Dazzmina's Tamagotchi Diary


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Uh, I forgot to say, hiya page 13. :)

Dazzmina Has An Announcement. (No, two).

Pearl-Amy the iD L is going to be taken care of today and I will run my iD L in place of Adrian.

I replaced Danica the Nintendog with a new corgi, Delia. We'll be seeing you sometimes, Danica!

No time for more now. Tomorrow = Sunday, so you can expect an early update!

~ Dazzmina ~

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SORRY! I had a huge lie-in and before I knew it my friend was over and she stayed till four...and anyway I've had some evolutions!

Pearl-Amy is now Paletchi, luckily only one care miss so far (going for Painaputchi then giving it 4 care misses) and the Kina family have become Kuchipatchi, Hottetchi and Mametchi! Exactly what I wanted!

Now here comes the REAL news. I now have three corgis on my Nintendogs! Sky, Delia and Daphne! And Daphne has learned to sit, shake hands and lie down! I'm going to enter HER in obedience trials! It won't let me teach her more tricks today, but I will tomorrow!

~ Dazzmina, Pearl-Amy, Blaze, Imogen, Henry, Sky, Delia and Daphne ~

You are NEVER GONNA BELIEVE THIS, but it's true. I'M GETTING A DSi FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!!! My mom told me today.

Hello Shigurehimetchi (yay-sort of) and tomorrow the Kina Family can get married. Pearl-Amy has her Ta letter, the scroll, and I have yet to get the others. Now I'm back into the iD L, I love it!

Nintendogs News: Delia has been replaced by a new corgi called Anna. Daphne is un-trained, she won't do half the commands I ask her to do. Any tips on training Nintendogs?

Pearl-Amy: Yay! I'm Shigurehimetchi. By the way, can I please change my name?

Uhhh...okay Pearl...what about...Fern?

Perfect! New colour?

Lime green?

Great! And here it is!

What about a colour for Anna?

Anna: I can do with red.

Okay! A nice, bright colour!

Hi, Anna. Welcome to Dazzmina's Fail Log!

It won't fail with ME around to liven it up!

Sky livens it up almost too much!

IT'S SUCH A FAIL! It gets less views than...um...

Exactly. I'm sure it's a great log, and I'm honoured to be part of it!


This is getting out of hand. No more talking today.

I've made a new decision. From now on, I am not even going to LOOK at the views. I just need one reader to be happy. Some people like logs with photos, others like silly conversations between Tamas, and I attract the silly conversation fans. It's okay if only a few people like my log; just as long as I know SOMEONE reads it, I'm happy. I don't want anyone to read it just because they like me and want to please me; I want people to read it because they wonder what trouble Sky will be getting into next, and whether Daphne has learned any new tricks, and how many new happy symbols my iD L has got.

That's all you get for now, I have homework :(

~ Dazzmina, The Kina Family, The Nintendog Family and Fern ~

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Well, the Kina Family have got married! Imogen met a cute Sukatchi and gave birth to Maria the Belltchi, Tommy the Akhirukutchi and Christine the Tororotchi!

Nintendogs? Daphne won the Beginner Class Obedience contest with a score of 9.74 points! Congratulations Daphne!

Fern has now got all but one of the happy symbols! Waiting for the last one!

Sorry my DSi doesnt do colour... :(

~Dazzmina, The Kina Family, The Nintendog Family and Fern~

Hi! Theres no particular news except -

Sky: Yeah yeah youre sneaking on at night who cares?

Maria: She cares, Sky!

Tommy: I want to go to bed WAAAH

Christine: Oh stop being such a baby, Tommy!

Sky: Really, the Kina Family just gets worse every generation. Youre neglecting them arent you, like you neglect us!

Daphne: Oh, Dazzmina is the best carer ever! She gives us the most expensive luxury food and water and takes us for walks every day and buys us treats in hundreds! If we just yap for food, it appears right in front of us!

Sky: She could at least TRY sneaking us into school!

Christine: Get real, Sky. She can sneak a little Tama worth ten pounds in, but a hundred pound DSi? I tell you, if anyone found it, it would be history!

Sky: *walks off, scowling*

Sky just cant admit when someones got the better of her!

