Hela´s log


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Sep 14, 2010
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This is my frist log, I´m a little sad because I want to write about my last V4, but I lost it in the weekend (I´m so vague...) I had a new jinsei tamagotchi that I hatched today:

Is a male Mizumatatchi

Name: Tujos

Year: 0

Gen: 1

Training: 1

He weigth 18 lb

He born this evening, at 6:30 aprox, and after take constant care it´s baby stage (his frist hour of life!) he evolved into Mizumatatchi, it´s the clear blue with stars design:


More news about Tujos coming soon! :)

Hi! I´m here another time, after being paused yesterday during the morning (I´m at university and I can´t take proper care of him) Tujos has evolved into a Gourmetchi in the night, he wake up this morning being another tama :mellow:

The same as the last V4 I had, but I don´t want another Togetchi at adult stage! I will increase his social points to evolve into a Simasimatychi, looks so cute!! :mellow:

I have selected the teacher for him, but I make a mistake and I selected mr. Turtle instead Mr. Canvas, I will have to play the flags game a lot!!

After I have put all the secret codes, now he have all code items, another time I introduce the passwords.

He is now:

-1 year old

-2 training points

-Weights 18 lbs

-All his hearts are full

-5 inteligence points, 25 fashion/arts points and 9 social/kindness points.

This is a proto of him taken yesterday, when he looks like an Arale´s poop:

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After being paused all the morning (as usual) Tujos starts the weekend today, he don´t will stay paused until wednesday (In spain today is friday) because here we have holidays on those days (Hehehe! :nyatchi: ) If I was him, I would be happy to stay on!

I played the flags game, and now I have more social/kindness points than fashion/arts points, I´m achieving my goal! In the future he should be my desired Simasimatychi!

Today he is:

-2 years old

-6 training points

-Weights 17 lbs

-All his hungry points are full, and three happy hearts too

-6 inteligence points, 27 fashion/arts points, and 33 social/kindness points.

Now he is sleeping, he wake up at 9 o´clock :D

Hi! I could not write yesterday because I was out, but something good was happened... Tujos now is a Simasimatchi! Before meal he was a Gourmetchi, and after eating I looked him and he have evolved :D It´s SOOO cute!!

Now I´m waiting the work offers, and also the matchmaker because my friend´s V4 born yesterday, and obviously I can´t mate Tujos with a children :furawatchi:

Now he is:

-3 years old

-All the training bar is full (Hehehe, a polite tama)

-Weigths 35 lbs

-All his hungry hearts are full, and all his happy hearts are empty because I just recieved a worm by mail :furawatchi:

-23 inteligence points,28 fashion/arts points and 78 social/kindness points.

I will play with him to make him fully happy again...

Today Tujos have been paused almost all the morning, because I wake up too late and I need to rest :D

Yesterday night I connected my tama with my friend´s tama "Ni", I gave her a canada ticket and flowers, but her only give me poops and worms :blink: Her was in a bad mood xD

Yesterday I also recieved a job offer to be firefighter, but I rejected it, today I recieved another offer and I accepted, now Tujos work in the amusement park catching ballons :D

Today he is:

-4 years old

-The training bar is full like yesterday, I don´t talk more of this.

-Weigths 32 lbs

-All his hungy/happy hearts are full

-23 inteligence points, 29 fashion/arts points and 133 social/kindness points.

Within 40 minutes, he will go to sleep

Hi!! Have passed three days and I haven´t writed in my log! I´m occupied with university homeworks...

Tujos continue working in the amusement park, and do it very well, he is owning a points fortune! Because I don´t buy any class of food if it isn´t his favourite, hehehe! I´m waiting the matchmaker, anyone know in what hour her come? If anyone know it, send me a pm please! I have never seen her... :p

Now he is:

-6 years old

-Weights 33 lbs

-All his hungry/happy hearts are full

-23 Inteligence points, 34 fashion/arts points and 191 social/kindness points

He´s still waiting for love... xD

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Today Tujos have recieved new job offers, and I changed my actual work, now he is firefighter hehehe! He could be a hero :D The matchmaker don´t come an he is 7 years old, I still waiting her...

I´m visited the shop today and I bought him a mp3 player (It looks like an I-Pod xD) and an umbrella, the umbrella is stripped like him! All the things are very cheap today (The shop means "sale")

Now he is:

-7 years old

-Weights 41 lbs (he have fattened!!)

-Alll his hungry/happy hearts are full

- 24 inteligence points, 42 fashion/arts points and 217 social/kindness points.

Hello! I haven´t written in several days because my boy has not news, he continues working at the fire station (firefighter)and he have a peacefull life, he haven´t recieved any poop or worm in the mail in the last days and it´s so happy, usuakky he is a little hungry, but is because he love to eat :)

I still waiting the matchmaker, or he become single old timer :(

Now he is:

-9 years old

-Weigths 40 lbs

-All his hungry hearts are full, and 3 happy hearts.

-24 inteligence points, 50 fashion/arts points and 241 social/kindness points.
