Bella Luna - A Tamagotchi Blog


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Well i never did get to updateing my blog over the summer. :wacko: oh well. Well antway i will try to update this blog but i'll also be update my other blogs often!!! They are in my signiture!!! Besides that i have a few tamas unapused now!!! I have my music star (which is a girl verson of mametchi), my v5, my v5.5, and later my angle!!! Oh yea i go on tamagotchi music city alot now!!! Im TL0123!!! Im usaly a nazotchi :D , a spotchi, a moshitchi, or whatever caricter i have!!! Please vote for me!!!!! Well i'll update soon!!!

Well I haven't been unpausing alot due to school but right now i have my V5 and V5.5 unpaused!! There both low bondage adalts due to school haveing me miss most bonding calls but they should be able to get maried in a few days! As for music city I currently have a band of...

Nazutchi B) (ME!!! TL0123)

Dazzletchi (EM1700)

Dreamtchi (GB0123)

Here are the reacent places my band got

29th compitition 42 Place

30th compitition 17 Place

31st compitition 29 Place

Please help my band by voteing for us!!!

That's all for now!!!

I'll post more later!!!

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Well I have the habit of when I'm feeding my V5 or V5.5 I miscount when I'm feeding it resulting in the large family. Well yea it happened to my V5!!! Oh well I kinda like them!!! Infact I'm going to get the pudding family on my V5.5!!! There soooooo cute!!!!!!

Well that's all for now!!!

I'll post more later!!!

Well I was just checking if my tamas could marry and they could!!!!! My only boy large tama married a sunnytchi (On the first try!!! :D ) Well now I have a a little space baby boy!!!!! I filled up his stats and not much more has happened!!! Oh hes sick!!! All better after one medicine!!! Hmmmm he has a poo, 2 hungry lost, and 2 happy lost!!! All better!!!

I'll post more later!!!

Well not much happened yesterday except...... I BOUGHT A TAMAGOTCHI COLOR OFF OF EBAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) ;) :D :D :D Its yellow and still in the box!!!!! I'll be sure to post when it comes!!!!!!!!!

I'll post more later!!!

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Well I decided to play my angleotchi again to try to get all the characters(I got the healthiest group as in baby, toddler, healthy teen, chestnut adult, and twin adult!!!) but when I unpaused it IT HAD NO SOUND!!! I know how to put the sound on and off but it just doesn't work!!! Oh well it is twelve years old! And its not like I can't play it!!! And I do have a color coming soon!!! Well anyway its a tot now!!!

That's all for now!!!

I'll post more later!!!

Hi everyone!!! I haven't gotten my tamagotchi color yet but here is what has been happening with my tamas!!!

P2. nothing

Angleotchi. its the unhealthy teen (I'm trying to get the unhealthy character!)

V1 it the ball tot

V2 is with the baby boy!!!

V3 is a 6 year old papiratzitchi

V4 is with the baby boy

Green V4.5 is a teen

Globe V4.5 is a baby girl

V5 is the sunnytchi teen moontchi

Cotten candy V5(my brother game me his!!!) no battery

V5.5 is the low bondage adults

Music star. is the female verson of mametchi

Tamagotchi color. isn't here yet!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:

I'll post more later

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Well on the 32nd contest my band got 26th place!!!!! Not our best place but very good!!! Here is the band I will have on the 33rd contest...

TL0123 (ME!!!) (Nazutchi)



Please vote for us!!!

Sorry I can't remember what character they where when I signed up!!!

I'll post more later!!!

Ok I have BIG news!!! Well I was checking on my angle and it was sick so I gave it medicine (Note it was still the unhelthy teen) and it didn't cure it!! So I gave it another and another with no luck! Then I gave it one last injection and I couldn't believe my eyes IT WAS EVOLVEING INTO DEVILOTCHI!!!!! It was SO cool!!! I'll be sure to let you know exactly how I did it later!!! Anyway besides that my V4 left the baby! Its now the ball tot with a mohawk!!! His name is Mario!!! Hes doing great right now!!!

I'll post more later!!!

Here is what has happened to my tamas!

V3 Just left the baby which is named Bella

V4 is a young kuchipatchi!!!

V5 is a teen

V5.5 had 1 baby. Its a tot now!!!