~Dazzmina, The Kina Family, The Nintendog Family and Fern~

Well, here is some truly great news!




I can take photos with my DSi, and they come out really small so I don't even need to use Fotosizer! Yay! So what's the good of photos if you don't post them?






Sorry for the poor quality of the V5 photo, it was the best I could get with my DSi camera.


I'm home from school today, so I might as well make a really long log post! Go ahead and talk, guys!


Fern: Tomorrow I get my last happy symbol and get married! I can't wait!

Sky: While we stay stuck here on a DSi... -_-

Christine: Sky, you don't know how lucky you are, staying with a great carer and logger like Dazzmina!

Sky: Seriously, her luxury food and milk and toys get a bit boring after a while.

Maria: You haven't even been alive as long as...umm...

Sky: Me!


Okay. That's some confusion. Sky is the first Tama I ever had (yep, that's the V4 from when I was five) and I have named several virtual pets, including my Nintendog, after that Tama.


Sky (Nintendog): What?! Who are you, five hundred year old Otokitchi?

(She's actually five human years old, because I got her when I was five, but with Tama years you multiply by a hundred)

Sky (Tama): I'm Sky, Dazzmina's first Tama. You were named after me.

Sky (Nintendog): Oh, cool, but I'm different to you.

Sky (Tama): I know all about you, and we're practically opposites. You're very lively and rowdy, and argumentative, you always get time out and there is no one else like you in this log.

Sky (Nintendog): How do you know all that?!

Sky (Tama): Simple. You know Imogen got married and had Maria, Tommy and Christine? Well, Imogen's brothers, Henry and Blaze, came to me to check into the Tama Hotel for Dazzmina's Past Tamagotchis, which is where any Tamas that are no longer under Dazzmina's care go, and also Tamas she has that are paused (although the paused ones go back inside their screens when they are unpaused). I had a chat with Blaze and Henry, since I wanted to catch up on the latest log news, and I heard all about you.

Sky (Nintendog): I wish I could visit the Tama Hotel for Dazzmina's Past Tamas... -_-

Sky (Tama): Well, you can! I'll take you all, Kina Family and Fern included, to the hotel!

Everyone: YAY! Let's go!

Since they're all gone now, we'll end this post.


~ Dazzmina ~ (everyone else is out at the hotel!)

P.S. I'm REALLY confused with colours, so we'll restart.

Sky (Nintendog) - Cyan

Anna - Saddle Brown

Daphne - Yellow

Maria - Orange

Tommy - Navy

Christine - Violet

Fern - Lime

Guests/old Tamas - Black

Me - Purple

Main post - Indigo (from now on)

I will copy and paste that list into a Word document so I don't need to memorise it! But if YOU don't want to memorise it, I'll have to put the names of Tamas before their speeches, because now there are just TOO many to remember all the colours!

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This is ONE LONG UPDATE with SEVERAL IMPORTANT PHOTOS. Fern got her last happy symbol and got married! Bye Fern, nice knowing you. And hello several things: A wax bookcase I made for my Tamas, and a new green cushion, and of course hello Skye the -






Approaching the dating place, with many thoughts in her mind.



After she's seen the three boys, the matchmaker approaches her. "The eighth generation lies in your hands, Fern" she said.


Who will be the father of Skye and the husband of Fern...





A nice visit to the park...


"OMG, what a fantastic ring, Fern!"


Their last date...


And Fern takes home the eighth generation!




Sorry I couldn't get a few in due to photos limits. :( Photos of my two new creations, along with some writing/pictures I did about Tamas from when I was five are coming in the next post! For now, it's late, so bye!


P.S. I am off school for the rest of the week, I have a bad cold! Expect Skye to be a toddler by 3 PM tomorrow!


~ Dazzmina, The Unevolved Kina Family, The Nintendog Family and Baby Skye ~

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Hi guys Im on my DSi! I just wanna say Skyes growth might be a bit delayed cause I got carried away playing Nintendogs. I sent Anna to the dog hotel because the kennel just got some ADORABLE golden retrievers and I got one, her name is Sandra. Also Sky got 3rd place (just!) in the Disc Contest Championship! Congrats Sky, who has now been in the Agility AND Disc Championships! :D

~Dazzmina and everyone else~

Hi guys very quick DSi update I wont be able to update right after Skye evolves because my mom just says as soon as I can we need to clean out my guinea pigs cage :( but I will update in about an hour after Skyes evolved and Ive cleaned the cage. See you!



