Dazzmina's Tamagotchi Diary


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Hiya! The Kina Family have evolved! They're not in the mood for talking


and I'm not in the mood for a photo, so


shut up, Zeta, I'll just tell you what they -

*punches Dazzmina*


Ok...*sulks off*

As I was saying, I'll tell you what they -

TIME OUT IS OVER! *rushes out and punches Dazzmina again*

No, Zeta! Ow! Time out for five minutes!

*sulks off again*

Whew. Anyway, I'll tell you what the Kina Family evolved into. Kevin is Bakutchi, Zeta is Ichigotchi and Terry is Korokotchi. Their bonding is at 40%, I plan to get it up to 60% and leave it at that to avoid cloning my previous generation XD.


~ Dazzmina, Kevin and Terry (Zeta can't sign, she's in time out)

Heya! This morning the Kina Family evolved!

I'm Mumutchi! Quite cool...

I am Onputchi! A bit like Meloditchi, with the music note! La la la...

I'm Nemutchi. Usually a HORRIBLE care character. I don't deserve this!

Well haha, you are horrible and you don't appreciate Dazzmina's care, so you DO deserve it!


Aargh! *runs away*

Photo later, I half-promise...that reminds me! Hey Makikona, if you're reading this, I KNOW you copied my half-promises and I am not happy with it! Joke...


~ Dazzmina, Kevin, Zeta and Terry

Sorry, there has been a mistake about one of the Kina Family's names! This happens to be Kevin! I dunno what made me call him Kelvin, but it's actually KEVIN!


~ Dazzmina ~



YES! I got the V2!


No photos because I'm rushed AND super uber excited, but it arrived!!!! It hatched a baby boy named Luke. It's really adorable! I'll update tomorrow. Why is this update to unfairly late after school? Cause there was an open day and I was showing people now. I've got netball club soon, so I'd better finish up on here! Luke is still a super adorable Petitchi that...just beeped! I'd better stop typing and take care of him!


~ Dazzmina, the Kina Family and Luke


Obviously, I was more happy than this when I swam with dolphins, but I'm pretty happy NOW! I like my reputation. EXCELLENT! I like my log. Almost 4,000 views! And... I LIKE THE UPDATE! IT LETS ME DO COLOUR PROPERLY! *dances round room* Oof! The computer room is small! Also, Luke evolved into Young Mametchi from Hitodetchi, but no time! It's way past my computer time limit and I am typing my very fastest, like in the typing contest (that I won :) ) at my old school! Look at my profile.

Tomorrow I'll calm down and we'll have a colourful party with photos and Tamas talking!

~ Dazzmina ~

Hello! I GOT BIG NEWS! First of all, I want to clear this up: In the room next door, my brother is watching The Prisoner of Azkaban (Harry Potter movie we haven't watched before) and I said I would miss the film so I could log. I am really turning into a Tama freak!!!

Well, today I was trying Zeta out for the Dating Show because I'm fed up with waiting. I got Nemutchi. No thanks. Uhyotchi. Uhhh...Yotchi...is not the best. Sunnytchi? YES PLEASE PLEASE GIVE ME SUNNYTCHI! (If you get married to Sunnytchi, you get a baby Iwatchi who becomes Sunnytchi for an adult and had special growth stages!). So Zeta said goodbye, and her husband and her became Planetchi and Mememamatchi. And I got my adorable Iwatchi! I checked the gender, and it's a girl! What should I name her? I'm currently full of names. I've been reading the Malory Towers series by Enid Blyton, but I just can't decide who my favourite character is! I'll toss a camera memory card (no coins on my computer desk) to see which it is out of my two favourites.

OK! Decided! My Iwatchi's name is Irene! I DO have a photo of Irene, and also one of Luke (Young Mametchi). But I just don't wanna post them now. They'll talk instead.

Hi. I'm Irene. I'm really special, I'm a special character, all alone. I'm going to be a Sunnytchi like Dad!

Hi Irene! I'm Luke. I'll be your log mate!


(Note: I'm going to copy Irene's personality from the books. Try to guess what it is! Unless you've read them... -_- )

I can jump really high!

Cool! I can jump too! One of my games is Jump, and another is Heading, so I do jumping all the time! Show me your jumping!

Right! *jumps*

Wow! How do you do that?

Special trick for special characters.

Ohhhhh! :(

Well maybe I will show you. You just jump.

OK...OWWWWWW! I banged my head! Awhoooooo!!!!!!

