Bratz dolls these days


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ugh OMG my baby cosin was OBSESD with them, you are so right, this whole thing reminded me of the time we were at all of my cousins' house and we all like stoped when my baby cousin (annie) was coming down the stairs with her moms lipstick smeard on here lips, twon BIG dots of pink on her cheeks, here hair in piggie tails, a crop top with on of here butterfly mini skirts and... A BRATZ DOLL DRESSED LIKE THAT IN HER HAND!everyone started laughing exept for her mom (my aunt) who practicly DESRTOYED all her bratz dolls :D


Reasons I dont support Bratz.

1) The name says it all!

2) My friend Mandy is nine, she went out and bought a pair of six inch wedges to look like Cloe? Wrong.

3) Oversized heads. They look like baloons, Its just unnatural.

4) They look like they will drown in thier makeup. It is way too thick.

5) They are a bad influence for young girls.

6) Look at their clothes? They look like *Pardon language* Hookers. Super short skirts, '**** tubes', Terrible.

7) The company should be boycotted. The media has a higher influence than you think.

8) Their body porportions. They look anorexic, and have a 'perfect' shape. They are a bit too perfect, and girls feel bad if they arent like that too.

9) I mentioned my friend Mandy above? She used to be a good girl, but when she saw the Bratz movie she tried to mimic them, now she is a 'valley girl' and horribly boy crazy.

10) When you add all of the above together, these plastic toys that supposably portray this generation of girls is a really bad rolemodel and shouldnt be on shelves at all.

I buy them for when my friend Mandy comes to my house, but I never play with them I promised her that when she outgrows them we can light them on fire in our driveway. She wants to try it, but the hard thing will be getting my mums permission o_O.


ugh OMG my baby cosin was OBSESD with them, you are so right, this whole thing reminded me of the time we were at all of my cousins' house and we all like stoped when my baby cousin (annie) was coming down the stairs with her moms lipstick smeard on here lips, twon BIG dots of pink on her cheeks, here hair in piggie tails, a crop top with on of here butterfly mini skirts and... A BRATZ DOLL DRESSED LIKE THAT IN HER HAND!everyone started laughing exept for her mom (my aunt) who practicly DESRTOYED all her bratz dolls :ichigotchi:
Where did she get THOSE clothes from? :eek:

bratz is just a terrible try to dress just like them and they look like some bratz baby that popped off the screen!and have you seen the new bratz kids?!they dress like 17 year-olds!my friend named Will(6) he was in his garage playing with me and i wanted to see the bratz so he took em' out and undressed them all!!I was like O.O and i ran out of his house.did you know they have no feet unless you put their shoes on? cousin tried to put toilet paper in her croptop and (she is 4) put loads of makeup on then ran down stairs with her bratz.all im saying is bad influince

I hate bratz ever... have you seen the new comercial for bratzkids movie there is a part were the little girl(cinderella) wiished 4 glass slippers then said "I am never wearing heels again" what kind of little girl wears heels!! :wub: and if there were bratz boys kid then I bet they would make the boys slap the girl bratz kid in the but and the girl brats kid would like :rolleyes: Imagne if 4 year old doing that :wub: :wub:


When they gave the preview of the bratz movie one of the bratz said that she wouldnt wear heels never again and come on kids dont use heels that are to big

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I used to love them when I was about 8. They were trendier than barbies and everyone wanted one. However as time has gone they seem to have become more and more revealing. Little girls play with these things all the time and it's rather worrying. I mean if I had been my aunts kid I probably wouldn't have seen many TOYS let alone a bratz doll. She's very pratical and says all kinds of things that are easy to agree with (though she was useless at looking after our hose when we went on a trip). My friends would say the same I think especailly one in paticular. The way the media and products are forcing this stuff on us it's no wonder why places like the England are unhappy because they're never satisfied with everything. Wheather it be how they look or something they want.

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um actually blueslip the 2nd link is the four myscene dolls kennedy madison chelsea and nolee(which are ok.)and the 3rd link is a carnival barbie doll(which is also ok.)
I actually disagree. I don't think MyScene dolls are okay either. I think they are meant to be "teenagers", but I don't know any teenagers who actually dress that way aside from those who are TRYING to look "provocative". They just aren't an accurate portrayal of the way teenagers typically dress, and they don't have appropriate attire for every day functions. Plus, their makeup is far too heavy, and very unrealistic.

Ok, I think bratz dolls wear the most revealling clothes, and little girls catch on to these things and start  wearing them to!!!  Like the bratz babies... they are BABIES!!!  Babies are supposed to wear wonder suits and little baby things like the things from pumpkin patch and stuff, not mini skirts, crop tops and high heels!!!  See these are the things that kids pick up, and what amazes me most, is how much a piece of plastic can influence a young child.  Now they too wanna wear mini skirts, bikinis stretched out right to the sides.And also may i point out, that on the movie Bratz Rock Angels movie is baaaad.  Verry bad.  There is one scene when the blonde hair one rolls on to a guy.... seee very ungood.

Post your thoughts here if you like the idea of bratz wearing these stuff or not. :huh:
Bratz sicken me. They take the whole "Barbie body" thing up a notch and now little girls want to look like them. Ughh. I hate that idea. My little cousins were just recently over playing with my 6 year old sister. I was babysitting them and they were playing dress up. They rolled up their shirts so their bellies were showing. They also stole some of my makeup and totally covered their faces. That's just wrong. They're so young!

I can't stand Bratz and all their little skimpy outfits. They all set a bad influence for the kids who play with them. All of us should protest the Brat Doll company and put an end to this inapproit nonsence. PM me for more. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

[SIZE=7pt]Dolls.. Yes, I do agree. They always look gorgeous and flawless. But that's not lifelike, and it's time that we all realized that. Rubber legs can't compare to human flesh. The clothing is also not very lifelife, but it is just a doll. Hopefully the Mothers of young girls would dress them modestly in the first place, so they wouldn't get influenced by the Doll's clothing. Little girls that play with Bratz Dolls want nothing more but to play with them. Should dressing like them really be an issue? I can't say I know.[/SIZE]
achhem EEEEEEWWW Bratz are soo wierd thier Heads are like bigger then thier body and thier just soo...

Oh my bleeping lordy Jesus. Bratz are teh most scary. I used to love 'em when I was eight then my mum went over-board and got me heaps..AND i'm not allowed to getta rid of it all!! They live under my bed, for that matter!! The sleep-over collections were dang creepy. It looked like they were preparing for...y'know! My grandmother tried to knock me straight saying they were ugly and I was like, "Shut up, they're not!" now I'm like, "Why did you like it in the first place!!" Now...I have to have this..this talking Bratz doll in my possesion! My mother got me that for my (Bleeping hell) 12th birthday! When they first come out, they were normal dolls, nothing wrong with them. Normal clothes, normal everything. The creators must've gotten bored and went in the skimpy category!

xx Chrissy

I think most of you are exaggerating.

A doll is just a doll.

It's bought to be played with not admired or made a role-model.

Dolls have to be pretty to make people buy them.

Would you really buy an acne covered, plump doll?


Dolls have to be flawless.

When a kid plays with a doll they don't think ''Ohmigosh! I have to be this doll when I grow up.


They think ''This is fun!''.


I don't see what all the fuss is about.

Flame me if you will.

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