Are you gay or lesbian?


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I am Christian but sometimes I don't agree with the bible, like with gays and lesbians for example. God should (and will) still love you no matter what you are, or what you look like, or what mistakes you make, etc.
I just thought I'd point this out. I know you don't believe in the whole Bible but I wanted to point out God DOES love you even if you are lesbain/gay/bisexual or a murderer/rapist/theif ect. Just because He says it's a sin doesn't mean He doesn't still love you.

As TigerLily said, there's a difference between quoteing the Bible and discriminating and people who just hate others because of their choices, what the look like, ect. is wrong. It's not like all Christians hate others, it's exactly the opposite. I don't hate people who are lesbian or gay and neither should other Christians.

[Having your earing in just your left ear or crossing your legs means nothing.]

I got a storie and its kinda sadng to me
Well my friends house is infront of my other friends house,

My other friends name is Megan, she's been my friend ever sence i've moved to my new house and ,by the way its were live now, anyway, the other girl's name is Kinzly ((she's about 8 i think)) well Kinzly had just move to Megans little town. Anyways Megan said to me "Im exsited, she'll be like my little sister" and thin Kinzly suppodaly (SP?) said to Megan she was Gay . Ok Kinzlys how old ? 8 years old! she doesent proble no what it means! so now Megans like really mean to here! and My sister baby sits the people that live next to kinzly, and so i went to help my sister baby sit and i tock the little girl to go swing. Well Kinzly came over. so we tock terns pushing the little girl ((i no her name i just dont feel like typen it)) And Kinzly started crying, because Megan had told everyone that she was Gay and she wasent. She really has a bad home life. Her parents are never home ! her big brother really takes care of them.I felt really good because she opend up to me .

Dont you think thats sad? i think it is
Well I will say the lying and makign someone upset is a bad thing. And using sexual orientation as an insult is so childish and stupid. Children who do this I honestly believe need some extra guidance and by the sounds of it this girl who started this garbage needs some. I would not continue to be around this girl. Home problems or not she needs to learn that is wrong and you can set the example.

i've qouted this a few times,...this is what i dont get ........
sorry for the delayed response to this, what I'm saying is that pretty much there are very narrow-minded people out there that don't think bisexuality really exists. They think that there people can either be heterosexual or homosexual with nothing in between. Or they think that it's just a "trend" going around to look cool (which makes NO sense to me but..that's what I've been accused of). When I came out many people told me I was just trying to look cool in front of guys, that is what really bothers me. Why can't I just be bisexual because I was born that way? People are so ignorant sometimes.

I just thought I'd point this out. I know you don't believe in the whole Bible but I wanted to point out God DOES love you even if you are lesbain/gay/bisexual or a murderer/rapist/theif ect. Just because He says it's a sin doesn't mean He doesn't still love you.
As TigerLily said, there's a difference between quoteing the Bible and discriminating and people who just hate others because of their choices, what the look like, ect. is wrong. It's not like all Christians hate others, it's exactly the opposite. I don't hate people who are lesbian or gay and neither should other Christians.

[Having your earing in just your left ear or crossing your legs means nothing.]
I like how you put that, that's exactly how everyone should look at these topics.

I am straight, but I have no problem watsoever with people who find sexual attraction to the same gender. It just makes everybody unique. What I do have a problem with, is people who think gays or lesbians are "bad" or have some sort of problem with them. Why? Gender is a complex thing. It actually means nothing. Liking the same gender makes you no different than the others around you.

I just thought I'd point this out. I know you don't believe in the whole Bible but I wanted to point out God DOES love you even if you are lesbain/gay/bisexual or a murderer/rapist?/theif ect. Just because He says it's a sin doesn't mean He doesn't still love you.
As TigerLily said, there's a difference between quoteing the Bible and discriminating and people who just hate others because of their choices, what the look like, ect. is wrong. It's not like all Christians hate others, it's exactly the opposite. I don't hate people who are lesbian or gay and neither should other Christians.

[Having your earing in just your left ear or crossing your legs means nothing.]
wats a rapist (red word)

wats a rapist (red word)
It's hard really to describe a rapist since there are many kinds of sick twisted folks out I'll just put the basic type up anyone feel free to add to this.