DAZZMINA! Luke's banged his head!

I'd better see to Luke.

It's okay. Luke's better now, but he has to have bandage until he evolves. No more talking.

See you later! I wanna go and see the film! I missed some, but I can still go... :)

~ Dazzmina, Irene and Luke ~

Hi, Makikona's here right now so this will be a short update, but I've got rather outdated photos of Iwatchi and Young Mametchi (still Young Mametchi, but Hoshitchi on my V5!). Annoyingly, the photos will only go right at the bottom of the post, so they are underneath the sign-off. Bye!

~ Dazzmina, Irene and Luke



Two evolutions today! We a got Nyorotchi, considered unhealthy care but sometimes random on the V2, and Mikazukitchi. No comment on Irene's strange-named character, regardless of care the special character has a special growth cycle.

I'm just off to feed Luke a snack so he can get his weight up for my first try of the Slot game! Actually he is quite cute. It's a bit late, so I'll inclue photos tomorrow, okay?

~ Dazzmina, Luke and Irene ~


Well...uhh...Irene? IRENE????

Oh sorry. I was just admiring myself. I'm a beautiful Sunnytchi!

My special character! Sunnytchi and Nyorotchi - a month ago, I didn't even know those two existed!

Hey, give ME a turn!

Sorry Luke!

Well, I like being Nyorotchi. I'm GREAT at the Slot game!

I did say I'd have photos. So...TADDA! P.S. My camera needs a lot of light to take photos. I gave up putting my Tamas under my lamp and getting my hands burned holding the camera and just shone a torch on the Tamas instead.



P.S. My camera needs a lot of light to take photos. I gave up putting my Tamas under my lamp and getting my hands burned holding the camera and just shone a torch on the Tamas instead.

~ Dazzmina, Irene and Luke ~

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No more interesting happenings apart from the fact that Luke is now six. Anyone know the marrying age for V2?

If you're wondering when Irene is going to get married, Makikona and I have organised to go round to her house this Friday and get our Tamas married. As soon as I get back, I'll log! Well, I will probably log at her house, and so will she, except without photos...but I'll post photos as soon as I get home. In the meantime, we've been connecting our V5s at school as much as we can in the girls cloakroom, but we can't really do it much so the main connecting will be taking place at her house on Friday.

OH COME ON DO COME OFF IT! I don't like talking about doing nothing except messing with shoes on some silly game the next generation are gonna play!

You see, I can't give Irene to Makikona's Tama -


because then I'd have nothing and goodness knows what would happen, so she has to give me one of her male characters, probably her Mumutchi. So then Planetchi (?) will be playing Shoe Pairs in my Tama. Curiously enough, I currently have a Planetchi playing Golf Putt. Multi-gender character!

Wow. I simply DO NOT UNDERSTAND how I got to 230 posts so quickly. And ALMOST 4,000 VIEWS!! Come on guys, we can do it! Even though it's mainly me doing it...but you know, I'd never have a V2 or an iD L if you didn't view this log. Because I'd think I was a rubbish writer and a rubbish Tama carer if I was only on 500 views by now. And Irene would never have just got a bonding opportunity! I'd better end this post.

~ Dazzmina, Luke and Irene ~

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Hello Adrain, my second character on the V2. Welcome to the world. I looked up names meaning "second son" and that came up, so that's his name.

No, Luke has not left yet, he's staying with little Adrian for a while. His time of birth was approximately 6:30 PM, just for the record. No photos now because it is, as I said, 6:30 PM, but I promise I will post some tomorrow!

I don't know how long Luke is gonna stay...but I know one thing: I've got a feeling about this that I've never had before. I'm going to miss Luke. Maybe my log has changed me, got me more attached to my Tamas? Anyway, I will miss Luke, but I'm excited about raising Adrian. Who knows what's in store for the second generation! Maybe a Mametchi? Hopefully my care has improved...although it's sometimes random...

~ Dazzmina, Luke, Adrian and Irene ~

This is a verrrryyy short log post because I'm kinda rushed, but Luke left Adrian and I haven't taken care of Adrian yet, and my V5 got married to Fwoggy's V5. The babies are an Akhirukutchi Blaze, a Belltchi Imogen and a Mousetchi Henry. P.S. Thanks so much Fwoggy for giving me your old Nintendogs (now you've got Nintendogs+Cats on your new 3DS!)! I like it so far :)

~ Dazzmina, Blaze, Imogen, Henry and Adrian ~

SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY! You guys know I would NEVER EVER IN MY LIFE abandon my log for more than two days. If you took a guess, you're probably right; I got banned from the computer. Happens often. If my absence happens again, I'll either have gone on an overnight school trip without telling you (in which case check Fwoggy's log, she goes on all the trips I go on an SHE'S not forgetful!) or I got banned from the computer. The latter is more likely.