Here is Skye as Furustupatchi (?):


And here are Maria as Ichigotchi, Tommy as Bakutchi and Christine as Shelltchi!


Sorry about the poor quality of that V5 photo, my DSi camera and my V5 just don't go together :(


Well, for Skye, if he becomes a teen I haven't had yet, I'll just give him no care misses and see what happens. If he evolves into that red and white one that becomes Mametchi with no care misses, I'll give him 2 or 3 care misses and see what happens. As for the Kina Family, they're gonna be low bonding Cheerful family so that Maria can be Makiko!

As I said, here are photos of stuff I made:


My new cushion!


My stitching is kinda getting better...


New bookcase design!


And they all add up to this!


Now for the evidence I've been a Tama owner for five years...


And a cool DSi editing trick!



WOW YOU GUYS JUST LOVE PHOTOS! I can see it from my log views!


~ Dazzmina, The Kina Family, The Nintendog Family (Sandra can just be saddle brown instead of Anna) and Skye ~

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Hiya! Well, Skye evolved! And I'm pleased with what he became! I don't know the name of it, but I don't think we've had this cute teen before, so it's going for perfect care!


And also, I tried holding my V5 in front of the camera, and accidentally pressed Capture...and it took an amazing photo! Also, now the bonding's at 20%, Maria will come close up, so I got a pic of that, too.



Nintendogs! Sky and Sandra are napping peacefully, while I'm failing at teaching Daphne to jump, and succeeding at...Yes! The Open Class Obedience Contest! Congrats Daphne for coming second in that! Sorry I forgot to groom you before the contest... :(

I really apologise for the short updates nowdays, I've just got 2 tests next year that decide which secondary school I go to for the next six years. I just feel I'm not working for them if I spend ages on my log.

~ Dazzmina, The Kina Family, The Nintendog Family and Skye ~

Well, there's quite a lot of news today! With Nintendogs, since I seem to be changing dogs so much, I decided to be a dog tamer on my DSi. The basic idea is that I buy really stubborn, fiery dogs from the kennel and tame them, then donate them to the dog hotel. So I yesterday I got a Boxer, Spiky. Once Daphne's won more Obedience contests, she's going to the Dog Hotel, too. I've decided to keep Sky all along, I'm really attached to her.


Sky: Why ME? WHY ME? Why can't you keep Daphne - or Spiky!?

Me: No, Sky. It's you. You've got a great temperament, you'll look after other dogs. If they're a bit spoilt, you'll fix THAT, definitely. If they're stubborn and argumentative, you can beat them in any argument. And most importantly, if they're dangerous, you won't let them hurt you. A shy puppy like Daphne is very obedient and loving, but she can't tame a violent dog or win any argument.

Sky: I'm not really sure I'll get along with Spiky. He's bred to be a fighting dog, while me? I'm just a little corgi!

Me: You're a little corgi outside, but on the inside you're stronger than three Spikys or ten Daphnes!

Sky: Well, if you think I can calm Spiky down, just watch me fail! And at least I get to watch your log fail!

Me: Sky, PLEASE. You've got a job of helping me train the other dogs that will come and go. It will take a little practice, and you're more than likely to take a long time with Spiky. But you can do the most to affect another dog. True, I will have an effect, but you will be with them day and night, and if you don't get over-excited or start any arguments, you'll be alright. What you can do, Sky, is pick up the personality of another dog like lightning. You knew what Spiky was like before you knew his name.

Sky: Yeah, and your personality? Failing, misjudging your Nintendogs, neglecting your Tamas, having the worst log on TamaTalk -

Me: Save all that for when a spoilt dog comes to your home. That dog will have been fed all the time and petted, and you need to do just that; point out its faults. DON'T DO THAT TO ME. I know I don't have the best log on TamaTalk, but I don't think I have the worst either. I know I sometimes fail, but not all the time. And really, even if I say so myself, I DON'T neglect anything.

Sky: What about that guinea pig -

Me: That I fed as soon as I got up?

