Well-known member
I just said I wasn't really aiming it at you. xDDDOops, sorry for being so bias. What I meant to say was those soldiers were idiots.
Were they even real soldiers?
I'm not sure, once again.
I just said I wasn't really aiming it at you. xDDDOops, sorry for being so bias. What I meant to say was those soldiers were idiots.
Were they even real soldiers?
PETA and weird followers also think Meat eaters aren't "human", either.No kidding.
I mean, torturing animals, thats one thing. Surviving, thats a different one. x_x
Loving and wanting to protect animals, one thing. Making four year olds have panic attacks from a dang comic book that convinces them that their parents are murderers because they eat meat or hunt, completaly different.
Good! Poor bunny :'(. Well now that bunnies going to have a happy life in heaven where animals are never abused while those teens rot in hell where they're always tortured then they'll know how the bunny felt.i cheked back and the video was cancled. tank god!! now no one has to wach that again!
Or you can get Lush. Which is organic, vegan about 90% of the time, doesn't contain 10474 tons of junk, is handmade, smells nice, and isn't tested on animals. ;_;that is curel i love animals
about a month ago on youtube
i saw a vid where they put a pig (guinea pig) in a microwave (it coooks them on the insidE)
it probabbly died and i think it was an adut it said do not do this at home
but some one is gonna
Also animal testing and abuse is mean as
and if you test on a animal it probably have s diffrent out come
Thats why i like the body shop
You are heartless and coldOkay okay.. Calm down everyone. Also, please avoid usin' the guilt tatic on me to feel sorry. It ain't gonna work. Nor will I shed a tear.
Relax. Just flag and report the video and move on. Don't cuss at the video uploader. Don't name call. Just move on. Youtube has a flagging opion. I have seen alot worst things on Youtube and so on.
You realise I have something called an "opinon". I am not closed minded like most people?Calm dow Nuttcase. and Starman, there are some users on here (Wont say em) that spazz out at comments like that. Careful~
Does he even know what IDGAD is?You realise I have something called an "opinon". I am not closed minded like most people?
And Nuttcase, get off my case, if we all cried over stupid things, there would be no point. So what if I don't care. My sig says "IDGAD".
I know what it means...Does he even know what IDGAD is?
If they scream, let them. People can also choose not to care.*Cough* I never said anything about your opion. I was just saying, some other members scream and throw a fit about some things, like Animal Abuse, Hannah Montanna Hate, The Color Pink, ect. It was jus a warning to watch out for such things~