Oh yea by the way[SIZE=21pt]MY TAMAGOTCHI COLOR IS HERE!!!!![/SIZE] Well almost :D :D :D Its at the post office and I get to pick it up after school!!!!! I CAN"T WAILT!!!!!

I'll post more later!!!!!

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YAY!!! MY TAMAGOTCHI COLOR IS HERE!!! Well it came yesterday but I havn't had time to post!!! :angry: It is SO worth every penny!!!!! Its a yellow perfectly working tamagotchi color!!! It hatched into a blue mushroom (a baby boy)!!! It soon after evolved into the dohnut tot!!! I have so far got some items that i'll explane more of on my web later! Well I have to go but later i'll post more about my color!!!

Well once again it seems that I haven't updated this blog in forever!!!

Anyway here is what has happened with my color...

1st gen...

baby boy-dohnut tot-young mametchi-mametchi-oldie

2nd gen...

baby boy-boy secoret caricter adalt dude

3rd gen... (Im on that one!)

baby boy-....its still a baby!!!

Well i've unpaused 2 other tamas just today!!!

My P2 is a tot and my angelotchi is a tot!!

I'll post more later!!!

Well not much has changed for the angel or P2 BUT...

I decided to unpause my V2!!!

Right now its a baby boy named Luigi(Yes I play the Mario Bros.)

Oh it looks like luigi is sick. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

All better!!! :D :D :D

Hmmm luigi seems hungry...

I'll play with him when i'm done doing this post.

Well i'll post more later!!! :kusatchi: :nazotchi: B) :mametchi: :( :( :hitodetchi: :unsure:


Once again my blog has gone un-updated...


Like I expected I'm back into tamas [SIZE=21pt]AGAIN[/SIZE]but I have a good feeling about it this time!!

Anyway here is a VERY detailed info updats on ALL 13 of my tamas!!!


At Ufo Screen


At tot stage


Name. Josh

Age 0

Gender. Boy

Weight. 20

Stage. Teen

Caricter. Itchigotchi ;)

Training. 2

Gen. 1


Needs batteries


Needs Batteries


Needs Batteries

V4.5 (Green)

Name. Kate

Age. 0

Gender. Girl

Weight. 22

Stage. Teen

Caricter. ???

Training. 4

Gen. 1

Smile. 36

Sparkle. 18

Smart. 6

GP. 2400

V4.5 (Globe)

Name. Rosie

Age. 0

Gender. Girl

Weight. 5

Stage. Baby

Caricter. Female Baby

Training. 0

Gen. 1

Smile. 0

Sparkle. 0

Smart. 0

GP. 0

V5 (White)

Reset Its self... ;) :( :(

And needs Batteries

V5 (Cotten Candy)

Needs Batteries


Family. Puffle

Bond. 0%

GP. 1590

Gen. 5

Music Star

Name. Kimmy

Age. 5

Gender. Girl

Weight. 44

Music. Rock "N" Roll

Stage. Adalt

Caricter. Sebiretchi (Yellow Dragon Tama)

Tune. 459

Rythem. 990

Original. 512

Band Name. TamaLove

Stress. 11

GP. 11171170

Gen. 3


Name. Max

Age. 1

Gender. Boy

Weight. 16

Happy Items. 3

Stage. Teen

Caricter. Young Manetchi

GP. 4200

Gen. 3

Also sadilly my brother has given up on tamas completely :( :( :( , so he gave me 3 of his! He gave me..

V4.5 (Flame)

V4.5 (Blue)

V5.5 (Blue)

They need batteries but I'm glad that after so long they will be cared for again!

Well that's all for now

I'll post more later!!!

The matchmaker (Band Maniger) met with kimmy (Music Star) a little bit ago and suggested a goast tama (Forgot the name) for a mate. They had a little baby boy! I'm not sure what I'n going to name him yet. Hmmmm...

I'll post more later!!!

Oh Yay! I have some good news! I finally got batteries for Mario (My V4)! Here is a total stat check!


Name. Mario

Age. 4

Gender. Boy

Weight. 32

Stage. Adalt

Caricter. The Buck tooth caricter

Training. 4

Gen. 2

Pencel. 43

Sparkle. 12

Flower. 19

GP. 2500

Trust me it's MUCH harder to get skill points on the V4 than the V4.5 or Music Star!

Well that's all for now!
