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  1. H

    Hela´s log

    Hello! I haven´t written in several days because my boy has not news, he continues working at the fire station (firefighter)and he have a peacefull life, he haven´t recieved any poop or worm in the mail in the last days and it´s so happy, usuakky he is a little hungry, but is because he love to...
  2. H

    Hela´s log

    Today Tujos have recieved new job offers, and I changed my actual work, now he is firefighter hehehe! He could be a hero :D The matchmaker don´t come an he is 7 years old, I still waiting her... I´m visited the shop today and I bought him a mp3 player (It looks like an I-Pod xD) and an...
  3. H

    Hela´s log

    Hi!! Have passed three days and I haven´t writed in my log! I´m occupied with university homeworks... Tujos continue working in the amusement park, and do it very well, he is owning a points fortune! Because I don´t buy any class of food if it isn´t his favourite, hehehe! I´m waiting the...
  4. H

    Hela´s log

    Today Tujos have been paused almost all the morning, because I wake up too late and I need to rest :D Yesterday night I connected my tama with my friend´s tama "Ni", I gave her a canada ticket and flowers, but her only give me poops and worms :blink: Her was in a bad mood xD Yesterday I...
  5. H

    Hela´s log

    Hi! I could not write yesterday because I was out, but something good was happened... Tujos now is a Simasimatchi! Before meal he was a Gourmetchi, and after eating I looked him and he have evolved :D It´s SOOO cute!! Now I´m waiting the work offers, and also the matchmaker because my...
  6. H

    Hela´s log

    After being paused all the morning (as usual) Tujos starts the weekend today, he don´t will stay paused until wednesday (In spain today is friday) because here we have holidays on those days (Hehehe! :nyatchi: ) If I was him, I would be happy to stay on! I played the flags game, and now I have...
  7. H

    Hela´s log

    Hi! I´m here another time, after being paused yesterday during the morning (I´m at university and I can´t take proper care of him) Tujos has evolved into a Gourmetchi in the night, he wake up this morning being another tama :mellow: The same as the last V4 I had, but I don´t want another...
  8. H

    Hela´s log

    This is my frist log, I´m a little sad because I want to write about my last V4, but I lost it in the weekend (I´m so vague...) I had a new jinsei tamagotchi that I hatched today: Is a male Mizumatatchi Name: Tujos Year: 0 Gen: 1 Training: 1 He weigth 18 lb He born this evening, at 6:30...
  9. H

    Connection fail in V4

    I will try this Binary, thanks!
  10. H

    Connection fail in V4

    It´s a Jinsei V4, I´m sure. Their batteries are new (I bought it a week ago when I tried to connect) but I will try to change he batteries, thanks!
  11. H

    Connection fail in V4

    When we tried to connect, my tama was new it only have a week, and we tried to connect in all positions, upside down, horizontally... It can have a manufacturing defect?
  12. H

    Connection fail in V4

    Hi! I´m new in the forum and I´m a little sad that this is my frist post after my introduction :S I have an asian V4 and one of my friends have another but its european, we tried to connect them together but the connection failed all the times, we tried with present, visit... all the...
  13. H


    Thank you! ^^ Mi tama now has envolved into a togetchi and i waiting for a work offer...
  14. H


    Hello! Im a new member in this forum from Spain. Recently I remember that when I was a child I own a Dinkie Dino that someome give me as a present in my birthday. I ever wanted a original 1996 tama but at this time it become too expensive, and a few years after i get one and owned it for a short...