Back to the news! The Kina Family evolved into Korokotchi, Shelltchi and Bakutchi. Going for whatever-bonding Easygoing family. There's good news and bad today. Let's get the bad sutff over with: I'm stopping photos because my computer is just a slug and I am FED UP with spending more time getting photos than I spend typing up my post. Now the good news. There are TWO pieces of good news today, both involving my friend Fwoggy: She recently gave me her old Nintendogs DS games since she now has Nintendogs+Cats on the 3DS she got for her birthday, and...I'm going to log it! I'll introduce you to my three dogs later. I recently got a new dog, not yet named, but I'll think of a name soon! The other good news? I'm going to ask a Guide if a MAJOR thing can happen to this log...if Fwoggy can "move into it" and we can have a shared log! This isn't really against the rules, but I don't think it's common here either, so I have to check before anyone gets their hopes up. But hopefully, if both of us give permission that we want to do it, we'll be allowed!

Anyway. My two named dogs are Sky the Pembroke Welsh Corgi and Danica the Labrador Retriever. Then I have a male Shetland Sheepdog (I think) who is new and not named yet. (Fwoggy: I haven't got rid of your old dogs, just put them in the dog hotel. Not donated them though). Sky is training for the Expert Class Agility contest and Danica is training for the Master Class Disc contest. I am hoping to train the new dog for the Obedience contests, but I don't seem to be able to get the hang of it!

See you later when I've named the new dog!

~ Dazzmina, Blaze, Imogen, Henry, Sky, Danica and the new dog ~

Hiya! Wonder why I'm not running my V2? CAUSE IT'S GONNA BE IN A TAMAGOTCHI 15TH ANNIVERSARY GROUP HATCH TOMORROW! P.S. The new dog is a Toy Poodle called Choco.

Well, at least there are two bits of news: Sky won the Master Class Agility contest and is now training for the championship! Congratulations Sky!

I hope you're having a nice holiday on travel mode, Kina Family...

Anyway, my log seems to be a bit unpopular lately. What am I doing wrong? Does everyone hate Nintendogs or something? I WANT 4,000 VIEWS! :(

Stopping photos is no big blow to this log. It can still be a good log! I promise you, the MINUTE I find a quicker way of getting photos, I will use it! It's just that it was no fun and taking up all my time.

Sky: Oh, will you give it a rest. We want to talk!

Uhhh...I never heard of talking Nintendogs before...but go ahead!

I think this log needs improving in many ways. You ARE useless, Dazzmina.


I'm serious, just speaking the truth. Now take my advice and you will have to most popular log on TamaTalk.


Well, you need to post NO PHOTOS WHATSOEVER, and not let any of us talk, stop the annoying colour that makes my eyes hurt, and...

NO, that's certainly NOT what this log needs. Right guys?

Just joking!

Well, if you're so smart, tell me what will REALLY improve my log.

I know only too well. You're LAZY, Dazzmina. Why did you stop photos? Why did you stop the newsletter? Why don't we ever get to talk? Why haven't you got 4,000 views yet? That's why. You just can't be bothered.

You're right, Sky. And with that, let's end the post.

~ Dazzmina, Sky and Danica ~

Hiya! Take a guess what I'm gonna say.




But I feel kind of down in the dumps for some reason. I wanted to get 4,000 views today...seriously what is wrong with me stopping photos? Please please please post on my profile what I can do to improve my log. I want a log people will READ! But I don't want to post photos if it is hard and unenjoyable and takes a lot of time.

This will the classified as an attention seeking post you know Dazzmina. :/

Danica: Oh come ON Sky! It's not an attention seeking post, Dazz just wants to know how to do better.

Face it, she is RUBBISH. She can't even get ten views a day -

SKY! You know I can hear every word you say and so can anyone who reads this log!

But no-one READS the stupid log.

This is ENOUGH. Time out, Sky. No walks or treats today.



But -



Ugh Danica, it must be very...argumentative...living with a dog like that!

No it's not actually. At least she doesn't boast that she's won the Agility Contest Championship!

Oh yes, and about contests, why can you not ever get past Expert Class in Disc Contests?

