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Ah, that's cool. And, nice, I love surfer dudes. Hot Seb/Jasper is a surfer, too, and he looks like one.

O: WHICH REMINDS ME! That's that hot guy I told you about and showed you the picture of at school, remember? And how me and my friends always say, "He is such model material!" what with being tall and gorgeous and great fashion sense? Well, he IS a model! I found out last week!! xDDD

And that is why it would never work between us. He's way too amazing for me :L

Yeah, right, exactly!

Christien put up a hand to gently caress her cheek, and looking right into her eyes now, thus holding her to his gaze. "Hey," he said to her, "You're forgetting something important about where I go to college. I'm studying English-- and Music on the side, but forget that--, for the past year I've been studying in America. Yes, I've been in California, but that's before I met yoy, so I chose to go there. I can study wherever I like. So wherever you go, I won't be thousands of miles away in Paris for too long at all, okay? Instead I'll go wherever you go. I'll study as close as I possibly can to you. Certainly, I'll be in the same state as you for nearly the entire school year." He pressed his lips to her forehead and murmured, "Dwell on the here and now, and the good times, my love. Besides, absence, in small doses, only makes the heart grow fonder. So the times when we see each other again for the first time in a little while will be that much sweeter."

Hahah Jasper?! That's like the sexiest name ever. Legit.

And YES! Haha HE IS?! DAAAYYUUMMM. That's soooo attractive. Haha

Aww don't think that way!

I took my French test today xD

Elaina allowed herself a small smile, knowing everything he was saying was completely true - which gave her some assurance...not a lot, but some. "You're right, I'm sorry." She told him, feeling bad her sorrowful mood was ruining the trip. Well, not ruining it, since it would take a lot to ruin the Eiffel Tower, but certainly putting a damper on it. She retracted her arms from around his middle, placing one kiss on his cheek before gesturing back towards the stairs. "Shall we go further?"

Ah, well, that's our codename for him xD His real name's Sebastian, usually called Seb.

I laughed so much. I mean, my friends and I always say how much Seb looks like he should be one, and then it turns out he is xD

It's true. Besides he'll be leaving school at the end of next school year, so there really isn't much point, despite his utter gorgeousness <3

Ah, how'd that go? :D

"It's okay, don't be. I understand that you're worried. I am, too. But I'm going to do everything I can to make sure we get to see each other as much as we can," Christien told her. He returned the kiss, and then took her hand, beginning to lead her up the second staircase to the next level. It was longer and much more vertical than the last, so having a rest stop at the second level was much welcomed.

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Oh well that is one good codename. Haha Seb's cute too

I wish there were manmodels at my school! xD

Aww, well I see your point.

I'm sure I aced it! :)


"Ugh," Elaina rubbed her eyes a bit after they'd successfully made it up the flight of stairs and were currently resting at the second level. "I'm so not made for this type of work-out. I'm probably sweating of five pounds right now; which is perfectly alright with me." She laughed and suddenly 'ooh'ed at the view, squeazing Christien's hand with delight. "Camera!" She sang, stealing it from off of his wrist quickly and snapping a few pictures. She then pursed her lips and thought, glancing around vigorously, "Excuse me, sir?" She addressed a rather elderly yet nice looking man who was a few feet away from them, "Could you possibly take a picture of us with the view?" To her enjoyment, the man understood English and could speak it quite well. "Of course, Madame." Elaina didn't feel the need to point out that no, they weren't married - as she knew Madame meant Mrs. in French - so she just grabbed Christien and settled him in a place where she thought would make the best picture. "How's this?" She asked the old gentlemen, wondering if they fit in the frame alright. "Fantastique! Really. You two are so, eh, photogetic, I believe is the word." Happy with the praise, Elaina smiled as attractively as she could and waited for the flash.

Well, yeah. I like it, too. Seb or Jasper is fine with me. But there aren't any other hot Sebs around, so we can't use his name around other people xD

I really cannot believe my luck! He does History, Music, French and English. That is dam.n sexy xD

Awesome :)

OO: Really!? That's amazing! =D Howcome?

"Sorry, it is a long walk. But don't say I didn't warn you. We could have taken the elevator, but then it's done in five minutes, so what's the point?" Christien said, chuckling, breathing a bit heavily as well as they reached the top. He then just smiled and let her put him into her desired position for the photo, and then settled into a comfortable position and smiled. The gentleman took a couple of photos, just to be sure, and then handed the camera back to Elaina. "Merci beaucoup, monsieur," he said to him gratefully. The man seemed surprised to get a French response, and also in a perfect accent.

"tes-vous français?" he asked him.

"Oui," Christien replied, "Je fais mes études en anglais a l'université, donc je vais souvent on Amerique. J'ai rencontré Elaina--" he motioned towards her-- "en vacances. Elle est ma petite copine."

The man nodded, and then recognition crossed his face. For Elaina's sake, he spoke in English as he said, "Ah, wait! I thought I knew your faces. You were on the TV-- you were in that plane crash! It's wonderful to meet you, it's kind of like meeting miracle workers," he chuckled, "I don't know how you did it."

