Well, there's quite a lot of news today! With Nintendogs, since I seem to be changing dogs so much, I decided to be a dog tamer on my DSi. The basic idea is that I buy really stubborn, fiery dogs from the kennel and tame them, then donate them to the dog hotel. So I yesterday I got a Boxer, Spiky. Once Daphne's won more Obedience contests, she's going to the Dog Hotel, too. I've decided to keep Sky all along, I'm really attached to her.
Sky: Why ME? WHY ME? Why can't you keep Daphne - or Spiky!?
Me: No, Sky. It's you. You've got a great temperament, you'll look after other dogs. If they're a bit spoilt, you'll fix THAT, definitely. If they're stubborn and argumentative, you can beat them in any argument. And most importantly, if they're dangerous, you won't let them hurt you. A shy puppy like Daphne is very obedient and loving, but she can't tame a violent dog or win any argument.
Sky: I'm not really sure I'll get along with Spiky. He's bred to be a fighting dog, while me? I'm just a little corgi!
Me: You're a little corgi outside, but on the inside you're stronger than three Spikys or ten Daphnes!
Sky: Well, if you think I can calm Spiky down, just watch me fail! And at least I get to watch your log fail!
Me: Sky, PLEASE. You've got a job of helping me train the other dogs that will come and go. It will take a little practice, and you're more than likely to take a long time with Spiky. But you can do the most to affect another dog. True, I will have an effect, but you will be with them day and night, and if you don't get over-excited or start any arguments, you'll be alright. What you can do, Sky, is pick up the personality of another dog like lightning. You knew what Spiky was like before you knew his name.
Sky: Yeah, and your personality? Failing, misjudging your Nintendogs, neglecting your Tamas, having the worst log on TamaTalk -
Me: Save all that for when a spoilt dog comes to your home. That dog will have been fed all the time and petted, and you need to do just that; point out its faults. DON'T DO THAT TO ME. I know I don't have the best log on TamaTalk, but I don't think I have the worst either. I know I sometimes fail, but not all the time. And really, even if I say so myself, I DON'T neglect anything.
Sky: What about that guinea pig -
Me: That I fed as soon as I got up?
Sky: Oh.
Anyway. That's enough talking!
~ Dazzmina, The Kina Family, The Nintendog Family and Skye ~