Bella Luna - A Tamagotchi Blog


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I've decided that I will be updateing my other Tama Blog as well as this one! I can post photos on the other one but I well update this one more odten! You can find the link in my siggy or Here.

That's all for now!!!

Kimmy (Music Star) left the baby boy last night! I decided to name the baby Jack.

In other news I had a few tamas age over night...

V1. Is 2

Color. Is 3

My Color should evolve later today!

Well that's all for now!

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Sorry that I didn't post yesterday. I was VERY busy!!! Anyway here is what has happened with my tamas!

Angel. Is an un-helthy adalt (I'll get the name later) (I'm trying to get all the caricters!!!)

Music Star. Is the dohnut tot!

COLOR. Is now a Mametchi!!! He is also 4!

Well that's all for now!!!

Well since my last post a few things have happened...

Angel. Evolved into Develotchi!!! Wow I'm good at getting him! I'll be sure to get a photo this time!!!

V1. Is now a Mametchi!!! He is also 3.

Music Star. Is the Fireball teen!!!

Color. Had a baby boy!!! Is is now the little blue beaked tot! (I'll get the name later!)

Well that's all for now!!!

Sorry I didn't post yesterday. School started up again yesterday and I have a LOT of studying to do! I have a Social Studys test and a Spelling test coming up and...yea I need to do some studying!

Anyway I didn't get the chance to unapuse any tamas yesterday but I plan on unpauseing my Color and maby a few others in a few minutes!!

I also hope on getting some pic's up on my other tama-blog later today!!!

Well that's all for now!!!

Hi everyone!!! My big Social Studys test is OVER!!! And it the weekend!!! I haven't had much time yesterday to un-pause my tamas but here is what happened!

V5.5 (Red) Are now Adalts!

V5.5(Blue) Are now Teens!

Color. Is now a young Mametchi!!!

Also I'm joining with my friends in Tamagotchi Music City contests again!!! Please vote for us! Are ID's are...




As you can see we decided to make our usernames almost identical!!! Please vote for us! Were a full band of Nazotchi's :nazotchi:

I'll post more later!!!

Hi everyone! I know I haven't updated in a week but I'm back!

As far as my tamas not much has happened. I've had some other things that i've been doing in the last week (explaned later in post) so i've only unpaused my tamas a little.

Music Star. Is the fireball teen

Color. Is now the bee tamagotchi!

As for the other things i've been doing...

*Remember when I said that big social studies test was over...well apparently there are 5 of thoes!!! I took another one this week!!!

*I've also been plaing my pokemon games alot latley (I just got Wi-fi!!!)

*MY DISNEY TRIP IS IN 2 WEEKS!!!!!!!!!! I'm sooooooo exited!!! I leave on January 31st and come back on Febuary 8th!!! I can't wailt!!!

Anyway... I haven't decided which tama's to unpause yet. I'm thinking my Color and maby 1 or 2 more. I'll be sure to let you know when I decide!

Well That's all for now!!!

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Sorry for not keeping you updated. I'm just so busy latlely. Disney World is only 3 day's away!!! I leave on Sunday and I don't get back untill the fallowing Sunday!!! Ohh I'm so exited!!!!!

Anyway not much has happened tama wise. I tried to get an ocenotchi off of E-Bay but it shot up in price in the last 3 hours!!! ;)

Besides that i've been tring to get a photo of my Develotchi on my Angelotchi but i'm no good with takeing photos of my tamas. ;) There all blurry! I'm going to try again later. Once I get a good photo i'm going to reset my angelotchi again. But first here is some info about the Devilotchi on my angelotchi!!!

He is a rare secerite caricter that can come from teens or adalts. To get him you pretty much have to not take care of your angel. Just cureing it from sicknesses. Much like the Lucky Unchi-Kun (Lucky Poo) he is un-playable. He just sits on your screen. The way to get him is after days of little to no care your angel will become very ill. When you give him the medicine he will not get better. After sevrial shots he will evolve into Devilotchi!

The rumer that you need the Lucky Unchi-Kun (Lucky Poo) to get Devilotchi is FALSE!

The rumer of Devilotchi being a playable caricter is FALSE!

The rumer that if you keep Devilotchi for a week he will evolve into a playable form of Devilotchi is FALSE!

The rumer that if you keep Devilotchi for a week he will evolve into King Devilotchi (A playable caricter on the Devilotchi) is FALSE!

Well I hope you enjoyed my Devilotchi Summery!

I'll post more later!

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Hi everyone!

Well last night I decided to start up my angel up again! It's a tot now! Its 1 year old. Sadly I'm still having the same old sound problem! Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't! :rolleyes:

Anyway I updated my other blog with my Devilotchi summery and pictures! The link is in my siggy!

Well that's all for now!

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Hi again!

Well I finally decided on what tamas I'm taking to Florida! I'm taking my Angelotchi, my P2, and my V4! Here is some info about then!

P2. Is a toddler

Angel. Is also a toddler

V4. Is the buck toothed adult. He also has a baby girl with him!

I'll be sure to get some pic's up on my other website later! ;)

Well that's all for now!

Hi everyone!

Ohhh I'm soo exited! Todays the day I go to Florida!!! :angry: :D :D My plane leaves in 5 hours! I'll come back on Febuary 7th! I believe the house my familly is renting has internet so i'll be able to keep you updated! But since i'll probable be busy all the time I won't be able to post alot or un-pause my tamas much but i'll try to update every day or two! Oh yea I addad one more tama to the list of tamas I'm taking! Now I'm taking...




Music Star

Besides that my Angelotchi is now the un-halthy teen (I'm tring to get all of the charicters!).

Well i've got to go!

I'll post more when I can!

