Clairman High


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Rapidly sticking a piece of duct tape to Min's mouth, Glen ignored her and continued dragging her until he reached the classroom. Kicking the door open, he continued to drag her, past the dancing Brittany. Finally, he dumped her off by her seat. He didn't stop there, though- he duct taped her to her seat. Proud of his work, Glen stood back. "There. Now there's precisely 25 of us in this classroom."

Brent stared at Brittany's butt, drooling like crazy. He couldn't take it anymore. Shutting his X-rated magazine, he snuck up behind her, slapped her butt, and then walked back to his seat with the most perverted expression on his face ever. he began to do this odd maniacal laugh.

"Mfft! Mfft!" she was really upset about what Glen did to her. Now she seriously felt- oh wait, that's how she always feels. Anyway, she had tears running from her eyes and tried to struggle her way out.

Angie was so busy listening to her ipod, she didn't even notice Brittany acting crazy and Glen leaving the room and Min being forcibly dragged and Brent being a perv. She was rapping along out loud and clear, her notes on the board were barely legible. Once or twice she looked at the students, but she was basically imagining the awesome party she went to the night before. Man, had she had a good time or what? "Class, settle down," she said absentmindedly, pretending to read the course syllabus but actually looking at Cosmo magazine.

Bittany gave a shriek of pure terror and epic sue proportions. "BRENT! How could you!? Like, you are so pervy and gross! I don't know if I can be your friend if you keep treating me this way!" She started bawling her eyes out, sending another breeze and shower of glitter into the air. "Glen, please, save me from him! Because everyone knows I can't save myself, because I'm too pretty and perfect for that!" She gave a few whimpers, then gave him the puppy dog face. "Please teach that pervert a lesson?"

The class was stunned, but that's what he wanted. "Now, turn your human body textbooks to page 486," which was talking about the human heart. And with a pocket knife he had got from his pocket, he stabbed the diagram of the heart. Breathing heavily and with eyes widened, he laughed with each pant.

Brent, realizing what he had done, began to cower away. He was extremely frightened of Glen. "Gahh... Gah... AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" He quickly began to cry in a corner. "Please! Please don't tell anyone! I was the one peeking in the girls locker room that time and I was the one who stole the.." He began to leak all these dirty secrets he had been holding.

Paying no attention to Brittany, Glen was busy being the fuhrer like type he was. He was peeking at the Cosmo magazine behind Angie's shoulder. "What's with this magazine?!!" He snatched it from her and ripped it into shreds. "That made no sense whatsoever! It's all so unprecise! I can't STAND it!"

As Brent was leaking secrets, Min mumbled something along the lines of "Oh yeah, I'm not going on a date with you," but it was kinda hard to tell. Wait, she talked to someone not in fear? No way. Anyway, she was still struggling to get out of the duct tape. "The world hates me! I know it! I guess I should die of hunger and things," she said bowing her head down and closing her eyes.

Name: Hannah Evans

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Personality: Hannah has extreme OCD about everything. She has to order everything that is in her sight, and if somthing is out of place by a millimetre, she will flip. She also has to do her little ritual every time she leaves a room or does something like switch a light off. She feels like terrible, terrible things will happen if she doesn't have everything ordered and in place, so it has to be.

Appearance: Hannah has brown hair, that she has to cut every night so it is al the same length. She has green eyes, framed with glasses that have to be in exactly the right position. She is just 5'4, not exactly tall, but she wears high heels to bring herself up to that mark. She also wears tailored clothes with precise measurements to keep her happy.

Other: ...

Name: Anima Roberts

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Personality: Anima gets very, very angry. Say one wrong thing and she will be fuming, and possibly already plotting your imminent demise. She will scream in rage at you if you do so much as bump into her genty, so God only knows what she would do if someone ever set out to intentionally pi** her off. She is generally very moody, and hates people in general.

Appearance: Anima, who decided that she liked the colour red, dyed her hair a very bright shade of it. She usually wears it in a ponytail, or just hanging flat if she's too angry to care about it. She has grey eyes, which flash with anger often. She usually wears a bright red t-shirt, intending to give people a warning of 'don't cross me', black jeans and red Converse.

Other: I only like you when you give me cookies.

Angie's eyes grew wide at the demise of her Cosmo magazine. Now how was she supposed to get through the awful, dreadfully long school day? Would she have to actually... *LE GASP* TEACH!? She couldn't. Her care levels were far too low. "You owe me the next issue," she said to Glen, not even bothering to look at him as she switched her ipod to the latest Bieber song. "Oh my gosh, I really hate my job," she said, bobbing her head in time to the music.

Brittany waited for her knight in shining armor to rescue her, but that didn't happen, so then she went into sad sue mode. The lights in the classroom dimmed, except for one that shone on her. She started to cry, and her tears sparkled like diamonds, and as they hit the floor, they echoed. "Why won't he save me?" She whimpered. "He's my true love, and I'm so beautiful and kind, how could he ignore me and leave me to die with this.... pervert! Oh, woe is me! My life is so horrible!"

(Chasm, accepted, although Hannah's personality is a little too similar to that of Glen's, so you'll need to edit that before you begin)

Brent continued sobbing unstoppably, but then walked over to Min's desk and started sobbing on it. "Oh woe is me, boohoohoohooo... Woe is me, woe is me.." He continued to repeat "Woe is me" over and over and over again, sounding like a complete idiot. He looked up at Min with tearfilled eyes, and began to cry even harder.

Glen had already strolled away from the teacher and was now over by Brent. "You idiot! You need to do this right!" He threw a Complete Collection Of Shakespeare Plays textbook at Brent's head, and then continued his yelling. "You need to do this right! Say something more than "Woe is me"!" So for the next five minutes, Glen chewed Brent out about it.

