :)

It should be fun. Even though Jen can't make it.


Dear Volleyball Team! (Jen, Jordan, Jovan, Kirsty, Dylan)

We did great. Like really great. Won two/three games. That's good.

SORRY I'M NOT A GREAT SERVER. Doing cricket for two weeks does that.

- Where The Wild Things Are Girl.

Dear Chris,

They made me cry today.

The shouted your name at me.

I cried, because yes, I am that mad at you.

Apologise or gtfo. Wait, I don't mean that.

Maria. x

Dear Stella,

I need to see you again.


Dear Jay,

Today was great. You cheered me up so much.

- Keeley

Mr C,

YOU CUT IT. Why blame me? xD

- The girl with wonky wood.

Dear Kelly,

Thankyou, you're the only one who really does care out of them.

Have a great time meeting Queeny! xD

I'll miss you on Monday.

- Keeley x

Dear Beth;

I said sorry.

The least you could do is accept. )':

-Sorry person

Dear Keeley;

See... our msn conversations aren't too bad after we find a topic again.

-Evil piggy girl >D

Dear Bryan,

You're so nice. I only met you like 2 weeks ago. You're fun, too. I hope we can become good friends. :)

I'm sure you loved those cookies I gave you at lunch. xD



Dear Dustin and Jeremy,

You're loud.


Dear Mother,

What the fxxx. What makes you think you have the right to read my journal? I'm so pi**ed at you. Forget everything you read. I mean it. I'm so mortified. And you had some nerve. REPLYING to it? Hahah no. Gtfo. I mean wtf.

Dear Simone,

You are my liek, bff.

Dear Kelsey,

YOU ARE LIKE AWESOME YO. -likes the story-

Dear headache;

Screw you. Friggin go away!


Dear Russell Hantz;

Find the hidden immunity idol.

If you do, that is a win.

-Possibly your biggest fan...?

Dear Caroline;

Your birthday's in may.

My birthday is also in may.

In your next letter, tell me if yours is on the fourteenth.

If it is, I'm hopping on a plane to Kenya and hi-fiving you.

-Your pen pal

Dear 4H speech;

Thanks for being written. Now... be more than three minutes long.

Because I have no idea how to make you longer.

-Person that shall read you next week

Dear story;

I ripped the front page of you yesterday ._.

See, this is why I don't enjoy keeping you in my classroom desk.

I never write you at school, anyway. Should I just bring you home?

I doubt I'll write you anymore, anyway. You suck.

-Your writer

Dear Zoe,

I hope you and your BF, stop fighting soon!

You're the happiest with him, plus you make such a cute couple.

I hope everything gets better, I hate seeing you so sad. ):



Dear James,

Why? Oh, why? Are you in a fight with Zoe?

I heard you where flirting with another girl! D:

Please don't do it ever again and make up with her! Dx

You brake her heart, I brake your face (I would never do that but please make up with her!<3)


You Girlfriends BFFAETWD!

Dear Samii,

I heard you're going out with Michell?

Why didn't you tell me?! D: I was really depressed,

because you told Zoe, James, Becky, Vicky, Max, Austin, Katy, Alyssa, Amber, but not me?! D: I thought I was your BFFAEAETTEOTW?

Why didn't you tell me? I'm really happy for you, I am, but I'm sad that you can't trust me!

I'm not mad at you, but I'm sad. ):


Your BFFAEAETTEOTW [i think I still am, unless your mad at me, if you are I'm sorry for what ever I've done! ):]

Dear Austin,

I'm very sorry, but I don't like you like that, your one of my best friends, and I love you, but as a friend.

I'm sorry if I hurt you, but I'm not ready for a relationship. D:

Maybe sometime soon.


Your Best Gal Friend! <3

Dear Speech,

Please write your self, I'm brain dead now, I don't know what to write!

When I present please don't embarrass me like my Dance presentation.

Please&& Thank you,

Your Author <3

Dear _______,

WTF? You blame everything on me when I do nothing.

You just take your anger out on me, and I'm sick of it. What's the point in saying "I'm not Keeley's friend anymore"? You never was. My real friends were there for me when I went through that bad time. So, yeah, stop talking to/about my friends like that. You don't know just how amazing they are.

- You know who I am.

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