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  1. D

    would this betray my true religeon?

    ok i was surfing the web and looking up stuff about witches (ha i think its funny that people think they actually exist and have ACCUAL "spell books") and i came across a page about a religeon called 'wicca' (the way they were discribing it it soundid like more of a cult O.O) and anyway they had...
  2. D

    is somthing wrong with me?

    ok heres whats been going on , ive been getting 10 minute long stomache aches almost EVERY day ,and for two weeks i was COMPLETELY not even hungrey then all of the sudden my hunger came back, and i find it harder to run, im not unhealthy or anything, i USED to be the best track runner and the...
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    yeah i always FEEL somone hit me and stuf in my dreams D=
  4. D

    Your style

    pants. O.O
  5. D

    what do u do to express ur self

    when you are stressed and you have problems in life and stuf, what do u do to express your self? i draw what im feeling and it helps me feel better, somtimes i write a poem about my problem and in the end of the poem i have the solution to it, and somtimes i play the gutar if i jst want to...
  6. D

    strange ways you met yor..

    ok well i was walking home and the door was locked cuz my mom leavs to go to work before i leavew to go to school and i just happend to leave my key inside so i couldnt get back in!! my parents didnt get home till six and i had no minutes left on my cell,(i was 6 so i couldnt go anywere) then i...
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    horrible youtube video

    i cheked back and the video was cancled. tank god!! now no one has to wach that again!
  8. D

    Annoying girl

    ha! theres a guy in my class who ALWAYS quotes "gorge lopez' and i wont say anything cuz im not gonna admit that i wach gorge lopez a lot xD (in defence of my self its that my BROTHER waches gorge lopez a lot and i just happen to be around) but god hed anoying il be like "oh can i barrow a...
  9. D

    how many times a day do u embarres yourself

    ha! i embarrass mehself atleast five times a day today it was a six...a new record
  10. D

    Unnaturally Skinny?

    omg u hazve thae sam problem as me im too skiny and it seems like when i eat..i just get skinnier!! xD
  11. D

    going to wild rivers

    ok i have a secret of mine, ok im a really adventuras person and i am tough and stuff like that but when in comes to roller coasters a huge water slides, well those are my only fears. our class iz going to wild rivers at the end of the year and i really want to go cuz it looks fun but evry on...
  12. D

    Oh My God..

    wow thats realy sad!!! my grandma died of cancer not to long ago so i painted a picture of her wearing a leaf dress, leafs are a sign of long life, to simboliize that she will live on forever yeah i no its wierd but im big on art anywho im realy sorry for you!!!thats just so sad
  13. D

    yet anouther horrible video

    ok this morning i was waching the news and you wont believe this ok a girl "fell inlove' with a guy shed never met on myspace who was in a high school close to hers and she told him to meet her in one of the rooms at her school so the boy ended up being some captin of the football team and he...
  14. D

    horrible youtube video

    ok i will...i got the corage to wach the whole thing they had pinned him to a skate bored of some kind and the bunny was half unconsuios adn then they unstrappet all but one of the braces o his arms and legs and he was spazing out and trying to get away and he ended up craking his spin and...
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    horrible youtube video

    i own a rabbit and i like waching videos of rabbits cuz idk its cute ^.^ but i clicked on one with a cute picture of a bvunny and the video made me scik to my stomache tears actually wellded in my eyes (and im tough i never cry) theese teenage boys strapped a bunny to a table and were torturing...
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    ha! a lot of thisz are unnecisary but that dosnt stop us from doin'em lol and thanx xD
  17. D

    2 Bladder Stones for My Dog

    i really hope she makes it u have a really beautiful doggie :( as u can tell i like dogs (tee hee)
  18. D

    Goofy Funny Friends =D

    50% goofy + 40% funny + 10% sugar = my awsome friendz ^.^ we always take anything and name it and make it our best friend, like for example last year we bought a bouncy ball from wallmart cuz it had a cool smily face on it :( and we took him to school and named him "mr happy ball dell taco"...
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    (more) bunny problems

    well i wuz doing some research, and if they dont get nuetuerd then by the time their teens they become more agresive and prone to desise and hes reaching his teen-hood and latly i have been noticing hes more jittery and figety and he wont respond to my comands as he used too and when i took him...
  20. D


    im not really sure what the longest post ive ever made on TT ever ever ever ever ever ever was but im gonnnna tyre to run this on ON and on and on and on and on so sit back and listen to my really awsome-ly long and rambleing post and tecnicly im not off topic sp mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...