"Me neither, really. It's not a nice thing to dwell on," said Christien, partly trying to steer the conversation away from that. It brought back difficult memories for both he and Elaina.

"Ah, I see. Well, anyway, have a nice day. I hope you like Paris," he said, directing the last bit to Elaina, and then waved as he turned to visit one of the souvenir shops that were on the second level.

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Haha he sounds perrffecctt

Because people in French tend to go to Paris, so I could this year...except it's a lot of money.

Elaina waved to the man, a slightly confused, partially curious expression lingering on her face. She wondered if anyone else would be able to recognize them while they were out; if they did, she hoped they didn't say anything...for her mental sake. "What did you two say in French?" She asked Christien while skimming some of the pictures the man took, thuroughly pleased with his photography talent.

I saw him today <3 Pwhoaarr he's totally edible xD

Ah, right. How much, exactly?

So, how be? :)

Christien waved back and then pursed his lips for a moment, wishing the man hadn't brought it up. Still, he hadn't known the kind of mental trauma they had been through-- how could anybody? It was unimaginable. "Oh, he just seemed curious and asked me if I was French. I said I am, that's I'm doing my university studies in English and spend a lot of time in America. I introduced you as my girlfriend, and said that I met you as a result of it all."

HHAH! Edible? Hmm..interesting adjective.

2,600 something perperson.

Gooood :)

Though, this Senior totally was gonna ask me out until he found out I was a freshman (at the mall) and that was depressing because he was gooorrgeeouuss!

The only problem was he was going to be 'legal' in four months at 18. BLAH RIGHT!

"Ah, I see. Well, he seemed very friendly." Elaina noted, strapping the camera around her wrist instead of Christien's this time, having a feeling that she would have to take more pictures rather soon. "Can we rest here for a few moments?" She asked him, plopping down on the ground, pulling her knees to her chest and deeply breathing - her golden bangs swishing up and down as she exhaled.

Well, he is xD

But I didn't see him today, and so am thoroughly disappointed :L

Holy crap, that's a lot OO:

Oh man D: But, it would be kind of weird. I mean, there was this couple who went out. The girl was in year eight, him in year twelve. It was so weird (though, I admit, she looked young-- you look older than 14--, he looked old, and the uniform makes a difference. He doesn't wear uniform, she wears a blazer, which shows he's older and she's in the lower school. People in the upper, like me, wear sweaters). And, yeah, that's the problem I have with that James guy. He's 'legal' and I was worried about that, because he's been legal for nearly two years, and since he's not getting any, he might ask. Though, I'm going to become 'legal' this month xD

So your situation is suckish on so many levels ):

"He certainly was for a French person. Especially an older man. French people are often quite rude about people being in their country and not speaking their language, and many older people can't speak any English at all. So you were quite lucky you happened to ask a nicer man. I should warn you that, as a nation, a sweeping but generally true statement, French people are rude, especially Americans ahd British. Don't take it personally," Christien told her, chuckling a little. He smiled and slowly sat down next to her, gently taking her hand in his. "You'll be happy to know that we've done all the climbing up stairs. You can only catch an elevator to the top, and then it's all downhill from there," he said. Despite this, he still definitely wanted to take advantage of the rest stop.

AWW! I didn't see my kid a lot today. So I share your dissapointment.

He's only three years older than me, though ): You know? And I don't feel this young. Grr. I'm sick of being 14 though (and I don't mean, like, turning 15. I can't wait 'till I'm 18..everything will be better in the guy situation xD)

And yeah, that James guy might be a prroobbleemmo with that sort of thing.

"So, French people are kind of like New Yorkers. Turst me, don't go there without someone from New York; the people there don't exactly tend to appreciate accents like the rest of the world. But they hate Americans too, so you just can't win there." Elaina laughed a bit and placed her cheek on the corner of his shoulder, absent-mindedly watching a fly scurry around near her foot. "And thank Goodness." She commented, addressing what he'd said about the elevator. "I definately could not walk up anymore stairs." She reached over with her hand closest to him and stroked his hair, playing with a few pieces.

Awh. Two days for me now xD

Three years just makes a lot of difference when you're a teenager, is what I mean. But I guess my friend's boyfriend is 20.

I agree, though, I don't really want to wish my life away, either.

Christien chuckled as well and said, "Oh, okay. Different to Californians then. And, clearly, Georgians." He smiled slightly and said, "It's worth it for the view, though, right?" He certainly thought it was, even after all the times he'd been. He sat and relaxed for a while, just watching her as she played with his hair, which he was also thoroughly enjoying. "Don't know which view is better, actually. You, or Paris."

TWENTY?! SHHHEESSSHH. That' LOT.. A biiigg difference.

Yeah. Man guy situations suck xD

"Oh! Of course the view is worth it." Elaina's eyes were quite focused on the scenery but switched to Christien when he'd complimented her. A nice blush crept onto her cheeks and she scoffed playfully, "Don't be silly; this view is amazing, and I admit, it beats me." She grinned at him, still twirling strands of his hair around her fingers.

Yeah, but it seems to be working for them. They're pretty cute together actually.

