Alone in Darkness


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Just try to wait. If it's really that unbearable. Tell me and meet me behind the school. Damien instructed her.

January blushed heavily and looked down, "Neither have I....."

January looked up at Eon and returned the smile, "Yeah...." she said softly.

Eon didn't know what to say or do again, so he just fidgeted with his hands.

January tilted her head a little." What do you want to do now?" she asked.

January sighed, "Ha, me neither." she stretched her arms out,"Want to go somewhere? Like, the park or something?"

"Alright," January jumped to her feet and offered Eon a hand up. "Let's go." she said with a bright smile.

Eon gladly returned the smiled, getting up. He held the door open for January.

January's smile grew. "Thank you," she chimed as she walked out the door.

January looked up into the sky and smiled when she saw the sun peeking out from behind some clouds. She looked over at Eon," It sure is nice out..."

January blushed a little when he held her hand, she was sure she had feelings for him. She looked down at their hands and then up at Eon with a big smile.

January gently swung their hands back and forth as they walked, a smile plastered on her face.

When they got to the park, Eon walked over to the pound and sat on a large rock, leaving room for January.

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