Sky: Oh.


Anyway. That's enough talking!


~ Dazzmina, The Kina Family, The Nintendog Family and Skye ~

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Hiya! Well, I'm very pleased with my cute Sunopotchi, and it suits Skye's name to perfection! Here he is having some fun in the snow:


Then we decided to go for a special treat, and arrived at Connie's house!



After that, we started trying on outfits, and quite by accident discovered Skye's first happy symbol!


To finish this eventful day, we went out for a meal at the Tama Cafe since I noticed Skye was hungry.


The Kina Family are due to evolve in about an hour, remember! Stay tuned! :)

~ Dazzmina, The Kina Family, The Nintendog Family and Skye ~

Well sorry guys, I've just been really busy lately and my mom is rushing me to do something or other and my dad wants to do some maths work with me so this has to be a very short update! Well, a bit too late yesterday evening, the Kina Family became Watatchi, Uhyotchi and Lavzukintchi. And Skye got his second happy symbol by accident by eating something that looks like berries and cream. That's all we've got time for now. Sorry!!

~ Dazzmina, The Kina Family, The Nintendog Family and Skye ~

Hi! Well, Nintendogs haven't really been doing much, V5 has been doing almost nothing

...except this:


...and iD L has been getting onto the 9th generation!

This morning, Skye got his last happy symbol, and since I didn't even have the third yet, I just decided to skip that since I've forgotten where to buy seeds. So I sent him off to the Dating Place, where the following things happened:


"Madonnatchi, is it? Hi! Wanna get married?" "Yes please. I always wanted to marry a Sunopotchi!"


"Well, Skye. I remember tellling Fern, "the eighth generation lies in your hands". Now it's your turn. The ninth generation lies in your hands, Skye."


Fireworks! Why? THEY'RE HAVING A BABY!!!!


Carla-Kiana, welcome to the world.

Yes. Carla-Kiana! That ring a bell? If you didn't read about the babyhoods of a V4 and V4.5 in the first post in this log on June 4th 2011, go check it out now. Carla the Memetchi and Kiana the UraVioletchi, they were, and soon Carla-Kiana (or CK for short) will realise just how special it is to be named after them!

CK: I already knows how special it's. It is very, extremely special. I remember Kareila and Kayana, the -

Me: Waaaiiiit.

CK: Excuse me? You don't know who Kareila and Kayana are?

Me: Uhhh...no.

CK: Oh right! I guess they've done it AGAIN! They made you think they were called Sky and Aaa, didn't they? YOUR FIRST TAMAS?

Me: I don't follow you.

CK: Okay, right. You know your first Tamas were V4s, who you named Sky and Aaa?

Me: Yes.

CK: Well, they're not actually CALLED Sky and Aaa, they're called Kareila and Kayana!

Kareila (Sky): It's true.

Kayana (Aaa): Yup.

Me: Well! This is a big change in my history of Tamagotchis! Thanks, CK!

CK: No prob. Can you take care of me now? I don't like being paused.

Me: Uhh...no. Sorry, my dad wants to do maths with me again.

CK: Well, do it after the maths then!

Me: Okay CK, you win. But don't you know how I HATE baby stages???

CK: It has to be done, whether you like it or not.

Me: Hey, that's what my mom says!

CK: Hehe.

~ Dazzmina, The Kina Family, The Nintendog Family and Carla-Kiana ~

OK right I havent updated in ages i had a super long log break but theres no time all i can say i am on my dsi in an aiport and will soon be departing to new zealand. ill explain everything when we stop off to re fuel in america but for now im really sorry there will be super long laptop update the minute i get to new zealand i promise

bye no time for sign off

OK right I havent updated in ages i had a super long log break but theres no time all i can say i am on my dsi in an aiport and will soon be departing to new zealand. ill explain everything when we stop off to re fuel in america but for now im really sorry there will be super long laptop update the minute i get to new zealand i promise

bye no time for sign off

OK right I havent updated in ages i had a super long log break but theres no time all i can say i am on my dsi in an aiport and will soon be departing to new zealand. ill explain everything when we stop off to re fuel in america but for now im really sorry there will be super long laptop update the minute i get to new zealand i promise

bye no time for sign off

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