I...uhhh...this is getting a bit too long now? :/

Come on, Danica. Tell my why.

I just can't get it somehow and I'm all stressed!

Okay...we need to work on that.

See you later when Adrian evolves! (He's part of a group hatch remember)

~ Dazzmina, Adrian and Danica (Sky in time out) ~

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Hi! Quick update: Adrian evolved into the wierd white circle toddler (name?) and I am getting the Kina Family's bonding up, going for high bonding Easygoing family. Both Tamas are due to evolve tomorrow so see you after school that day!

~ Dazzmina, Sky, Danica, Choco, Adrian, Blaze, Imogen and Henry ~ (oh my god that thing is getting long)

Heya! The Kina family are paused (complicated bonding stuff) but a few minutes ago, Adrian evolved into Hinotamatchi! I'll check a growth chart later to see what this can evolve into.

There's big news about Nintendogs! I got rid of Choco (sorry Choco...) and bought a new dog, a beagle, Ruby. Since I have epicly failed at getting past Expert Class on Disc contests, I'm training them all for Agility. Danica just passed Beginner Class Agility contest, while Ruby is training for it.

~ Dazzmina, Danica, Sky and Ruby ~

Uhm. I think I might wake up tomorrow morning to 4,000 views. Because what do I see now?


I see that too.

So do I!

Ruby: Hold on guys, what's so special?

Oh, Ruby! We'd better tell you how stuff works round here. You do it, Danica, you're more patient than I am.

Well -

Oh, let me explain! I feel very left out!

Sorry Adrian! Nintendogs, would you mind if Adrian explained to Ruby about this log?

I don't mind who explains it to me, just as long as they explain it well!

Okay then. This is a diary Dazzmina keeps of us. She writes about what we do and we get to talk, but the best thing is...people actually read it! How cool is that?

Uh, quite cool. Although it must be boring reading abut us going for walks and stuff. I HATE walks.

No, no, no! Dazzmina only puts the interesting stuff, the good stuff.

Like what?

Like us winning contests and stuff.

Wow! So when I win the Beginner Class Agility contest -

The Beginner Class is no problem. It won't be celebrated as much as when you win the CHAMPIONSHIP!


Sky, be nice. Remember I gave you and the others twenty treats and let you play with a frisbee for half an hour when YOU won your Beginner Class? The first contest is always the hardest.

Yeah, for someone like Ruby it is! Her first jump was a miss, she just walked up to the pole and crashed into it. Great performer SHE is!

Time out, Sky! It'll serve you right when she wins the Championship and gets a better time than you!

But she won't. You know she won't. I'm the smallest so I'm the fastest and the most agile. Ruby could never beat ME!

Sky, we won't get 4,000 views at ALL at this rate!


Ugh. Failed attempt to get you to be friends with Sky. Sorry, Ruby. She can be a bit bad-tempered sometimes, but usually she livens up this log in a good way.

Well, I'm sure underneath Sky's bad temper is a very friendly dog. I remember when I first came to live with her, she was really scared of me! Winning the Agility Contest Championship has made her more confident, but also more boastful.

Never mind. It'll wear off when the rest of us get to her level.

You're right, Ruby. I think -

I'm back!

Sky! I thought I told you to have time out!

I'm in a better mood now, Dazz!


Why do I ALWAYS have to get left out!?

Sorry Adrian. What do you want to say?

I want to be Cho Himetchi!

Well you WILL be Cho Himetchi, hopefully, if I take good care of you, a thing that is pretty unlikely what with school...

It's the holidays soon. I won't mind not being Cho Himetchi if one of my descendents is!

Good, Adrian.

OUCH! Ruby, you just stepped on my paw.

Sorry, I was practising for -

I DON'T CARE! Practising for your silly Beginner Class Agility contest by treading on my paw, I suppose!

Time out, Sky!


Ruby, I'm not going to ask what you were practising for, but whatever it was, you should have been practising for the Agility contest instead.


~ Dazzmina, Adrian, Ruby and Danica (Sky in time out) ~

Hiya! Just a VERY quick update: Tomorrow I will be going on a sleepover for potential Year Seven girls at one of the secondary schools I may be going to. I will be there from 4:30 PM tomorrow to about 1 PM the next day. No electronic devices are allowed and since I haven't even seen the place I can't work out a sneaking method so I'm afraid all Tamas will be paused at home. See you tomorrow afternoon!

~ Dazzmina ~

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