Bratz dolls these days


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They're a bad influence on kids. >.<  

Plastic sluts!
I agree 100%! They are supposed to be pretty dolls,not sluts wearing net tights/stockings and miniskirts.Bratz babies with high heels are gross! O_O

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I don't get why people get so worked up over it.

It's the parents decision to let these dolls into their child's life. I played with them when I was little, and I didn't want to dress like that. Not every kids going to grow up like that just because they played with bratz dolls. Most girls (or guys xD) just like making up scenes with them. If a kid is influenced by them, then it's the parents job to stop them from doing anything bad.

Now, that's my opinion, so please don't flame me because I disagree with most of you -.-

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For young girls who are easily influenced, Bratz dolls are totally inappropriate. Their clothes, make-up, everything really! But I have quite a few myself, that I barely look at now but used to love a couple of years ago (before I found Tamagotchis! :( ) Most of them are reasonably dressed (I liked to get the bedtime ones in long pyjamas and fluffy dressing gowns! lol they were cute) and those ones are just adorable! But a couple of the beach ones in bikinis and stuff are going a little O.T.T.

I think that Bratz dolls are completely fine if they are given to children that are like I was. I didn't care that their skirts were a little too skimpy, most girls just pull them off anyway and leave them naked on their floor lol! XD

But I just treated them like play things and didn't want to look how they did. they werent my 'role models'. They were plastic. And i understood that. But i guess if you're less mature...

well its your choice. but i like them!!! :hitodetchi:

I agree.

I saw a Bratz movie once (My odd little cousin dragged me to it). One of the boys stuffed a bra with tennis balls and toilet paper and put it on for his "girl disguise". It's just sick. Rated G too. xP

I think that they are really bad "idols" for little kids. As if 10 year old girls would go around dancing in fishnets and crop tops. In PARKING LOTS too.

Some of the older ones are little better, but the new ones are going too far, in bikinis and miniskirts.
Yeah, I know what you mean! I don't buy them any more, so I guess I got the best of them. Even when I was playing with them, my Mum never particularly liked them. She hated their name. I was kind of used to it, and when you're used to it, it never really occurs to you that maybe calling yourself a brat isn't as cool as these plastic collagen-injected dolls made it seem?! I just thought they were cute! And my ones were! I mean, they came wearing their jammies with cups of cocoa and a cuddly pet frog or something! But I don't think a child is ever going to look up to a Bratz doll as their role model. They're great for playing with and making little scenes up (as all little kids do with their dolls) but they're not a serious idol in life or anything. And if they are, that's the child's problem. And their parents'. But I looked at them as what they were; a plastic child's plaything. And some of the old to medium-aged outfits are more fun, funky and playful! There were many complaints about the 'I-Candy' line of Bratz dolls, but I loved them! They were so little-girly in a big-girl kind of way! Lots of bright, pretty colours and it just screamed CUTE!!! I think even my Mum was getting used to them just as I started growing out of them, but she still wants me to sell them! XD I will never sell my Bratz dolls! They have so many memories, so I feel kind of close to them. But yeah, one day they are going to be worth a lot of money, because of the fact that they are older editions and that kind of thing. I wouldn't sell them for a couple of pounds on ebay, because I still love them, but I'd sell them for fifty!!! I hope that this post hasn't been too long!

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