Dazzmina's Tamagotchi Diary


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i know im super ultra sorry but i got air sick i didnt actually throw up but i felt so ill then dsi battery ran out now im in new zealand im on my dsi while its charging

theres gonna be a very long proper update tomorrow but for now just be content that the plane didnt crash!

~ Dazzmina ~

It's very very very nice to be back on my computer updating my long-neglected log!

Well, there is so much news I'm wondering where to begin. Nintendogs? Okay. Just let me say that I currently have a spaniel called Myra who is helping Sky with the dogs I train, and a dog that I'm training called Stella. Stella is a black Shiba Inu and Sky, in case you didn't know the most basic information about my Nintendogs, is a corgi. I just said, Myra's a golden spaniel.

Tamas? TOO much news. Let me just say I have CONFIRMED I have 21 Tamas and I will have photos(s) tomorrow. I also discovered my long-lost TMGC+C. I have so many happy memories, and when I picked it up, I remembered my first post of my first log about my TMGC+C. I remembered sneaking on it at night, hiding it under my pillow, playing games on it. I remember writing Tama Quest (read it, it's in Fan Fiction) and looking at it whenever I got stuck. I remember waiting for it for days and days, standing by the window, my heart beating fast whenever a delivery van pulled up. I remember opening it, starting it, playing it, loving it, unlocking every since location and buying every item in the store. It's my real, permanent favourite Tama. I don't know why. It's just so timeless, so much like a real pet. It's not complicated like the iD L, and not boring like the Angel. It's perfect for me. So I put the batteries in, slotted the back on, and pressed the Reset button. Then I selected Reset (nothing can make me forget that word in Japanese!). It hatched a baby boy, Charles. I've paused and put away the Kina Family and my iD L; see you again soon, you guys! After an hour of care, Charles evolved into Kuribotchi. I just love the TMGC+C, playing the games and just looking at the scratched faded screen and hearing the disorientated faulty beeps and pressing the delayed-responding buttons brings back so many memories. I've literally loved that thing to bits! I guess I could go on forever about remembering ordering the TMGC+C and discovering it existed and my mom saying it was too addictive and it being banned for a week and taking it on holidays and even some bad memories or torturing it and getting Marotchi and killing it and thinking it was broken. But I won't go on forever; it's almost computer off time. Bye guys!

~ Dazzmina, Charles and The Nintendog Family ~



Other than that, I'm not going to post photos today because I want a day without stressful boring photos, but I'm just saying Charles has evolved into Young Mametchi (going for Mametchi) and I'm so late updating this log because we went into town today. We went round all the $2 sort of shops, and Toy World, and I bought a soft toy puppy ABSOLUTELY IDENTICAL to Sky on my DSi!! I also got some decorative material, my own mini sewing kit and some blue sequin-covered hearts to sew onto things. I'm going to make some Tama cushions with that, and a cushion for Sky, and a cushion for...did I tell you about my new ZhuZhu Pets hamsters? They had them 20% off AND buy 1 get 1 free at The Warehouse, so I got two, called Sandra and Aqua. I also got a slide sort of thing they go down. They're quite cute. I won't log them, I can't really, I'll just go as far as including photos of any new accessories for them, okay?

~ Dazzmina, Charles and The Nintendog Family ~

Hi guys! Well, it's a rainy day outside and we have a lot of catching up to do.

So, right now Charles is Young Mametchi. There's news about HIM, but Nintendogs first. I now have Sky and a new dog, a golden spaniel called Myra. I am planning to keep them, and if the kennel gets any cute new dogs, there's a free space for one!

I managed to find a photo of Charles as Kuribotchi, but there are also plenty of him as Young Mametchi, including explorations of the games and features!

Here is Kuribotchi:


And here is Young Mametchi:


Now for the games. This is Catch the Apples, where you use buttons A and B to catch the apples as they fall. You lose if you let an apple fall onto the floor, or catch a caterpillar by accident. As you can see, I was occupied taking the photo so it was taken just before I lost.


This is the card game. It's very hard and I've never beaten it. At the start, it shows you all the cards (as it was doing when I took the photo) then you have to match them up. There is one card that's a ghost; if you click that by accident, you lose. The catch is that it's timed. It's seriously hard; so hard I barely ever play it!


This is my favourite game. The idea is that you have to shoot the three coloured balloons in nine seconds, avoiding the skull balloon. If you hit the skull balloon, you instantly lose the game. You press the A button to move your bow and arrow.


