My opinion is that they should definatley make some boy colours, maybe a 'teen' line which is less childish, (it is kind of embarassing buying a tama with little girly hearts and liptick on if you're my age). I do like the true friends disco stars design, the green and orange. Just really make some different designs! Here are my ideas:
Teen line:

Brown shell and pink border with pink buttons and maybe some pink stars

Black shell with yellow border and yellow buttons, maybe some yellow ligntning bolts

Some striped ones

Lilac shell with grey border & buttons, maybe some nice designs along the sides
^_^ Light blue shell with some pretty grey circles or something and pink buttons and borders
Boyish ones:
<_< Black shell with some non-pastel colour
<_< A forest themed one

Maybe one with a truck or something for younger boys

You get the picture right?