And, if you think about it, it's the same age gap between you and that senior.

Depressing subject, I agree. I don't necessarily think I need to have one, or I'm desperate for one, but I am curious.

"I thought you might say that," Christien said in reply to her first comment. To her next, he said, "I'm not so sure. You represent everything that is beautiful to me. Paris is just Paris, a beautiful place, but that's it. And I could also be away from Paris, but I can't even take my eyes off of you, let alone be away from you."

Aww, well mine's two years and eleven months older and he will be mine!

And oh my. True. I really don't have any problem with a 3 year age differece. It's really not that bad.

Well I'm not desperate either, just, you know, want one. Being single for 14 years sucks. Haha

"You're so adorable, Christien. I'm serious. I can't even stop thinking about you, even when I sleep. Is that pathetic or what?" Elaina laughed and moved over so her lips were close to his. She kissed his jaw-line and smirked against his skin. "You say the sweetest things and definately spoil me."

Ah, right. That's not too bad at all, really. Especially because you look older than 14. At least, I think you do.

No, I don't, either. You can't even tell with adults. It's just sometimes a three year age gap in teens is weird-- the girl who went out with a guy three years older than him looked about 11, was about 4"6 or something, while he was 17 and 6"2.

I guarantee, 16 years is worse. Imagine yourself single for over another year, and that's me xD

Oh, and, are you just way too cool for me now you're in high school? I have no life, and therefore, I miss you. xD

"If that makes you pathetic, then I'm pathetic, too," Christien replied, chuckling softly. He smiled gently at her and held her face in one of his hands, "How could I not want to spoil you? I'd have to do something to repay you for being so wonderful to me." He took a momentary pause before he said to her, "You know, we used to spend ages just kissing-- it even used to be an option of 'what are we going to do now?'. We don't do that so much anymore."

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Name: Lilly Beck

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Birthplace: London, England

Personality: Very quiet and reserved unless she is close to you. Can be extremely flirty at times, very cold at others. She laughs a lot, but isn't very much of an optimist on the inside. Very intelligent, but doesn't show it a lot because she doesn't want to get people's expectations up.

Appearance: She's around 5'5, slim but toned. Her large exuberant smile always reaches her icy blue eyes that always have a hint of seriousness and sadness in them. She has long, thick auburn hair and glasses that she hates to wear. She is much stronger than she looks. Her typical clothing consists of jeans and t-shirts; she likes to keep it simple.

Skills: Incredibly fast and flexible, also very creative.

Other: Nothing for now ^_^ .

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Haha nah I look about 18 apparently. Dude I want this kid SO BAD. Grr. I think I'm obsessing a bit but I don't care XD

And yeah..but we'd be soo cute together! Hee-hee. He will be minneee. I found out he's like 2 years and 11 months older than me. So when i'm 15 he'll be 18. Not too bad, right?

AH!HH!H!H! I'm so lonely already. Last night I watched the time traveler's wife all by myself in the dark on a saturday night ):

Haha no, I definately just do not have enough energy to get on the computer lately.

"I know, I've been distracted by the scenery of Paris - don't think I don't miss it though, because I definately do. A ton." Elaina commented in his reference to their lack of kissing. "It's been good practice though, for when I meet your parents. Because I don't think I'd make a very good impression on them if we were simply making out the entire time." She laughed lightly, her face still very close to his.

I always get told I look and act much older than 15, too.

How well do you actually know him, out of interest?

Aw, really? I do things like that all the time, I have noone to hang out with around here xD

"Well, you'd be surprised how easy it is to sober up when at a parent's house," Christien chuckled. "I miss it, too. We need to find our middle ground." Her being so close became far too tempting for him, and he eventually closed the gap and kissed her.

Yay for looking older :p

Haha absolutely nada. I mean physically...most. Haha he's also nice, though. I want to GET TO know him though, first, obviously.

Haha well I get home at 2..then pass out..till....6 then start my homework distratedly till 9. I'm trying to kill that schedule though.. :D

Man girl, get a man ;D

Elaina was about to say something and agree with him when he'd kissed her. "Mhmmm," she happily hummed into the kiss, remembering how much she enjoyed his mouth on hers. This moment was just too perfect; kissing on top of the Eiffel Tower with a gorgeous guy who loved her. She wound her fingers in his hair and nudged her body closer to his, liking the warmth and comfort, also, it intensified the kiss.

Yes! It's awesome =D

How tall are you, out of interest? (two of those random 'out of interest' questions in a row xD)

I see. I had wondered. I mean, I know you haven't been at school for all that long.

Ah right. High School is so tiring, I agree. And computers are so distracting xD

We've discussed this, it's very difficult for me. I must be unattractive. The other problem is that my school is actually in another town, half an hour away, so noone lives near me.

Christien was almost glad she hadn't been able to say anything else. Sometimes a moment just didn't beg for any more words. He kissed her passionately, wrapping one around her, while his other hand still cupped her face. He could not think of a better thing to be doing, a better location to be doing it in, or a better person to be doing it with.

^^ Uggh I wish this was me D:

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