Here's Charles having fun at the park with Hinotamatchi.


The following photo shows Charles arriving at the lottery. You get a free lottery ticket every time you buy something from the store (I bought an omelet yesterday). It works differently to a normal lottery. Your character turns a wheel, and usually it generates a prize that you get to take home and play with!


Charles won a hoover!


When we got home, we tried using the new hoover, and Charles seems to like it!


After that, we went out and planted a seed. On the TMGC+C, you get a free endless supply of mystery seeds (seeds that can grow into anything). I think you can get other seeds using codes but I like the mystery seeds. Here's a picture of Charles with his new seedling:


It will take a few days to grow, so we'll have to be patient!

Also, more Nintendogs news: Sky has got first place THREE TIMES IN A ROW on the Agility Contest Championship, and beat the fastest time record for me AND Fwoggy! Well done Sky! Also, Myra has just finished training for Expert Class, after victories in both Beginner and Open Class but no records yet. Here are the current records:


Open Class: Danica - 30 points - first place

Expert Class: Danica - 36 points - first place

Master Class: Sky - 38 points - first place

Championship: Sky - 46 points - second place


Open Class: *one of Fwoggy's dogs, I don't take the credit*

Expert Class: Stella - 31.93 secs - 0 faults - first place

Master Class: Sky - 32.42 secs - 0 faults - first place

Championship: Sky - 38.55 secs - 0 faults - first place 3 times running


Open Class: Daphne - 8.57 points - second place

Expert Class: Not entered

Master Class: Not entered

Championship: Not entered

See you tomorrow!

~ Dazzmina, Charles, Sky and Myra ~

HI! Well, I was expecting Charles to evolve this morning, and I thought it would be tomorrow until I checked the time on my Tama later today. And he had evolved into Mametchi!!! - uh oh, right in the middle of long division practice with my dad. *sigh* So I waited till that was over, making sure I got everything right so he didn't make me do extra, then rushed to the computer to update my log!

I don't really have time for photos, I've spent half the day playing on my DSi (Sky has now won Agility Championship 6 times in a row and she and Myra are getting along like a house on fire) and soon my mom will say I've spent way too much time on "machines" (that means mainly DSi, Tamas and computer but also Xbox and Wii and TV) and ban me from some electronic thing for a few days. But I promise there will be photos tomorrow!

P.S. Soon, my trainer points will increase and I'll unlock a new breed of puppy. I hope it's cute; I'm planning to get it with the $3000 per day that Sky's winning us in her Agility contests! We'll live off that money she gets once we've bought the $5,000,000 beach background we're saving up for...we can count on you, Sky!

~ Dazzmina, Charles, Sky and Myra ~

Well, it looks like we're going to have to dedicate an entire post to one photo because even though there's tons of news, I'm definitely not in a logging mood right now. This is the one photo (disbelievers of my 21 Tamas prepare to be surprised!):


I did a bit of DSi editing to decorate it, as you can see, but count them if you like! If you only get twenty, try again, often I only count twenty but there really ARE twenty-one. I had trouble finding them all and sorting them out, the last found was my TMGC+C. I had totally forgotten it - and now, I'm running it! Well, you guys are responsible for at least half the Tamas there. Thanks to everyine who said the Angel and V2 were good. Thanks to a TamaTalk Lifetime Angelgotchi with J at the beginning of his name (can't remember your name D:) who told me about the iD L. Thanks Fwoggy for getting into Tamas otherwise I would never have got us identical V5s then when one broke, bought another. Thanks to my brother for selling me one V5, two Tama-Gos, three Music Stars and a figure, and also giving me your blue iD L for free. Thanks to my dad for helping me order Tamas no matter how complicated eBay got and not failing to order a single one. And finally, thanks to everyone who reads my log, even if you're just reading it for how bad it is, because it's seeing your views go up every day that keeps me going.

Also, I don't intend to be a show-off or anything simply by posting a photo of my Tama collection on here. In fact, when I look at it, it looks like an extremely small Tama collection definitely not worth showing off about. I bet if I get a hundred, I'll be saying the same thing!

~ Dazzmina ~

Well, sorry but I'm not in a logging mood now either. I think logging Nintendogs too is a bit of a burden. So you have a choice: I log Nintendogs and one low maintenance Tama, or I don't log Nintendogs and log two Tamas. THIS WILL CHANGE ONCE MY 11+ TEST IS OVER. It's taking place in January 2012, so just bear with me till then! I am going to wait for profile comments, and if I don't get any sensible suggestions, I'll just flip a coin to decide. SO PLEASE PLEASE COMMENT!!!

