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i make loads of long posts.

i have loads of opinions. and i know someone, somewhere, is just dying to hear them xD

naw. but i can go on and on on a topic, i use details =p. i do it in real life, too. it's a habit. but good or bad?


On my log, maybe. But that's not on TT.

Maybe in the roleplay???


i make loads of long posts.
i have loads of opinions. and i know someone, somewhere, is just dying to hear them xD

naw. but i can go on and on on a topic, i use details =p. i do it in real life, too. it's a habit. but good or bad?
Exactly what I do. My friends always tease me for going on, and on about one subject. I always feel that explaining one more detail will help them understand something. Usually they'll already know and all my rambiling will be for nothing. 0.0

Well that was completely off topic! The longest post I've ever done is my Name Suggestion List. The scroll bar is super tiny! Lol! I think it's mostly because I pressed return every time I typed another name. I have an entire notebook full of tamagotchi names.


im not really sure what the longest post ive ever made on TT ever ever ever ever ever ever was but im gonnnna tyre to run this on ON and on and on and on and on so sit back and listen to my really awsome-ly long and rambleing post and tecnicly im not off topic sp mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. i think i always do REALLY REALLY REALLY REEEEEEEAAAAALLLLLLLYYYYYYYYY looooooooooooooooonnng posts cuz i dont no i guess im just cool like that. when im done with this on exytremly long post i will read all of your extremly long posts

on og my looooonnngggesssst posts waz about how my boyfriend and i spilt up and it waz rely rely rely rely sad and i also made a reallllllyyyy long one about my bunny who waz lonley and becoming a teen O.O (i wanna get him a spayed girlfriend) so i also made another omne about my awsome hamster who can type and it was three paragraphs chok full of hamster-y goodneess ^.^ AND i made a SUPERDy DUPER long one on the pictrues of you, topic so i bet you are thinking "wow this girl has the most awsome long post i have ever herd and it tottaly fits in with this topic and i think this chik ROX!!" i no...i can read ur minds O.O

so im thinking this iz the mopst awsomely long topic i have ever herd ever and i thik itz pretty long but i am just too lazy to realy at all type any more so i dont think im gonna keep randomly rambling on i bet ive anoyed yall enough so adios and i hope u enjoyed my extremely long post and.................yeh

.........so id have to say that THIS iz my longest post ^.^

I have no idea o.o

I've had a lot of long ones, and a lot of short.

Depends on the topic and my mood.

My guess is my longest is somewhere in Seriously N-TT.

i dont know and dont care, lol :furawatchi:
Yeah, it's not funny.

If your going to say something like that then keep it to yourself because your not making yourself cool. Your just looking for attention and a high post count. So please next time if your going to post like this again, think before you post it.


That was really unnecessary to post that but cool on your longest post.

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I've made a lot of long posts... Too many.

Most of the time I would ramble on, making it more confusing to me and everyone else. I'm just like that :furawatchi:

I've made a lot of long posts... Too many.Most of the time I would ramble on, making it more confusing to me and everyone else. I'm just like that :furawatchi:
Yeah I do that too sometimes. It's really funny.

Doglover10That was really unnecessary to post that but cool on your longest post.
ha! a lot of thisz are unnecisary but that dosnt stop us from doin'em lol and thanx xD

Yeah, it's not funny.
If your going to say something like that then keep it to yourself because your not making yourself cool. Your just looking for attention and a high post count. So please next time if your going to post like this again, think before you post it.


That was really unnecessary to post that but cool on your longest post.
Backseat moderatoring police plx!

Probably the start pf several of my RPS, or one really really long introductory/death scean. Ive made a lot of posts in the RP section.

or something on SRS-NTT, but that would have been a long time ago.

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