Are you gay or lesbian?


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It bothers me that many people don't think bisexuality exists. It is very much a part of who I am, and not for any other reason than I am sexually attracted to both genders equally. Coming out to my friends and family was just as hard, and coming to terms with it myself was hard as well. It bothers me that many people think it's just a "trend". Anyone agree?
i've qouted this a few times,...

this is what i dont get ........

i've qouted this a few times,...this is what i dont get ........
okay she is saying that she is sick of ppl saying that Bi doesn't exist cuz that is wat she is and she is sick of ppl thinking it is a trend.

there i got it that time i read it :D

idk hah

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I want to change my answer.
After a long while of thinking I've come to realize that I'm not straight, bi, PoMo, what have you. I'm a lesbian.

The reason it took me so long to figure out is because I do enjoy straight sex, but I never really enjoy the other person. I hadn't realized that one can be a lesbian and still enjoy straight sex.

I'm not attracted to guys in any way be it their appearance, body, personality or anything. All I liked were the feelings associated with penetration. I am, however attracted to girls in every aspect.

I now have a question for people who are gay/lesbian and have come out to their parents.

How did you come out to them, and how did they react? x.x
Coming out was definitely one of the hardest things for me to do, but once you're through it, it can feel like a 1,000 pound weight that's been crushing you has been lifted off (that's how I felt). The first thing you have to think about is what your parents' views on gay people are. My parents are very pro-gay so it was easy for me, but if your parents aren't like that, you might want to consider coming out to someone you can trust. If they're the right people, get them alone. Coming out shouldn't be a public event, so isolate yourself. You should practice what you're going to say before you say it. I didn't, but I wish I had. Hopefully you get a positive response.

Also, if you trust one parent more than the other, you might want to tell the one you trust before you tell the other just because you'll know they won't have a negative reaction. I hope this helps.

Coming out was definitely one of the hardest things for me to do, but once you're through it, it can feel like a 1,000 pound weight that's been crushing you has been lifted off (that's how I felt). The first thing you have to think about is what your parents' views on gay people are. My parents are very pro-gay so it was easy for me, but if your parents aren't like that, you might want to consider coming out to someone you can trust. If they're the right people, get them alone. Coming out shouldn't be a public event, so isolate yourself. You should practice what you're going to say before you say it. I didn't, but I wish I had. Hopefully you get a positive response.
Also, if you trust one parent more than the other, you might want to tell the one you trust before you tell the other just because you'll know they won't have a negative reaction. I hope this helps.
I've come out to all of my friends. They had figured for years before that I was o.o'

All of my family is really anti-gay though x.x So I'm terrified to tell them. Part of me just wants to keep it from them until they eventually find out on their own. My mom doesn't even know that I've so much as just looked girls for the last 6-7 years let alone dated them. She's disgusted at the mere thought of two people of the same sex liking each other.

In one sense I'm terrified to tell her, but in another sense I want to tell her to slap her into reality and make her stop hating it.

If I was Lesbian, I wouldn't want to tell anybody. My Granny hates Gays. She thinks it's a sin. But I believe that it's true for most people that's you're born gay/bi/lesbian. I'm crazy for boys so I know I'm not gay.



Does it really mater? God said to love ur neighbor...that includes lesbians ,gays ,bi , AND pomo. I'm a christion...but I'm confused on what i friends are all ***** that are bi though... :D anyone have advise?

If I was Lesbian, I wouldn't want to tell anybody. My Granny hates Gays. She thinks it's a sin. But I believe that it's true for most people that's you're born gay/bi/lesbian. I'm crazy for boys so I know I'm not gay. 

that is qiut true

both of you

I think ((i dont no)) that in the bible it does say that its a sin

But also im with you,....and another thing is that it your choose, one can stop you ((not really you but ya no))

that is qiut trueboth of you

I think ((i dont no)) that in the bible it does say that its a sin

But also im with you,....and another thing is that it your choose, one can stop you ((not really you but ya no))
I also believe a lot of things we do are sin according to the bible. I think the bible is good to help one with whose faith is lost or is part of that religion but there's a difference between discrimination and quoting something from the bible. Elderly folks can sometimes have old values. Back when they were young they were told this was good and that was bad.

No matter who thinks its a sin, it is a person's choice like peatro said. That grandmother sounds like she likes her old way of doing things and has always followed that path. Nothing against that of course, but a lot of folks have come to the 21st century for a reason :eek:

Plus I personally believe any higher power that can't accept you for who you are (be it looks, thoughts or sexual orientation) is a higher power that needs their/it's own guidance.

its a little personel. Because if someone is GAY or LESBIAN then people will start teasing them. its not whats on the outside...Its whats on the inside :D

its a little personel. Because if someone is GAY or LESBIAN then people will start teasing them. its not whats on the outside...Its whats on the inside :(
People will tease them? Well that's fine because those people who choose to tease others who are different to them are a waste of life and time anyway. These days majority of folks would be more supportive than ridiculous like that. If anyone that comes out has a problem just remember the person who makes fun of you is worse off in everyeway possible and if not, what goes around comes around.

I got a storie and its kinda sadng to me

Well my friends house is infront of my other friends house,

My other friends name is Megan, she's been my friend ever sence i've moved to my new house and ,by the way its were live now, anyway, the other girl's name is Kinzly ((she's about 8 i think)) well Kinzly had just move to Megans little town. Anyways Megan said to me "Im exsited, she'll be like my little sister" and thin Kinzly suppodaly (SP?) said to Megan she was Gay . Ok Kinzlys how old ? 8 years old! she doesent proble no what it means! so now Megans like really mean to here! and My sister baby sits the people that live next to kinzly, and so i went to help my sister baby sit and i tock the little girl to go swing. Well Kinzly came over. so we tock terns pushing the little girl ((i no her name i just dont feel like typen it)) And Kinzly started crying, because Megan had told everyone that she was Gay and she wasent. She really has a bad home life. Her parents are never home ! her big brother really takes care of them.I felt really good because she opend up to me .

Dont you think thats sad? i think it is

WARNING: If you where only one earing on the left but none on the right, people will think you're gay! ( and also when you cross yo legs to sit.)

WARNING: If you where only one earing on the left but none on the right, people will think you're gay! ( and also when you cross yo legs to sit.)
That is not true. I know a guy who does both and everybody knows he ain't gay because he has a girlfriend who he has been dating for 2 years.


That is not true.



WARNING: If you where only one earing on the left but none on the right, people will think you're gay! ( and also when you cross yo legs to sit.)
That is not true. I know a guy who does both and everybody knows he ain't gay because he has a girlfriend who he has been dating for 2 years.


That is not true.




P.S. I sometimes cross my legs to sit and everybody knows I'm not gay

I am Christian but sometimes I don't agree with the bible, like with gays and lesbians for example. God should (and will) still love you no matter what you are, or what you look like, or what mistakes you make, etc.

A sin is not being born with different sexual interests, sin is lying, murder, things like that I guess you could say. God wants you to live your life. People may expect things of you or perfer something else, but if you can't help what you are than it shouldn't matter to anyone else except yourself.

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