Are you gay or lesbian?


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Im not exaggerating Tigerlily. B)
Well then I think you need to try some independent thought on your part, or work on skills to help you with dealing with peer pressures. Either way it's still your choice and no one can force you or make you do anything you don't want to.

No, I'm straight. I know gay people though, and it's not a choice. They can't choose to be straight just like we can't choose to be gay. Why would they choose to be gay anyway? Look at the way some people treat gay people; no one in their right mind would choose that!

i still have no idea wat i am ://

the whole Bi thing is disapearing fast since the only girl i like hasn't been around it almost a month :[[

I am not but i REALLY respect ppl who are. i know A LOT of gay ppl. :p

I have nothing against gays and lesbians but I don't think that this is an appropriate thing to be talking about on TamaTalk. There maybe some gay or lesbian people on here and they might be offended about this topic.
You can keep doing this but you have to think of other people too.
How is asking if you're gay/lesbian offending? It's a simple question. Geez I'm not gay but I even know it's not offending.


Well, in my opion I don't think it's neccesarly bad.

I know you think I am crazy, or gay/lesbain.

Well, I am NOT gay/lesbain.

I used to have a friend who was lesbain.

But, I wasn't her partner NO!

She kept that secret from me a long time.

But, when I found out I was disscusted.

But, grew ok with it.

Other people think gay/lesbain are bad people.

But, there not there just like you or me honestly.

You may think I am gross to think that but, it's just my opion.

How is asking if you're gay/lesbian offending? It's a simple question. Geez I'm not gay but I even know it's not offending.
I think they mean because some people might start saying 'it's wrong', which is offending to people who are gay/lesbian.

As people who judge other people are offending them.

I am defiantly not a lesbian...

Anyway, I personally think that being gay or lesbian is... odd, really. But I don't hate people that are. I mean, what can I do? Its their life and I respect that. I used to know someone who was a lesbian and she was nice. Her partner wasn't very nice, though, she scared me... (they broke up in the end)

I use to think I was Bi-Sexual and all the boys made fun of me so I had to hang out with the girls no boys =[

Some of them still think im lieing about not being Bi-Sexual so im just gonna stick to the girls for a while.

I think they mean because some people might start saying 'it's wrong', which is offending to people who are gay/lesbian.
As people who judge other people are offending them.
Oohh ok now I understand how it can be offending. But it isn't "wrong". I believe that some people are born with it and the rest choose to be.


Oohh ok now I understand how it can be offending. But it isn't "wrong". I believe that some people are born with it and the rest choose to be.
No they do NOT choose to be gay. They cant control it unless they were screwed up by there parents. Example: micheal jackson.


No they do NOT choose to be gay. They cant control it unless they were screwed up by there parents. Example: micheal jackson.
Yeah they CAN choose to be gay. My aunt chose to be gay. When she was a teen she dated guys but then she turned lesbian.


No they do NOT choose to be gay. They cant control it unless they were screwed up by there parents. Example: micheal jackson.
They can choose to be Gay/Lesbian. I could choose to be a lesbian even though I'm attracted to my boyfriend.

Some people can't control it and others probably choose to. It all depends on the person, we cannot speak for ever Gay/Lesbian person in the world.

They can choose to be Gay/Lesbian. I could choose to be a lesbian even though I'm attracted to my boyfriend.
Some people can't control it and others probably choose to. It all depends on the person, we cannot speak for ever Gay/Lesbian person in the world.
Meh, I stand corrected xD


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