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Loki opened an eye suddenly. Seeing a nearby piece of fresh fruit, she stretched out a single talon and grabbed the fruit not long before devouring it.

She jumped up from the warm bed and waddled outside quietly, seeing a faraway red glint. Curious, she stretched out her black wings and jumped onto the wind.

Freaking out, as there was no water nearby, Jake tried to stamp it out with his foot, but it was too hot, and it was spreading. Changing back to bird form, he took off and began to think in the air.

"To be truthful, I could care less about the tree, it's the whole reason people are fighting, all because of some stupid tree that improve our power." Leila scowled then a uneasy sigh left her lips. "But, I guess we might have to team up to stop these idiotic things from continuing."

Jake had to go back to the village for help, however much he didn't want to.

Ooc: g2g

Loki could now see the problem; a tree was on fire and the fire was spreading quickly. A New Zealand Falcon was quickly flying away the other way. "Did he do this?" Loki thought to herself, cocking her head somewhat in thought. Then remembering that she controlled water, she dropped to the ground that had not yet been lapped up by the fire. She immediately summoned water from a lake some 50 feet away and threw it onto the fire, extinguishing it thoroughly.

"Done," she sighed, returning to the air in her bird form, trying to catch up with the falcon.

Lou frowned a little. "You don't want to find the tree...?" This complicated things. At least she would help him defeat the Karlos person. He resumed his smile. "Alright, that's fine. We should go ask the others if they will help as well."

Leila nodded. "What are your powers anyway? If you don't mind me asking out of curiosity that is." She asked, her voice stayed monotone and her eyes were averted toward the ground.

Jake slowed and stopped on a tree, sensing he was being followed. He turned...

OOC: Out of ideas, short post

"I can control plants, make them grow quicker, where they grow and make them move." Leila explained, "It can come in handy at times and depending on what I grow and the scent, it can be quite enjoyable." She said, more to herself then to Lou.

"Hm. Sounds like a good ability to have.", he said. He smiled contently. "I do so love a nice garden. It's soothing really. There are very few things as calming as that."

Leila nodded then looked at a spot on the ground before kneeling down. "I prefer flowers out of all plants," She rambled on, "have you ever heard of floriography?" She asked, but didn't look at Lou.


Loki had flown straight into the tree the falcon was now perched on.

"Well, hello," Loki cringed. "Not the best way to meet, eh?"

Jake would have laughed but it would've been difficult in the current situation.

"Nope, listen, there's a tree On fire back there." He said, avoiding telling her why.

Loki got up and brushed herself off, then looked at the blazing tree.

"I know what to do in this situation. Come, we can't waste time." Loki whispered without budging her head from the sight. She extended her wings [her left was now slightly bent] and flew off towards it, her eyes blazing.

Lou nodded. "I as well. Flowers are very nice. But no, I've not heard of it. What is it, the study of flowers?"

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