Well after a long day of driveing and fling yesterday I made it here!!! Thw ctime here is 1 hour later than I'm usaed to.

I did unpause my 4 tamas yesterday and overnight!

P2. No change

Angel. No change

V4. Left the baby girl. I named her Haley! Haley is now the mohawk tot!

Music Star. Is now the ghost adalt!

Well that's all for now!

Sorry I didn't get a chance to update yesterday night. I've been busy! Yesterday I went to Hollywood Studio's! and today I go to Magic Kingdom!!! :( :( :)

Anyway not much has happened tama wise.

P2. Is 6 (NOTE. I mistakingly aged him once.)

Angel. Is Taraten (Lip angel. He looks alot like Kuchipatchi with wings! :) ) (I'm tring to get Sabotenshi (Cacitce angel) on my angelotchi.)

V4. Is now Itchigotchi :D !

Music Star. No change

Well that's all for now!

Sorry I didn't get a chance to update thies last few days. I've been doing so much on this vacation! Here is a quick rundown of what I've been doing!

Sunday. Flew down to Florida

Monday. Hollywood Studio's

Tuesday. Magic Kingdom

Wendsday. Magic Kingdom

Thirsday. The beach

Friday. Epcot

Saterday (Today) Sleep in and pack

Sunday. Fly home

At the beach the sand was wet so I was writing lots of stuff like TamaLove754, Tamagotchi's forever, and my favorate Peace Love and Tamagotchi's (It's my new modo!!!)

Anyway since i've been so busy I haven't had alot of time to unpause my tamas but I have been unpauseing them every night! Anyway here is what has happened to my tamas!

P2. Is the beaked teen

Angel. Didn't evolve into Sabotenshi (Cacitce angel) :D Oh well maby next time

V4. Evolve into Memetchi :D

Music Star. Is now 5

One last thing that I want to point out is that I have posted in this blog 475 times now!!! Only 25 more posts before the big 500! Also I have just under 150 page vews before 5000 page vews! Wow I never thought my blog would be so popular or so long!

Well i'll post more later!

Sorry for now keeping updated in the last few days. I've been working on my new Tama-Zone Tama-Blog! You can go to it Here.

Anyway here is what has happened tama wist.

P2 Is the plant adalt

Angel. Sadly went back to tama heven. :( I started her up again and now she is a tot.

V4. No change

Music Star. Had a baby boy! I'll be raiseing him in a day or so.

I think it's time to host the first annual Tama-Blog vote! All you have to do is send me a PM telling me which one of my inactive tamas you want me to start up! I was going to do it myself but what's the fun in that? :p Anyway here is a list of my inactive tamas!

V1 (Purple)

V2 (Blue flowers shell with pink buttons)

V3 (Red with white buttons)

V4.5 (Green with purple buttons)

V4.5 (Globe)

V4.5 (Fireball shell)

V4.5 (Blue)

V5 (White)

V5 (Cotton candy shell with pink buttons)

V5.5 (Red carpet shell)

V5.5 (Blue with purple stars shell)

Color (Yellow shell)

I'll keep the contest up until Friday morning and anounce the wining tama sometime on Friday! This contest is on my Tama-Zone blog aswell so i'll pick the TamaTalk winner and the Tama-Zone winner.

Well that's all for now!

Sorry I haven't updated yet today. I've been kinda busy.

Well on a sad note my plant tama (P2) left me today. Once I got home I unpaused him, and about a half hour later I heard the long beeps indicating he was leaveing. I quickly pulled him out of my pocket and saw him depart. I haven't started him up yet. I might later but I'm not sure.

Anyway on a happyed note my quest for Pukuten is going well. My angels AP hasn't went lower than 53!

Besides that now much has happened. My music star will leave the baby boy tonight! Any suggestions for his name?

Not too much has happened tama wise.

P2. I haven't started him up yet. I plan to soon.

Angel. About a hour ago my angel evolved! And whan I saw it I was pleased to see a cute little Pukuten looking back at me! That leaves me only 1 adalt Character (Oyajitenshi, the unhelthyst adalt), and 3 secret Characters (Sabotenshi (Cactice angel), Otonoten (The unhelthyse of all secret characters and comes from Oyajitenshi), and Lucky Unchi-Kun (Lucky Poop)) left to get!

V4. No change

Music star. Left the baby boy! I named him brandon. sadily I haven't had much time to unpause him yet. Maybe tomorow I will have more time.

Also just a reminder the tama-vote ends tonight so be sure to get in your vote! Here is a "copy and paste" of the contest info.


I think it's time to host the first annual Tama-Blog vote! All you have to do is send me a PM telling me which one of my inactive tamas you want me to start up! I was going to do it myself but what's the fun in that? Anyway here is a list of my inactive tamas!

V1 (Purple)

V2 (Blue flowers shell with pink buttons)

V3 (Red with white buttons)

V4.5 (Green with purple buttons)

V4.5 (Globe)

V4.5 (Fireball shell)

V4.5 (Blue)

V5 (White)

V5 (Cotton candy shell with pink buttons)

V5.5 (Red carpet shell)

V5.5 (Blue with purple stars shell)

Color (Yellow shell)

I'll keep the contest up until Friday morning and anounce the wining tama sometime on Friday! This contest is on my TamaTalk blog aswell so i'll pick the TamaTalk winner and the Tama-Zone winner.


Well that's all for now!

Well after a week of voteing it's time to anounce the winners of the tama-vote!

The Tama-Zone winner is... My Tamagotchi Color!

The TamaTalk winner is... My V1!!!

I unpaused the 2 winning tamas today.

V1. Is a Mametchi!

Color. Is the bee adalt! (I forgot the name but I'll look it up later!)

Well so far nothing eles has happened so.....

I'll post more later!
