Bratz dolls these days


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Raggedy Ann and Andy are much better than the Bratz and Bratz boys! I used to love Raggedy Ann when I was younger! I still have some old Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls! Barbie and Ken are a thousand times betrtere than the Bratz and Bratz boys! I mean Barbie and Ken are a proper couple and the Bratz do blind dating. Barbie actually tells girls tobecomes something in life while Bratz just tells girls to go party and become a mall rat. Barbie hardy dresses skimpy while a **** high shirt with a tiny undie-sized micro skirt are the Bratz normal attire. The Bratz lip are like ballons, they take up half the face! At least Barbie's face is correctly preportioned. Personally, I think Bratz give girls a bad name because now some people are starting to think all girls want to do is party, impress boys, go shopping and they all dress skimpy and pay no attention to thier marks in school, which of course is not true. Not all of us girls are like that. Barbie gives girls a much better name!

So somebody with larger lips than the 'norm' isn't correctly proportioned? Things like that are teaching children to judge somebody who doesn't look like them.


Bratz are way too revealing, but no need to freak out. They're dolls for this generation, of course they're gonna be slutty. I'd still rather give my kid Baby Anabelle and Raggedy Anne dolls, and when they're into plastic ones Strawberry Shortcake or Barbie... honestly.

I do not like bratz one bit, and when barbie came out with "Top model" collection, with the fishnets and miniskirts, I was just really suprised.

But I wasn't as suprised when I saw a six year old in the mall with a jean miniskirt, 5 inch heels and her makeup done up.


i hate bratz !!

i dont know about bratz but a read a article about barbie

and her waist would be smallers then nicole richie's

and that she be so thin she would'nt have her period and that she would topple of from the wieght of her breasts

Well if parents don't want their kids to be highly influenced by Bratz, they just shouldn't buy it for them.

I think it's not just the dolls influencing kids, it's also the parents, older kids, etc.

My sister just said that she and her friends are gonna do a JackDonkey (if you know what i mean) tape and one of her stunts is to blow up a bratz doll  and her clothes using sparklers XDXD
They are revolting, sick, gross and I back up my sister's experiment 99% (the 1% is cuz it sounds really dangerous and gonna be on our street O_O)
LOLZ! XDD I so wanna see that.

But I wasn't as suprised when I saw a six year old in the mall with a jean miniskirt, 5 inch heels and her makeup done up.Wow.

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It'll be so funny...hmm i wonder if they is gonna do that for the new year. prob not cuz my sis is grounded.

Ok I saw a commercial for eBratz or something and this girl was holding a bratz and was all "IT's like an online you!" and the bratz had a dress so short on her, that if it was any higher, she'd be a little showy. <---- LOOK AT HOW SHORT THAT SKIRT IS!! THAT'S TERRIBLE!!

Well,I personally am going emo and have given up dolls. But when I played with them,I always thought that Bratz,Barbies,all those things,where thought by little kids to be models to how they should grow up! I am against Bratz all the way! For those of you who are like me,to get you more in the spirit,watch the Simpsons episode, "Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy" same thing. Oh yeah,hehe there is this one video on YouTube,I can't say the namme cuz,it's a cuss I believe,but the one memeber,LatinoComedyProject,made a video that reminds me almost EXACTLY of Bratz.

I hate Bratz but I have to put up with them cause my sister and girlfriend have them

Also they have massive heads

I know totally! I used to like them but I don't like them anymaore, thank God! Anyway, they are very revealing. They're teaching little girls to dress inappropriatly not to mention the awful movie! I haven't seen it thank goodness! But still, first they'll wear clothes that show everything (why even bother to wear clothes? lol) and then they'll probably start seeing and doing inappropriate things which is obviously a bad thing. I wish that was a reason to to get them banned from stores!

Ok, I think bratz dolls wear the most revealling clothes, and little girls catch on to these things and start wearing them to!!! Like the bratz babies... they are BABIES!!! Babies are supposed to wear wonder suits and little baby things like the things from pumpkin patch and stuff, not mini skirts, crop tops and high heels!!! See these are the things that kids pick up, and what amazes me most, is how much a piece of plastic can influence a young child. Now they too wanna wear mini skirts, bikinis stretched out right to the sides.And also may i point out, that on the movie Bratz Rock Angels movie is baaaad. Verry bad. There is one scene when the blonde hair one rolls on to a guy.... seee very ungood.

Post your thoughts here if you like the idea of bratz wearing these stuff or not. :)
i totally agree, they do wear reavealing clothes. but i still like them,

LOL, 3 words...

Too MUCH Makeup.

Yep Thats right, Babies DO not Wear make-up! and The teenager Brats or adults are Bad Examples.

Hey they are nice, but... wayy too Much Make-up for Brats Babies.


Have you Seen there Clothes?

Short Shorts... ****-tubes!?

and alot of Makeup..

and its JUST a babies! oh my gosh! lol.

They Should Bann them Componys?

One word to Sparks. DUHHHH.....They should ban them and make another toy that is so unrevealing. Then they'd probaby make a better rolemodel and tons of money. But they decide to turn our society into prostitutes and pimps. I agree with all of you.....Maybe Mythbusters should blow up a doll. See the insides.

I like to see Mythbusters blow one up and see what they would look like without revealing clothes and make up. They'd probably look pretty. Not Prostitutes.

Bratz Babies, the Prostitutes with the passion for flashing! lol XD

Me and Sparks. made that up a in 06'. ^-^ It describes them alot. In one line. lol.


P.S: Sorry if the Duh sounded rude.

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At first I really didn't mind the Bratz dolls, but it seems that they've gone a little too far with the "Passion for Fashion" thing and made them a bit more sexual\provocative looking than young girls should be playing around with.

The Bratz Babies are a little disturbing in my opinion. Seeing dolls that are supposed to be a baby dressed up in clothes like that with makeup all ove rthem kind of has to make you wonder...

Wow, i can't believe this topic has become so popular, considering the amount of people who come on! Normally when i start a topic, it always goest to page two in like five mins! Hey we should start a 'say no to bratz' campaign for signatures or something!

One word to Sparks. DUHHHH.....They should ban them and make another toy that is so unrevealing. Then they'd probaby make a better rolemodel and tons of money. But they decide to turn our society into prostitutes and pimps. I agree with all of you.....Maybe Mythbusters should blow up a doll. See the insides.I like to see Mythbusters blow one up and see what they would look like without revealing clothes and make up. They'd probably look pretty. Not Prostitutes.

Bratz Babies, the Prostitutes with the passion for flashing! lol XD

Me and Sparks. made that up a in 06'. ^-^ It describes them alot. In one line. lol.


P.S: Sorry if the Duh sounded rude.

I couldn't agree more.

Btw, massive heads was really funny, Mini 500.

I asked my friend if his sister wanted a skank in a box. He said no.

xP I wasn't surprised.

Baby, teen and adult prostitutes (Now with pet prostitutes! Wheee!)

But what is it teaching kids? This world is so sad.
Children aren't as influenced as you think. They are mainly influenced by their parents, and if they ask and get it's mainly the parents fault for letting them dress like that because a 7 year old won't go out and buy stuff themselves. I haven't seen any young children dress this this, it's mainly the older teenagers [13+].

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