Bratz dolls these days


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You know, they don't have to be banned, all they need to do is lower the make up and wear clothes that aren't so revealing, maybe they will actually sell more because I saw a group of fully-dressed six year olds looking at a Bratz doll and they were like, "Ugh, yuck" and walked off.

Oh yes, and LESS PACKIGING!!! I mean shesh some people care about themselves and how much money they earn by making huge boxes than the BLOOMING PLANET!!!

I find them revolting. This generation is going to be a real whopper. x...x;
Teaching little kids to show cleavage they don't have and their little Barbie panties stick out of their pants is just discusting.
I agree this generation isn't very good. As for me, I don't wear mini shirts, show clevage (I don't have big enough breats to show anyway), or wear thongs. I think the Bratz dolls are sluts and thats influencing this generation to dress like sluts. Let hope they don't start acting like sluts...


(I wish people would stop saying the s word, doesn't that count as swearing?)

I searched bratz on google images (don't ask why) and I saw this picture of the girls from the real movie. Cloe's top was down so much it only just didn't count as...*ahem* and Sasha was wearing a g-string and NOTHING ELSE!!!! She was covering her nasties with her arms but I mean it's a kids film, not a movie for perverted men. The picture's too rude to put a link but I did see it, I swear.

I do have a different opinion on Barbie.
Barbie encouages girls to become what was formerly known as "a men's job". Barbie is a doctor, she is a mom, she is a vet, she is a nurse, she is an engineer- she teaches girls that they can go into these fields and be a doctor, be a nurse, etc.

Bratz teach girls to go and party, wear skanky clothes, be a teenager for the rest of your life, it's okay to wear skirts no longer than your undies and that's what I don't like about them.

Barbie is a waaaay more positive image I'd say.
are you kidding? Barbie is horrible too!

Okay this all comes down to social constructs. How many white bratz dolls are there? Like maybe two? All the rest of them are or some other ethnicity. This is telling mainly little girls that are not white that they should be sluts when they grow up.

Okay well what color is barbie? She's white with blond hair and blue eyes. Barbie has like what two friends that aren't white, but the thing is every little girl will want Barbie because she is the one in the coloring books, in the commercials, and she is made out to be the best one. Isn't Barbie the only one who has a boyfriend? Okay so she's the successful one here.


little white girls= grow up to be successful.

little not white girls= they get to be sluts when they grow up.

that is disgusting. America is still unbelievably racist.

Both of them portray very unrealistic body images (if there was actually a person who had barbies body proportions then they would actually be dead....she is a corpse) and believe me Barbie has seen her share or revealing clothes as well. All Bratz dolls are is a more straight forward version of what Barbie has been all along. Both are ridiculous and unrealistic.

are you kidding? Barbie is horrible too!
Okay this all comes down to social constructs. How many white bratz dolls are there? Like maybe two? All the rest of them are or some other ethnicity. This is telling mainly little girls that are not white that they should be sluts when they grow up.

Okay well what color is barbie? She's white with blond hair and blue eyes. Barbie has like what two friends that aren't white, but the thing is every little girl will want Barbie because she is the one in the coloring books, in the commercials, and she is made out to be the best one. Isn't Barbie the only one who has a boyfriend? Okay so she's the successful one here.


little white girls= grow up to be successful.

little not white girls= they get to be sluts when they grow up.

that is disgusting. America is still unbelievably racist.

Both of them portray very unrealistic body images (if there was actually a person who had barbies body proportions then they would actually be dead....she is a corpse) and believe me Barbie has seen her share or revealing clothes as well. All Bratz dolls are is a more straight forward version of what Barbie has been all along. Both are ridiculous and unrealistic.
Hey that isn't nice. Im not white >_>

I am NOT gonna be a **** when i grow up. >_>

are you kidding? Barbie is horrible too!
Okay this all comes down to social constructs. How many white bratz dolls are there? Like maybe two? All the rest of them are or some other ethnicity. This is telling mainly little girls that are not white that they should be sluts when they grow up.

Okay well what color is barbie? She's white with blond hair and blue eyes. Barbie has like what two friends that aren't white, but the thing is every little girl will want Barbie because she is the one in the coloring books, in the commercials, and she is made out to be the best one. Isn't Barbie the only one who has a boyfriend? Okay so she's the successful one here.


little white girls= grow up to be successful.

little not white girls= they get to be sluts when they grow up.

that is disgusting. America is still unbelievably racist.