Rapists are unfortunately very sick people. They go around and tend to target a certain demographic of people. Then they sometimes stalk, harm sexually and do other things to innocent people to either get off to have control. Problems like this a rapist is usually tramatized when young, something or someone had hurt them in the in the present they go about causing others harm.

wats a rapist (red word)
[SIZE=14pt]A rapist is somebody who forces somebody else to have sex. When they do that, they rape them. That's all I know how to explain.[/SIZE]



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[SIZE=21pt]I agree with all of you. You can do what ever you want in your life. It's your life, your choice. Truthfully I dont even find being gay or leso mildly gross. But not to gross out people I say lemon (lesbian) and Yag (gay). But I think you can do whatever you want with your life. Even if I knew someone who turned yag or lemon i would still treat them the same way. I find it extremly rude to discriminate people because of the choices they make.[/SIZE]
People at school think I'm a lesbian :D I have friends that are Bi-Sexual and lesbian. I have nothing against them. I'm not lesbian or Bi though.
o im sry :D

People at school think I'm a lesbian :D I have friends that are Bi-Sexual and lesbian. I have nothing against them. I'm not lesbian or Bi though.
Well that's their problem. I hate the fact people just automatically assume you're the same as they are. People of different orientations sexually are perfectly able to hang out with others of a different perspective. I'm sorry you have narrowminded people you have to deal with.

Zoria 'tis straight.

But, I have no probs with them. I don't care what the bible says, I don't think it's wrong, my best friend is Bi.

I've come out to all of my friends. They had figured for years before that I was o.o'
All of my family is really anti-gay though x.x So I'm terrified to tell them. Part of me just wants to keep it from them until they eventually find out on their own. My mom doesn't even know that I've so much as just looked girls for the last 6-7 years let alone dated them. She's disgusted at the mere thought of two people of the same sex liking each other.

In one sense I'm terrified to tell her, but in another sense I want to tell her to slap her into reality and make her stop hating it.
Don't worry if you wish to be attracted to females your peersa nd parents don't have a say in the matter. my friend is a lesbian and has a lesbian mum and a ant-gay dad. I can see why that marriage didn't work.......

To all of your questions:

Yes, God says to love your neighbor as yourself. That's why I think the people that go around killing the Gay and Lesbos are just as sick in the mind as the people they kill! You are supposed to love them, but that does not mean to encourage them to be Gay or Lesbo!

God does tell us in the bible that it is wrong. I will look up the verse and post it later. I have read it before.

I also think that being mean, gossiping, and hurting Gay and Lesbos is very wrong.

And no. You are absolutely not born Gay or Lesbo. It is a choice you make along your life path. Some things that happened to you when you were growing up could dramatically affect your decision. If you are a Female, got raped by a Male, and have only Female friends, you will most likely grow up Lesbo. Because you will be accustomed to being around, playing with, and generally loving your girls!

Whew! That's my 2 cents!

To all of your questions:
Yes, God says to love your neighbor as yourself. That's why I think the people that go around killing the Gay and Lesbos are just as sick in the mind as the people they kill! You are supposed to love them, but that does not mean to encourage them to be Gay or Lesbo!

God does tell us in the bible that it is wrong. I will look up the verse and post it later. I have read it before.

I also think that being mean, gossiping, and hurting Gay and Lesbos is very wrong.

And no. You are absolutely not born Gay or Lesbo. It is a choice you make along your life path. Some things that happened to you when you were growing up could dramatically affect your decision. If you are a Female, got raped by a Male, and have only Female friends, you will most likely grow up Lesbo. Because you will be accustomed to being around, playing with, and generally loving your girls!

Whew! That's my 2 cents!
Some people actually say that they were born like that and didn't choose to be gay or a lesbian. I can't acually comment on that because I'm not so I can't say how they feel.

I'm straight and I didn't choose to be straight I just found someone I loved (my boyfriend) and only wanted him - and I think it's probably the same for people who like the same gender.

People are not encouraged to be attracted to the same sex, it's their choice nobody influences them. Just as straight people aren't encouraged to be attracted to the opposite sex.

And the thing about being raped is not true, I saw somewhere that a woman who had been raped got married and had children so it depends on the person. It may be true for some people, but not everyone.

I thought I was a lesbian. I'm not really attracted to guys, but then I realized I'm not really attracted to girls either.
There's a term the councelor at my teen center told me. PoMosexual. It's supposed to mean 'Post Modern'. In a nutshell means you fall in love with the person reguardless of their genitalia.

I define myself as PoMo.

I think the topic is appropriate so long as people stay respectful towards one another.
I'm kind of like that. I used to think I was bi.


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