Actually TRYING to grow up too fast?


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I've never worn makeup in my life for any purpose, and I'm not planning to until I'm like, 80 lol. My friend and I used to be the only highschoolers that didn't wear makeup, but then one day she put eyeshadow on and eyleiner and blush, and that was very disappointing for me. I can't believe parents let their daughters go to school with tons of makeup on. Sometimes it does look pretty, but on other occasions, it makes them look horrible lol.

I've never worn makeup in my life for any purpose, and I'm not planning to until I'm like, 80 lol. My friend and I used to be the only highschoolers that didn't wear makeup, but then one day she put eyeshadow on and eyleiner and blush, and that was very disappointing for me. I can't believe parents let their daughters go to school with tons of makeup on. Sometimes it does look pretty, but on other occasions, it makes them look horrible lol.
I know. There are some girls who just look like straight-up clowns.

That's exactly what my fourth-grade sis does! She puts on a ton of eyeliner and thinks she looks pretty. I disagree out loud, not because I'm making fun of her, but because it really does make her look terrible.

[SIZE=7pt]I wear eyeliner.[/SIZE]And mascara.

And black eye shadow.

And other stuff.

I don't try to grow up too fast xD

But I think I'm a little old for that.

Today in the locker room there was this sixth grader talking to her friend. She was like:

"Yeah. I'm totally going to stretch out my shirt with my big ****s."

I giggled because I could see toilet paper coming out of the side of her bra xD
I LOL'ed at that. Srsly.

I sometimes get upset about the fact that i'm 12, and barely developed. But most people in my class have started their periods and everyone pretty much wears a bra, and it's quite sickening because they cake on thier make-up. I just feel really out of tune... -_-

Is it wrong for me to feel too under-developed/babyish?

- Leila x.

I sometimes get upset about the fact that i'm 12, and barely developed. But most people in my class have started their periods and everyone pretty much wears a bra, and it's quite sickening because they cake on thier make-up. I just feel really out of tune... -_-
Is it wrong for me to feel too under-developed/babyish?

- Leila x.
I don't think it's not normal, it's just that everyone "develops" at a different time than another person. :kusatchi:

It is really sad how young girls don't love Barbies, dresses and playing tea parties with their little friends any more. When I was 5 - 7 that's what being a girly little girl was! Now 'girly' is 'slutty', and it's sad. :blink: But you must remember that not ALL of the population of little girls are like that! Many are raised by lovely parents, and are sweet and innocent little dollie-playing girls through all their childhood years!
Have you made a 'tomboy' group? I am a tomboy. :eek:

It's too hard to seperate clods of people in the first few weeks of 4th grade,

but it's showing up O_O'

Cecib :D

Enjoy being young, seriously. I'm scared to go to 7th grade and I only started 6th. But my appearance is that of either a 3rd-4th grader [according to a kid on my bus] or a 6th grader last year [principal]. So I don't know... Also, I don't think there's any way a boy could grow up faster... is there?

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That's exactly how I feel, Coco Boy!

Our school has a dress policy against being slutty, I never see it broken except just after winter break or if the year just started.

And people didn't even break it this year. Although my sis probably will in a few years.

And I only hang out with one group of girls, and they just go through life, as I do. One of them is my crush, so hopefully things will work out.

Um, do they know what a D cup is? They are flat, and pull their bra strings down under their t-shirt sleeves.

Maybe I am just jealous that they got their period before mine, and brag about it..

I think these kids want to grow up too fast!
[SIZE=13pt]o_O LOL!![/SIZE]

Who in their right minds brags about getting there period before other people...?!What the heck?

I can just imagine the conversation...


"YAAY! I get to have blood gushing out of my uterus and you don't! :D Not to mention I get cramps! Ha ha ha!!

Aren't you sooooo jealous?! :D "


o.o" What a thing to brag about. :3♥

*Sigh* Silly children these days. T.T"

"YAAY! I get to have blood gushing out of my uterus and you don't! :p Not to mention I get cramps! Ha ha ha!!

Aren't you sooooo jealous?! ;) ?!?"
I lol'd.

[SIZE=13pt]o_O LOL!![/SIZE]Who in their right minds brags about getting there period before other people...?!What the heck?

I can just imagine the conversation...


"YAAY! I get to have blood gushing out of my uterus and you don't! ;) Not to mention I get cramps! Ha ha ha!!

Aren't you sooooo jealous?! :blink: "


o.o" What a thing to brag about. :3♥

*Sigh* Silly children these days. T.T"
LOL. :huh:

I hear girls talking about that. To me, I don't want to grow up. Not at all.

lol kids are so funny to watch at my school...wearing all this make up and acting all cool, and trying to make themselves more mature. Like i do care about my apperence but i still enjoy being a 12 year old kid =P

[SIZE=13pt]o_O LOL!![/SIZE]Who in their right minds brags about getting there period before other people...?!What the heck?

I can just imagine the conversation...


"YAAY! I get to have blood gushing out of my uterus and you don't! :huh: Not to mention I get cramps! Ha ha ha!!

Aren't you sooooo jealous?! B) "


o.o" What a thing to brag about. :3♥

*Sigh* Silly children these days. T.T"
[SIZE=14pt]Lawl. xD[/SIZE]

I wouldn't mind if I spontaneously became 20. Teens are the middle 'children', no right. And even if you have to get a job and pay income tax, why not? I really miss being five, though. Life was so good and easy.

I'm have a big chest, and I hate it. Do you know how annoying it is to heave around two melons that are permanently attached to your chest area? I also hate bras, they're way to constricting. Call me a hippie, I don't care.

Doesn't help that I'm like 5'3 either.

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Lol. I started grwing upo wen I was 9! I have grown up 2 fast and have thye biggest ****s in the year. I like makeup and try it on 2 look pretty but it makes me look bout 14 and im 13 (in 4 weeks) they r just trying 2 look older i guess. I didnt but i cant help tht I had a big chest at age 11! I have started my periods 2 Anime girl in year 7. Its better 2 get it earlier 4 practisetho and no1 wants 2 be da last 1 2 start.

bleh, it disgusts me when people try to grow up to fast.i seen 7 year olds making out, and the girl ask 'you got protection?'


that's stupid.

in fourth grade, everyone was PERVERTED.

and i know some one who's been smoking weed since FIRST GRADE.


i can't stand it when little kids wear belly shirts and mini skirts.

i hate it.
omg! They probs look like very baby teens! I hate them too. They r trying 2 be COOL. They are not! They r too young 2 do stuff like tht. Its cuz they see these teens and think: Wow! They look cool! They talking bout bras? What are bras? I will get on2 and stuff it and pretnend i hav a chest! Then My sisiter will look the same age as me! I look soooo cool now! God! It really wants 2 make me slap them when they go up to you and say stuff like: I Wear a bra and im 6! You wear a bra and you are 12! Im older than you! (tissue comes out) Its kind of funny tho too...

ahh dont worry theres girls im my school who dress like that they wear huge bras but have no ****s xD sure i may not have the smallest chest O_O but i dont brag..i mean sometimes they get in the way..and about those girls..dont worry theyll probably grow up to be sluts or lose there virginity at 14

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