Okay, I'll spill the beans about my +C. Charles got married and gave birth to a baby boy, Dwi (Second Child). After an hour, Dwi evolved into a cute-enough Akhirukutchi and then I paused him and he is paused right now. I'm starting to feel that empty, depressed feeling I always feel when I'm not running a Tama. I thought I was on course for a major Tama break, but if I'm feeling that, I'm far from it. I'll update when I've decided on a new Tama to run and got a few comments. For now, byee!

~ Dazzmina ~

Well. I've made my decision. Reading the first two pages of my log decided it. Presenting...

TWO TAMAS AND ONE GIRL (my original log title) - A V4 AND V4.5!!

I might restart them today if I have any time. Yes, RESTART. I'm sorry Kiana that I have to reset your great-whatever granddaughter, but...


Kiana: I understand. My sprit will always be in your V4.5.

Yep, that's right, Kiana will always be there, and Carla will always be in my V4. And now I have a confession to make. Two confessions in fact. Carla and Kiana were originally both boys, but I reset all the boys until I got two girls. And a lot of the stuff in the first half of my log is lies. It was seriously no fun, but I was going way too far with Internet safety.

See you when I've reset my V4 and V4.5 - I'm excited about the new babies, boys or not!

~ Dazzmina ~

Reading a few V4.5 logs cracked me. T-O-T-A-L-L-Y.

Sooo...I didn't even reset Laura. No matter how much of a hideous Shitekitchi she is, I know she's my beloved V4.5 underneath. Here are her currents stats:

Name: Laura

Character: Shitekitchi

Training: 5 bars

Age: 2 yrs

Weight: 2 lbs

Friendliness skill points - 20

Beauty skill points - 18

Spiritual skill points - 181 (!)

Generation: 5th

Gotchi Points: 46710

Seriously how did I get that much in 5 generations???? I guess I was a good carer and my Tamas got good jobs...

Let's see what job Laura currently has. WAIT! She doesn't have ANY job! She goes to school with Mr. Canvas! Oh yeah, I remember now! As soon as I found this horrible character on the screen, I paused my V4.5 and stopped running it. Well, even now, I can't say I'm exactly in love with that thing, but it's good enough. For now. I have to wait..let's see, four days, before Laura can get married. Oh well. I guess I can put up with that.

Laura: HEY! I'm not hateful and horrible and all the other H words!

Me: Hey, calm down, Laura! I was talking about -


Me: LAURA!! Before I send you to Time Out, I'll tell you, I was talking about your CHARACTER! Your outer form! Inside, you're a -

Laura: *SCREAMS*

Me: THAT'S IT! Time Out, Laura!

The argument didn't upset her one bit, but the time out did! I'd better play a game...bye guys! See you tomorrow!

~ Dazzmina and Laura ~

Hi guys! Well, I've decided to restart my purple V4, it hatched a boy (the idea of resetting him to get a girl firmly out of my mind) and I named him Ensio (first). Right now he is a Needy Baby, but if I logged Carla and Kiana as babies, why not newborn Ensio?


Character: Boy Petitchi

Training: 0 bars

Smart: 0

Beauty: 6

Friendly: 0

Age: 0 yrs

Weight: 6 lbs

Generation: First of course

Gotchi Points: 800

School/Job: --- (baby stage)

Recent Events: Hatching!

As for Laura, we're waiting fo her job mail. Here are her current stats: (thanks Ensio for not being needy while I'm typing!)


Character: Shitekitchi

Training: 5 bars

Friendly: 36

Beauty: 20

Spiritual: 201

Age: 2 yrs (still?!)

Weight: 25 lbs

Generation: 5th

Gotchi points: 42840 (bought everything in the shop, some quite expensinve stuff, and got robbed twice)

School/Job: School with Mr. Canvas, waiting for job mail

Recent Events: Being robbed of 300 GP twice in a row but winning it back by beating the Apples game, and going on holiday to Africa for 10 seconds. I SPENT 2,000 GP ON THAT PLANE TICKET!!!!!! :angry:

Oops! Ensio just pooped! Now he's ill!


He's right. I'd better end this post.

~ Dazzmina, Ensio and Laura ~

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Hi! Ensio has now evolved into Mizutamatchi! Apparently this can evolve into Meme or Kuchi family...I wanted Mame family but never mind...I'm going for Kuchi family because I don't like the male Meme family characters, but I really don't mind. Laura, meanwhile, has received about five mails, including 900 GP from the kind, none of which have been job mail! Come on Laura!!