Both of them portray very unrealistic body images (if there was actually a person who had barbies body proportions then they would actually be dead....she is a corpse) and believe me Barbie has seen her share or revealing clothes as well. All Bratz dolls are is a more straight forward version of what Barbie has been all along. Both are ridiculous and unrealistic.
Well Barbie can only be one color- most people don't want a rainbow Barie. xP

What I'm saying is she has to have one color- is she was black, someone would complain, if she is white, someone complains. She can't be two different colors at the same time.

It would be nice, though, if they made different ethnicities but I think they've been doing better about that in the more recent years.


Wowz. o.o Such a wide range of opinions. Well, here's MINE! (I think I already posted here, but oh well) BTW, I'm gonna use the word ''****'' so dont be offended. Everybody else has said it here, basically. And I can't find a word to replace it.

Barbies teach girls that they can do anything they want. They teach them they can be doctors and astronants and singers. They teach girls to grow up, get an education, and get a job. Sure, people might argue she has ''slutty clothes'' or a ''big chest'' but really; what girl DOESN'T have dresses or smaller shirts? Actually, come to think of it, most of Barbie's clothes aren't overly bad at all. And, so what if she has larger breasts? They has to be SOMETHING there. She can't have a flat chest.

Barbie games for the computer are actually quite fun. xP I don't play them anymroe, but I used to when I was younger. I have the game where you become a dancer, and train for competitions. Unlike Bratz, Barbie accomplishes things.

On a further note, Barbie movies have good plots for younger viewers and are mystical.

Bratz, on the other hand, teach girls to be a party animal and to wear heaps of makeup. They teach girls to never grow up and get jobs, and be attention seeking sluts. Bratz never get jobs, and the different ''types'' of Bratz have nothing to do with getting jobs or acheiving goals. All Bratz ever do is party and hang out at the mall and go ''OMG LOOK A CUTE AND HOT TOP! LIKE, OMG IM GONNA BUY IT WITH THE MONEY MY MOM GAVE ME!''

The movies are about the mbeing ''popstars'' and outwittign everybody. They have horrible plots.

Bratz games are also poopish too, because you never accomplish anything; you just play basically minigames.

Enough said.

Well Barbie can only be one color- most people don't want a rainbow Barie. xP

What I'm saying is she has to have one color- is she was black, someone would complain, if she is white, someone complains. She can't be two different colors at the same time.
True. Rainbow skin is crazy. They should release black AND white, but not on the same doll.

mametchi :)

oh, and tamagirl desy is correct. flat chests are right...for grown...barbie woman?

Anyhow, when I was younger, I LOVED those barbie games! They were so fun!

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Bratz annoy me. My friend has some, but hates them immensly. "Hey Baby....Look at me :3" And the Bratz is like only, uhm a KID!? What now? Kid Prengnacy?!

It's retarded >.> I had one, sold it online because it was revolting and disgusting

Okay..let me check my files..oh yeah "What I think of Bratz"

I feel sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry for my little 5-year old sister.I also feel sorry for her 3-year old friend Valerie,who got a Bratz for her birthday.Courtesy of my mom,thank you very much.

Let's start with Sissy (let's call my sister that).Sissy has about 7 Bratz,3 MyScenes and 10 Barbies.Let me get to the point.Get ready for big letters:


Sissy wants to be like Cloe(Bratz),Barbie(The MyScene one) and Kennedy (MyScene again) because they all.are.blondes.

So, the idea that she's getting is that if your white and pretty,or if your friends with a white girl but of a different skin color,you always,and she means ALWAYS wins.

So technically,Im the only one in my house who realizes how important this is.

I never liked BRATZ. They are just horrible! Their provacativeness (not really a word) is sending girls into turmoil about their bodies.

Spanishness: (upside down exclamation mark) Es horrible! No me gusta la BRATZ.

(It's horrible! I don't like BRATZ)

Bratz are like, brats...
Yup. Exactly.

Barbie is better because she's like the barbie career girl and stuff but bratz are just buying clothes and living their perfect lives. And besides, who cares if barbie is pretty because dolls have to be atleast a bit pretty! And maybe the big breasts are supportive to quick developers (don't laugh, it's true).

Off topic: lol I've posted here like...ten times

The company doesn't care if they're corrupting little girls minds.

The business industry revolves around profit, and my theory is the skimpier the clothes on dolls, the less money they need to pay more clothing materials. :]

Makes sense, no?

I think they are just sooo wrong. They are basically saying to girls "go on, be a ****! Wear tops that show too much and super low rise jeans. Become anerexic so u can look like us." Thats so gorss

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