Are you emo?


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1) Not all emos cut themselves, that is a hugely annoying generalization that I have to tell each kid that comes up to me.

2) "Emo" is a kind of music, that generated into a group of people, and a sort of state of mind. It usually stands for "Emoti-core" or emotionally hard core. That doesn't mean you're always depressed. =|

I am labeled emo, and I guess I am emo, mostly for the 2nd reason I put. *shrug*

I am not emo, i am more of a skater boy.

And I LOVE who I am. If your emo and you like it, be proud of your self!

I think emo's are really...stupid (no offense to you 'emo' peoples)

No one is emo, I mean like all of you say you are always depressed, some of you say you cut yourself, Come on! If no one knows the true meaning of emo, no one's emo. And when emo's say they want to die, go die in a hole and rot 'cause really, you just make yourself seem worthless.

something between emo and not. i'm sorta gothic, don't believe in cutting myself tho.

p.s. i didnt vote.

something between emo and not. i'm sorta gothic, don't believe in cutting myself tho.p.s. i didnt vote.
Okay, so do you like goth music, know the political views of a goth, and know how to be a goth, and know what kind of art a goth is?

Doubt it.

Okay, so do you like goth music, know the political views of a goth, and know how to be a goth, and know what kind of art a goth is?
Doubt it.
I meant 'gothic' as in clothing style. sorry, shoulda said 'punk' or somethin....

I agree with Mamitchi465, I don't think people can be labelled as emo unless they cut themselves. In my opinion a goth is an emo that doesn't cut themself.I'm not an emo but I have nothing against them. People can be whoever they want to be.
That is completely wrong. Just because someone is 'emo' and doesn't cut, doesn't make them a goth. You don't have to cut to be emo. People usually do that out of depression, or just to get negative attention.

That is completely wrong. Just because someone is 'emo' and doesn't cut, doesn't make them a goth. You don't have to cut to be emo. People usually do that out of depression, or just to get negative attention.
Like I said before, goth is more than a style of dress.

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im not really emo... im really into emo music& stuff, and im sorta depressed and cut myself a few times. but i dont dress emo or anything. :D

This is what some of you are saying:
If you say you're emo, you're a poser. But if someone else claims you're an emo, you might be emo, but you have to deny it so that you "aren't a poser". Then the the person who called you an emo is the media which then makes you a non-emo because you denied it and complain about being labelled and emo.

Honestly, try to define and debate what an emo is all you want but if there is no concrete definition, who are you to say that someone 'is a poser or a real emo' or whose definition of emo is 'wrong'?
i love you xD

emo *longlonglongpause* is....... nothing. it's like if everyone's definition of "emo" is different, how should we know who's right, and so how in the world do we even know who's who? it's nothing. nothing nothing nothing.

[SIZE=16pt]an' a note to all you labelers out there....[/SIZE]

if your gonna call someone anything, learn their name.

so be it.

[SIZE=16pt]an' a note to all you labelers out there....[/SIZE]

if your gonna call someone anything, learn their name.

so be it.
[SIZE=14pt]H I P O C R A S Y[/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt]Let me show you it.[/SIZE]

Well me and my friends now say there is no such thing as 'Emo'

Why? because it seems it has too many names and too many defenatoins.

thats all im gonna say, non of that emo is this and not that stuff.

i love you xD

emo *longlonglongpause* is....... nothing. it's like if everyone's definition of "emo" is different, how should we know who's right, and so how in the world do we even know who's who? it's nothing. nothing nothing nothing.

[SIZE=16pt]an' a note to all you labelers out there....[/SIZE]

if your gonna call someone anything, learn their name.

so be it.

No, I'm not Emo, but i know many people who are (this has been my vaccine).

There's nothing wrong with being Emo, it's the focus around selfharm and depression that annoys me. People who cuts themselves to get attention is bad - but i remember a time BEFORE emo where being a self harmer was a reason to be bullied and excluded. Self harmers were freaks back then (seven years ago), but now the real self injurers are just Emo. I don't like this development.

I don't like emo either. I can't stand the dull music and has hated punk rock and 'alternative music' since Sonic Youth's glory days in the nineties. I can't stand the syrupy Anime-stuff either. my stepsister is a big anime fan and i get it in my face every now and then, but im sick and tired. in my town Emo is a joke, but i like seeing different people.

My style is the same as always, and i mix in some of the Loligoth (i don't care if that's the wrong name) elements, and I listen only to metal. never, ever rock. But some people likes rock, others metal. :lol: :)

*performs an autopsy to the post*
1. Not all Metalheads who listen to Metal music are Emo. Most of the Megaman music, mainly X was Metal. IS THAT EMO?!

2. So my black cat is emo? BEcause she has a black fur coat? Oh wait, all people who wear black are emo? Pbbt..

3. Oh yeah?

4. Oh really? I didn't know that! So if an older person wants to dye their hair or get highlights because they are greyin', they are emo?

5. Uh, no. I seen some rave and metalheads do that also.

6. ALot of people speak slang. Is that emo? So if an ol' southeren mad speaks slow, is he emo?

Kid, you ain't Emo.
I love how you brought up Megaman. And that is very true!

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