Character: Shitekitchi

Training: 5 bars

Friendly: 36

Beauty: 20

Spiritual: 201

Age: 2 yrs

Weight: 25 lbs

Generation: 5th

Gotchi Points: 43740

School/Job: Still waiting for that job mail...

Recent Events: Receiving 900 GP from the king. Thanks, giant gold egg!


Character: Mizutamatchi

Training: 1 bar

Smart: 13

Beauty: 8

Friendly: 12

Age: 0 yrs

Weight: 10 lbs

Generation: 1st

Gotchi Points: 1720

School/Job: Waiting for preschool mail!

Recent Events: Evolving!

Go ahead and talk, Laura and Ensio!

Dazzmina's making a new room for us. If you wonder why we don't call her mommy like Tamas do in other logs, it's because my mommy is..well, I'm a bit embarrassed to say this but I've forgotten! My dad is Skye the UraKuchipatch-


What the heck -


DAZZMINA! Please calm Ensio down! I don't know WHAT ON EARTH -


Cut that out, Ensio! Time out!



Whew. We're going to the local park now, so see you soon! Expect two tired, happy Tamas to come back! And yes, Ensio IS coming after his very short time out. I couldn't make him miss out on his first treat! :)

~ Dazzmina, Laura and Ensio ~

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Hi! We're back, and Ensio got into preschool while sitting up a tree at the park...how DID Mrs. Frill climb up there to give him the message? She's so fat!

Mrs. Frill: Hey!

Me: Sorryyyy...


Character: Mizutamatchi

Training: 1 bar

Smart: 13

Beauty: 10

Friendly: 12

Age: 0 yrs

Weight: 12 lbs

Generation: 1st

Gotchi Points: 1720 (I'm about to play a game to earn more!)

School/Job: Preschool

Recent Events: Getting into preschool


Character: Shitekitchi

Training: 5 bars

Friendly: 36

Beauty: 20

Spiritual: 201

Age: 2 yrs

Weight: 25 lbs

Generation: 5th

Gotchi Points: 43740

School/Job: Come on, job mail!

Recent Events: Nothing really...

I know not much happened at the park, is post is kind of just to help me memorise the order of all the stats I have to write about :) I'd better play games with Laura and Ensio, they've both just lost a happy heart for some reason!

~ Dazzmina, Ensio and Laura ~

You know, I'm actually kind of getting used to this Shitekitchi! I bet I'll think myself extra lucky when I get a UraMametchi or something for my next generation...I hope...

So, last night, a little too late to update (remember, computers off at 7:30 PM rule), Laura got job mail! The first job that was offered to her was a job as a teacher. She passed the audition easily! I played the teacher game a bit with her last night. The idea is that you have to select X friendly/beauty/spiritual points. At the start of the round, it shows you which you need to collect and how many. You are then timed to scroll through skill point icons (e.g. Friendly icon = smiley face). It shows 6 random icons on the screen. To switch to a different list of icons to select, you press the C button. Due to playing a couple of teacher games last night, Laura got paid this morning - 1120 GP, not bad! Then we went to the store and spent 10,000 GP on an expensive stereo, which explains the lack of Gotchi points.

Meanwhile, Ensio is getting on fine as Mizutamatchi, with no sickness, mail other than fortune telling, or evolutions. Only their stats will tell you about the small things that have happened to them.


Character: Shitekitchi

Training: 5 bars

Friendly: 52

Beauty: 20

Spiritual: 212

Age: 3 yrs

Weight: 22 lbs

Generation: 5th

Gotchi Points: 35360

School/Job: Teacher

Mood: Fresh, ready to work hard

Recent Events: Getting a job!


Character: Mizutamatchi

Training: 2 bars

Smart: 20

Beauty: 12

Friendly: 12

Age: 0 yrs

Weight: 12 lbs

Generation: 1st

Gotchi Points: 2170

School/Job: Preschool

Mood: Tired and irritable, even though he went to bed at 8 and woke up at 9! Lazy.

Recent Events: It's his turn to have it said about him: Nothing really!

Ensio has now lost a happy heart. Why is he suddenly so grumpy?


Laura! What did you do?

I don't know what he's talking about! All I've been doing for the whole of Ensio's existence is walking around minding my own business!


Oh sorry, Ensio...that was me.


NO ENSIO, it was me and I'm DAZZMINA not LAURA!