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Angie realized she couldn't hear her Bieber's sweet voice anymore, and looked up at her class. Ugh, what the h*ll were they doing? The weird pervy kid was crying, that cheerleader was doing some random crap nobody cared about, the football guy was chewing everyone out, and that invisible girl was being harassed by the pervy guy. They could at leat pretend to be going over the lecture, so she could listen to her music. "SHUT UP YOU IDIOTS!" She yelled, getting up from her desk and breaking up the madness. "Sit down in your seats and be silent. SILENT!"

Bonking Brent on the head one more time with the Shakespeare textbook, Glen made his way back to his seat, sitting precisely in the middle of the seat. He was shocked that Angie was actually acting like a teacher for once.. Oh wait... Knowing her, she probably would just resume her iPod listening instead of actually teaching them like a normal teacher. With nothing better to do, Glen dug out some homework for another class and began to do it, writing neatly about the American government.

Angie's yell was hurtful to Min's ears, and that ruined her concentration on her own suicide. She thought, "Please, teacher. Don't ruin my concentration. I'm trying to die because the world hates me," and lowered her head even more.

The doctor on the other hand, realized that the action he just done would better be suited for personal time and dismissed the class. after the last student had gone, he locked the door and continued to stab more diagrams of organs and such. Stabbing was what he did for a while.

Brianna walked into the classroom, with a big grin on her face as usual. "Sorry I'm late," she said, "but I saw a puppy on the way here and it looked lost, and I thought 'Look on the bright side, maybe I can keep it' so I took it back to my place, because I hadn't walked far from my house, and I put it in my room, with some food and now I'm here!" She then took her seat in class.

Angie went back to listening to her ipod, singing "Baby" under her breath and chewing a wad of bubble gum obnoxiously. She rested her feet on her desk, oblivious to what the students were saying to her. "I hate this," she said aloud, giving a sigh. "I knew I should have gone to beauty school." She flipped through a magazine that magically was there.

Brittany moved and sat down, but was already done with her work, because she was, you know, like, perfect? So yeah, she was sitting there quietly, styling her beautiful hair and being super duper happy. "I wish I could be less pretty sometimes," she said with a sigh, before doing the perfect sue sparkle eyes.

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Still trying to die while duct taped to her chair, she lower her head to the lowest point possible so that it made her look dead. Heck, so low that her neck started to hurt. "I-I think I-I'm doing it," she thought to herself while "dying".

Brent stopped sobbing and diverted his eyes over to Brianna. "Oh, she looks hot.", he muttered. He began to drool, and then he stared back over at Min, wondering if she was still going on a date with him. He would need to arrange that soon. Anyway, he reopened his ever so terribly inappropriate for school X-rated magazine and then returned to looking at you know what pictures.

Glen, on the other hand, looked up at Angie's desk and realized something was amiss. He quickly ran up up to Angie's desk. "I need to fix this!" He quickly put a six pack of beer next to Angie, as well as a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. "There! Now you can be a 100% slackoff teacher, this is absolutely perfect. Ahh, things feel perfect for once. I am so happy."

Angie said, "Sorry kid, I only drink tequila." But then she went ahead and drank the beer anyway, closing her eyes and relaxing. "And I also don't smoke. Again, sorry-- BABY BABY BABY OHHHH~" She started jamming in her seat, trying to do cool dancing while in her chair. She failed miserably.

Brittany wondered why the pervy kid was suddenly ignoring her. In a successful attempt to be perfect, she ripped off her princess gown to reveal a very inappropriate cheerleading uniform. "I just love cheering on our school," she cooed with a giggle. "I hope that we can all share school pride and be amazing friends!"

Min suddenly rose her head up to face the teacher's. "Hey, can you stop with the singing, please? I really don't know how to deal with that when I'm trying to die," she mumbled through the tape with a groggy voice. Looking through the corner of her eyes to see what cannot be unseen, she mumbled politely to Brittany, "Hey, can you not wear something like that anymore?" and put her head back down.

Dr. Stein strapped some bird to a tray he caught when he was taking his one minute outside break. Sitting down, he started to dissect the bird alive, picking at its insides along the way. Blood was all over the tray.

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"Hm... Tequila would work too, I suppose." Glen put down a giant bottle of tequila he somehow happened to have next to Angie, ignoring her crazy dancing and trying his best not to get steamed about Justin Bieber. How could someone so talentless be so popular with SO MANY PEOPLE?! It was all so unprecise that it made Glen want to destroy the world.

Seeing torn clothing flutter his way, Brent tore his eyes from Brianna to see... At once, his nose began to spurt blood like crazy. "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD FOR THE LOVE OF GOD AND ALL THINGS HOLY OH MY GOD!!!" He looked as if he was in heaven. Unfortunately, he fainted about a moment later from the shock of seeing the naughtiness of Brittany's uniform.

Brittany said to Min, "All cheerleaders wear these uniforms. They make us look so pretty and perfect!" She giggled with delight, then went over to help Brent, because she was a super nice person that way. "Like, oh my gawd, please wake up and don't be, like, dead! Please!" She let out a few sobs. "I just feel so sorry for him!!!"

Angie drank right out of the bottle, not caring if she looked trashy. She really hated her job. To the extreme. She kept on singing and dancing around, even making a feeble attempt to beat box along with the song. She tried to gyrate in her chair, but it really didn't work out either. She ignored Brent being his pervy self, and didn't even mind Brittany's crazy clothing change. And she barely even knew Min or anyone else existed.

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