*gulp* No............

Well, I WILL have to if you go on accusing Laura!


I know it's not fair to send any Tama to time out twice in a row, but Ensio, I have no choice.


Sorry, Laura. I really don't know what got into Ensio.

I think...I think he thinks your name is Laura!

OH! That must be it. ENSIO?


There's been a misunderstanding. I'm sorry. You think my name is Laura, don't you?


No, it's not.


NO, Ensio! My name is Dazzmina and the Shitekitchi is Laura!


I should have figured he would be stubborn. Back to time out, Ensio, until you learn that MY NAME IS DAZZMINA and THE SHITEKITCHI'S NAME IS LAURA!

Okay. That's enough for now. Let's see how long Ensio has to spend in time out before he accepts that he was wrong!

~ Dazzmina and Laura ~ (Ensio's in time out)

Hi! Well, this update is All About Ensio. After receiving a shovel from the king, we used it and dug up...


Unfortunately, this wasn't enough to fill Ensio's missing Happy heart so we played Mimic as well.

Aaaaand...he's come out of Time Out!

Sorry, I was a bit irritable earlier...forgive me!

Whew, all that shouting's over!

~ Dazzmina, Ensio and Laura ~

OK well, today's a long story that must be explained in a short time. It's way past my bedtime, let alone computer off time. It's seriously not worth sneaking on at night when you ask your mom if you can tap out a quick log update and she says yes.

So, today, mid-update, my brother's friend came round without notice. The update I was in the middle of was about Ensio evolving, but we'll get to that later. THEN we had to leave to go to a barbecue at MY friend's house as soon as my brother's friend left. I'm not allowed on the computer when guests are here, so I couldn't update while my brother's friend was around. We got home a few minutes ago, and here I am carrying news of an unexpected Hinotamatchi on a purple V4 owned by a girl with a log who calls herself Dazzmina, and the news of this Hinotamatchi named Ensio getting into school with Mr.Turtlepedia, who gives Smart points. And NOW I bring the news that this girl named Dazzmina has to go to bed. See you very early tomorrow morning for a long update!

~ Dazzmina, Laura and Ensio ~

Hi! Well, I'm defintiely in a logging mood right now, so I'll launch off with Tama stats!



Character: Hinotamatchi

Training: 2 bars

Smart: 34

Beauty: 24

Friendly: 27

Age: 1 yrs

Weight: 18 lbs

Generation: 1st

Gotchi Points: 1110

School/Job: School with Mr.Turtlepedia

Mood: Cheerful

Recent Events: Evolving, getting into school


Since Ensio is earning Smart points with Mr. Turtlepedia, he's going to turn into Tosakatchi. Prepare for me to call him Max in my log by accident...I miss Max the Tosakatchi...



Character: Shitekitchi

Training: 5 bars

Friendly: 83

Beauty: 26

Spiritual: 222

Age: 4 yrs

Weight: 22 lbs

Generation: 5th

Gotchi Points: 34990

School/Job: Teacher

Mood: Chatty

Recent Events: Getting paid - 1100 GP this time, not too bad!


I'm going to try to change Laura's job to a nurse or a firefighter as soon as I get job-change mail. The teacher game's a bit stressful even though the wages are great...


So, since Ensio's in a cheerful mood and Laura's really chatty, let's let them talk!


Hi! This seems to be the start of a calm, bright now day for us!

Yep! No evolutions due today -


-and there are no random visits to people's houses and brother's friends coming over -

-and it's just going to be really boring-

-and we're going to have fun-

-Uhm, it's not as great as you think.

Laura and Ensio: WHAT?!

My friend is coming over this afternoon, and we're going to be using the computer.

Big deal!

But...I might be asked to PAUSE you.

Oh, you don't do THAT, surely you don't!

Not ever!

I might have no choice...I'm sorry...but the chances are, I'll be allowed to keep you going.

Good! So we'll be okay after all!


It looks like NOTHING can dampen those guys' spirits!


Also, sorry about the weird size, my computer messed up and I did auto save content. But for some reason it went all funny...don't know why...


~ Dazzmina, Ensio and Laura ~

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Hi! Well, nothing's happened. Actually a lot has happened. No, nothing's happened. AARGH MY TAMAS NEED CARE!! That's all that's happened. Tamas being needy all day. I guess Ensio's excited about evolving (tomorrow) and Laura's excited about...OH WAIT ENSIO GOT SOME TRAINING! He was crying and I praised him! Yay!

Okay, Laura's excited about...getting married? She's turning 5 today, which means she'll be 6 (marrying age) tomorrow evening. That means that if I want to log right after she gets married (which I do want to), then it'll have to be tomorrow morning. OR we have another option. We could keep my Shitekitchi, my hideous Shitekitchi, my Shitekitchi that stopped me running my V4.5 - We could keep my Shitekitchi till Christmas eve then get her married on Christmas day.


Great plan? I think so too. Okay Laura, you're going to stay till Christmas. Names of course have to be special. If I get a girl, she'll be Holly and hopefully turn into UraVioletchi. If I get a boy, he'll be Jesus and possibly UraMametchi. Sooo...my Tamas are complaining that they've lost all the hearts and other exaggerated stuff etcetra etcetra, so...SO THERE'S NEWS! I'm going camping in the garden tonight, and what sort of jerk would leave Laura and Ensio out of it? I'm going to have a little tent all to myself (I have a MAJOR problem with my dad snoring) and my camping list is here:

1. As many marshmallows as I'm allowed

2. As many sweets as I'm allowed

3. As many crisps as I'm allowed

4. Some healthy food

5. My toothbrush and toothpaste and a load of other boring stuff

6. Laura and Ensio, who are now screaming for attention and might not go after all if they go on making such a racket *Tamas immediately stop*

7. My DSi

Pretty good list? I haven't missed anything out, have I? If I have, my parents will fix that. What? You expect me to take my whole Tama collection? No way. Just...


You guys honestly don't deserve to be coming camping. So what if you're just a little bit hungry? I had breakfast at 11 AM because I was so busy calming you down earlier!


THAT'S IT! Time out till the camping!

I should have never let my Tamas talk in here...

~ Dazzmina, Laura and Ensio ~

Hi? Ahem. More than just Hi.





She's still with him! His name is Zevi, which means "my wolf". Since I THINK these guys might inherit skill points and high Spiritual points run in the family, I hope he can be UraMametchi! So, here are the stats:


Character: Shitekitchi

Training: 5 bars




Age: 5 yrs

Weight: 21 lbs

Generation: 5th

Gotchi Points: 36270

School/Job: Teacher (still? I want job change mail!)

Mood: A bit nervous and shaky from childbirth, but happy she has a baby boy

Recent Events: What do ya think? HAVING A BABY! And, this morning, getting paid 1180 GP!


Character: Boy Petitchi

Age: 0 yrs

Generation: 6th

Mood: Happy, looking forward to the life ahead of him

Recent Events: COME ON! Being born, of course!


Character: Hinotamatchi

Traning: 3 bars

Smart: 74

Beauty: 34

Friendly: 47

Age: 2 yrs

Weight: 17 lbs

Generation: 1st

Gotchi Points: 2990

School/Job: School with Mr.Turtlepedia

Mood: Still excited about evolving!

Recent Events: Not much...

So, what's this so-called wolf thinking about Laura leaving? Excited or worried? Are to truly deserving of your name, Zevi?

Yes, of COURSE I am! I know I'll see Laura again, and I'm so excited about being logged and getting to know Ensio and his future kids!

That's a great approach, Zevi! Much better than that wimpy Max we had a while ago!

Hey Laura, Max was okay, he was just a bit nervous. Remember Ensio is like his twin!

Not in personality! You insult me, saying I'm like Max!

Okay, Max WAS a bit wimpy, but once he grew up he did one of the best things one of my spoilt Tamas has ever done!

What did he do? *enthralled*

Well, I was trying to get one of my friends into Tamas. She wanted me to lend her one for a weekend. There was nothing I could lend her - my collection was pretty small back then - except my purple V4. I wasn't having her either pause of neglect Max, so I had to reset him. He accepted willingly. Now, what other Tama would do THAT!

We'll see. But don't you agree, Zevi looks really promising!

~ Dazzmina, Laura, Zevi and Ensio ~

Whoa, 4,500 views already! This log gets a lot more than it deserves :)

So, there's no news apart from that I want to run a V6. Well, I might. I think it's pretty cool, and good for logging too. I'll start it probably tomorrow, in place of my V4. Sorry Ensio, we'll see you again soon!

Also, Laura is due to leave Zevi tonight. I'll miss you, Laura, Shitekitchi or not!

We're going out in about half an hour, and probably staying until pretty late. If we come back early, I'll start my V6 and update as soon as we get back. For now, see you soon!

~ Dazzmina ~

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